Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0330
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0330  095th General Assembly



SR0330 LRB095 13056 GRL 38697 r


2     WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3 learn of the death of Virgil Boucher of Peoria, who passed away
4 on August 8, 2007; and
5     WHEREAS, Virgil Boucher was born on October 25, 1909 in
6 Murphysboro; his parents were John S. and Rachel Lyerla
7 Boucher; he married Estella Bagley on August 8, 1937 in
8 Murphysboro; and
9     WHEREAS, Virgil Boucher graduated from Monmouth College
10 with a bachelor's degree in mathematics and chemistry; he
11 earned a master's degree from the University of Iowa in health,
12 physical education, and recreation and a master's degree from
13 Bradley University in guidance and counseling; and
14     WHEREAS, Virgil Boucher taught for 43 years in Illinois
15 high schools; he was head football coach at Woodruff High
16 School in Peoria for 20 years and served 10 years as a visiting
17 counselor; and he was coordinator of a program for crime
18 prevention and support for senior victims of crime; and
19     WHEREAS, Virgil Boucher was a member and held various
20 offices in many community organizations; he was a member of the
21 Kiwanis Club of Peoria, the Tri-County Heart Association, the



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1 Illinois Affiliate Chapter of the American Heart Board, Peoria
2 County Precinct Committeeman, the Congressional Awards
3 Committee, the Peoria Area Retired Teachers Association, the
4 Illinois Retired Teachers Association, the Forrest Hill United
5 Methodist Church of Peoria, Retired Senior Volunteer Program,
6 the Monmouth College Alumni Board, the Illinois Lieutenant
7 Governor's Legislative Forum, Methodist Hospital Older Adults
8 Advisory Board, and the Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity; he also
9 served as Director of the Court Counseling Program for Peoria
10 County and served as a Woodruff High School Key Club advisor;
11 and
12     WHEREAS, Virgil Boucher received many accolades for his
13 public service; he was the recipient of the Tom Connor Award
14 for Volunteer Community Service, the Raymond A. Blunt Award for
15 Outstanding Service to Key Clubs in the Illinois-Eastern Iowa
16 District, and the Kiwanis Luis Amados Award; he had also been
17 honored by the Illinois High Schools Football Coaches' Hall of
18 Fame, the Monmouth College Graduate M Club Hall of Fame, the
19 Woodruff High School Hall of Fame, and the Greater Peoria
20 Sports Hall of Fame; and
21     WHEREAS, Virgil Boucher served three terms on the Federal
22 Council on Aging and attended three White House conferences on
23 aging for the Council; and



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1     WHEREAS, Virgil Boucher was preceded in death by his wife;
2 his daughter, Judith Chamberlain; and his brothers and sisters;
3 and
4     WHEREAS, Virgil Boucher is survived by several nieces and
5 nephews; therefore, be it
7 ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn, along with
8 his family and friends, the passing of Virgil Boucher; and be
9 it further
10     RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
11 presented to the family of Virgil Boucher as an expression of
12 our sympathy.