Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB4683
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB4683  096th General Assembly




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1     AN ACT concerning State government.
2     Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 represented in the General Assembly:
4     Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the
5 African American Employment Plan Act.
6     Section 5. Purposes. The purposes of this Act are as
7 follows:
8     (a) improve the delivery of State services to Illinois'
9 African Americans by increasing the number of African American
10 State employees and the number of African American State
11 employees serving in supervisory, technical, professional, and
12 managerial positions;
13     (b) identify State agencies' staffing needs and
14 qualification requirements;
15     (c) track hiring practices and promotions of African
16 Americans employed by State agencies;
17     (d) increase the number of African Americans employed by
18 State agencies;
19     (e) increase the number of African American State employees
20 who are promoted;
21     (f) assist State agencies to meet their goals established
22 pursuant to the African American Employment Plan; and
23     (g) establish the African American Employment Plan



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1 Advisory Council.
2     Section 10. Definitions. In this Act:
3     "Department" means the Department of Central Management
4 Services.
5     "State agency" or "agency", whether used in the singular or
6 plural, means all departments, officers, commissions, boards,
7 institutions, and bodies politic and corporate of the State.
8 The term, however, does not mean the judicial branch,
9 including, without limitation, the several courts of the State,
10 the offices of the clerk of the supreme court and the clerks of
11 the appellate court, and the Administrative Office of the
12 Illinois Courts, nor does it mean the legislature or its
13 committees or commissions.
14     Section 15. African American Employment Plan.
15     (a) The Department shall have a full-time position
16 designated as the African American Employment Coordinator to
17 monitor compliance with the African American Employment Plan.
18     (b) The Department shall develop and implement plans to
19 increase the number of African Americans employed by State
20 agencies and the number of African Americans employed by State
21 agencies at supervisory, technical, professional, and
22 managerial levels.
23     (c) The Department shall prepare and revise annually an
24 African American Employment Plan in consultation with



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1 individuals and organizations knowledgeable on this subject
2 and with the African American Employment Plan Advisory Council.
3 The Department shall report to the General Assembly by February
4 1 of each year, beginning with February 1, 2011, each State
5 agency's activities that implement the African American
6 Employment Plan.
7     Section 20. State agency affirmative action and equal
8 employment opportunity goals.
9     (a) Each State agency shall implement strategies and
10 programs in accordance with the African American Employment
11 Plan to increase the number of African Americans employed by
12 that State agency and the number of African Americans employed
13 by that State agency at supervisory, technical, professional,
14 and managerial levels.
15     (b) Each State agency shall report annually to the
16 Department and the Department of Human Rights, in a format
17 prescribed by the Department, all of the agency's activities in
18 implementing the African American Employment Plan. Each
19 agency's annual report shall include reports or information
20 related to the agency's African American employment strategies
21 and programs that the agency has received from the Department,
22 the Department of Human Rights, or the Auditor General,
23 pursuant to their periodic review responsibilities; findings
24 made by the Governor in his or her report to the General
25 Assembly; assessments of service needs based upon the agency's



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1 service populations; information on the agency's studies and
2 monitoring success concerning the number of African Americans
3 employed by the agency at the supervisory, technical,
4 professional, and managerial levels and any increases in those
5 categories from the prior year; and information concerning the
6 agency's African American employment budget allocations.
7     (c) The Department shall assist State agencies required to
8 establish preparation and promotion training programs under
9 subsection (H) of Section 7-105 of the Illinois Human Rights
10 Act for failure to meet their affirmative action and equal
11 employment opportunity goals. The Department shall survey
12 State agencies to identify effective existing training
13 programs and shall serve as a resource to other State agencies.
14 The Department shall assist agencies in the development and
15 modification of training programs to enable them to meet their
16 affirmative action and equal employment opportunity goals and
17 shall provide information regarding other existing training
18 and educational resources, such as the Upward Mobility Program,
19 the Illinois Institute for Training and Development, the
20 Central Management Services Training Center, Executive
21 Recruitment Internships, and Graduate Public Service
22 Internships.
23     Section 25. African American Employment Plan Advisory
24 Council.
25     (a) The African American Employment Plan Advisory Council



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1 is created, consisting of 11 members, each of whom shall be an
2 African American subject matter expert, appointed by the
3 Governor.
4     (b) All members of the African American Employment Plan
5 Advisory Council shall serve without compensation, but shall be
6 reimbursed for their reasonable and necessary expenses from
7 funds appropriated for that purpose.
8     (c) The African American Employment Plan Advisory Council
9 shall examine: (1) the prevalence and impact of African
10 Americans employed by State government; (2) the barriers faced
11 by African Americans who seek employment or promotional
12 opportunities in State government; and (3) possible incentives
13 that could be offered to foster the employment of and the
14 promotion of African Americans in State government.
15     (d) The Council shall meet quarterly to provide
16 consultation to State agencies and the African American
17 Employment Coordinator.
18     (e) The African American Employment Plan Advisory Council
19 shall receive administrative support from the Department of
20 Central Management Services and shall issue an annual report of
21 its activities each year on or before February 1, beginning
22 with February 1, 2012.
23     Section 30. Collective bargaining agreements. The rights
24 of employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement shall
25 not be affected by this Act.



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1     Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
2 becoming law.