Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0489
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0489  095th General Assembly



SR0489 LRB095 15081 GRL 41042 r


2     WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3 learn of the death of Orin Frederickson of Naperville, who
4 passed away on November 18, 2007; and
5     WHEREAS, Orin Frederickson was born in Aurora; he was a
6 graduate of Naperville Community High School; and
7     WHEREAS, Orin Frederickson served in the United States Army
8 from 1962 to 1965; he served in Vietnam during the early days
9 of the Vietnam War; and
10     WHEREAS, After his discharge from the U.S. Army, Orin
11 Frederickson worked in various construction and grounds
12 maintenance positions for many years until 1979, when he became
13 a school janitor for Naperville School District 203; after a
14 short amount of time as a janitor, he accepted a position as a
15 groundskeeper; he was promoted to head groundskeeper of the
16 school district in the 1980's, where he served until the time
17 of his passing; and
18     WHEREAS, Orin Frederickson took pride in his
19 well-maintained football and baseball fields, which garnered
20 the appreciation of spectators and employees alike; and



SR0489 - 2 - LRB095 15081 GRL 41042 r

1     WHEREAS, Orin Frederickson is survived by his wife of 35
2 years, Mary; his sons, Drew and Shane; his brothers, Gene and
3 Victor; his sisters, Elsie Hutton, Shirley Fisher, Sandra,
4 Diane Carter, and Alice Schultz; and his grandson; and
5     WHEREAS, Orin Frederickson will be remembered by all who
6 knew and loved him as a hard working man who took great pride
7 in his work; therefore, be it
9 ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn, along with
10 his family and friends, the passing of Orin Frederickson; and
11 be it further
12     RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
13 presented to the family of Orin Frederickson as an expression
14 of our sympathy.