Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0435
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0435  099th General Assembly




SR0435LRB099 12120 GRL 34816 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3learn of the death of Rupert Nelson Evans, who passed away on
4April 24, 2015; and
5    WHEREAS, Rupert Evans was born on April 6, 1921 in Terre
6Haute, Indiana; his parents were Loran Nelson and Hazel Rupert
7Evans; he married Barbara Jean Barbre in 1941; following his
8first wife's death, he married Mary K. Flora Farber in 2000;
9Mary passed away on April 3, 2015; and
10    WHEREAS, Rupert Evans served his country as a member of the
11United States Navy in the Admiralty Islands during World War
12II; and
13    WHEREAS, Rupert Evans graduated from Indiana State
14Teachers College in 1946 and began teaching high school
15vocational machine shop in Indiana; he subsequently earned his
16Ph.D. in industrial psychology from Purdue University in 1950;
17he was also a Fulbright Scholar at Yokohama National University
18in Japan in 1957 and the recipient of 4 honorary doctorates;
20    WHEREAS, Rupert Evans taught for 32 years at the University
21of Illinois, where he served as head of 2 departments and as



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1dean of the College of Education; he was the major adviser for
2more than 50 doctoral students and was principal investigator
3on numerous funded research studies; he wrote 10 books and many
4articles on vocational and industrial education, teacher
5education, and bookbinding; he also served as president of the
6University of Illinois Faculty Senate and as a member of
7numerous all-university committees; and
8    WHEREAS, Rupert Evans was active in many academic,
9professional, and community organizations; he was a
10presidential appointee to numerous national committees and
11served as chairman of the National Academy of Sciences Study
12Committee on Vocational Education Research; he lectured and
13conducted research at various national and international
14universities; he served on the Champaign Unit 4 School Board
15for 2 terms and served on the board of the Champaign-Urbana
16Habitat for Humanity; he also served as a member of the Urbana
17Park District Advisory Committee and was the first president of
18the Urbana Free Library Foundation; and
19    WHEREAS, Rupert Evans is survived by 3 daughters, Ellen
20(Roger) Collins, Catherine (Ron) Westman, and Nancy (Paul)
21McNabb, and his many grandchildren and great-grandchildren;
22therefore, be it



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1ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we, along with his
2family and friends, mourn the passing of Rupert Nelson Evans;
3and be it further
4    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
5presented to the family of Rupert Evans as an expression of our