Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB3076
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB3076  093rd General Assembly

HB3076 93rd General Assembly


                                     LRB093 11131 LCB 11935 b

 1        AN ACT concerning plats.

 2        Be  it  enacted  by  the People of the State of Illinois,
 3    represented in the General Assembly:

 4        Section 5.  The Plat Act is amended by changing Section 2
 5    and adding Section 2.5 as follows:

 6        (765 ILCS 205/2) (from Ch. 109, par. 2)
 7        Sec. 2.  The plat must be completed, a statement  from  a
 8    Registered  Land  Surveyor  attached  and acknowledged by the
 9    owner of the land, or his attorney duly  authorized,  in  the
10    same manner as deeds of land are required to be acknowledged.
11    The plat must be submitted to the city council of the city or
12    board  of  trustees  of the village or town or to the officer
13    designated by them, for their or his approval,  if  the  land
14    subdivided is located within the corporate limits of any such
15    city, village or town or within contiguous territory which is
16    affected  by  an official plan, or part thereof, of any city,
17    village or town. If the land subdivided  is  located  outside
18    the  corporate limits of any city, village or town and is not
19    affected by such official plan, or  part  thereof,  the  plat
20    must  be submitted to the county board of the county in which
21    the land is located for its approval. Within 3 business  days
22    after  a  plat  is  submitted for approval, the city council,
23    board of trustees, designated officer, or county board  shall
24    notify  the  president  of  the  school  board of each school
25    district in which any of the subdivided land is located  that
26    the  plat  has  been  submitted  for  approval and that it is
27    available for inspection.  The notice  shall  also  give  the
28    date,   time,  and  place  of  the  hearing  on  approval  or
29    disapproval of the plat.   The  notice  shall  be  served  by
30    certified  mail,  return  receipt  requested,  or by personal
31    delivery.  Failure to notify the school board as required  by
                            -2-      LRB093 11131 LCB 11935 b
 1    this Section does not invalidate the plat.
 2        Neither  the  city  council  of  the  city,  the board of
 3    trustees of the village or town or the officer designated  by
 4    them,  or  the  county board of the county shall approve such
 5    plat, unless, in addition to any other requirements  of  such
 6    council,  board of trustees or county board or the officer or
 7    officers designated by them, the  topographical  and  profile
 8    studies  to  be  submitted  with the subdivision plat have on
 9    their face the signed statement of a Registered  Professional
10    Engineer,  and  the  owner of the land or his duly authorized
11    attorney, to the effect that to the best of  their  knowledge
12    and belief the drainage of surface waters will not be changed
13    by  the construction of such subdivision or any part thereof,
14    or, that if such surface  water  drainage  will  be  changed,
15    reasonable   provision  has  been  made  for  collection  and
16    diversion of such surface waters into public areas, or drains
17    which the subdivider has  a  right  to  use,  and  that  such
18    surface  waters  will  be  planned  for  in  accordance  with
19    generally  accepted engineering practices so as to reduce the
20    likelihood of damage to the adjoining property because of the
21    construction  of  the  subdivision.  The  topographical   and
22    profile  studies  required  herein shall not be recorded, but
23    shall be retained and filed by city,  village  or  county  to
24    which  submitted  for  approval  of  the subdivision plat, as
25    permanent public documents.
26        Neither the city  council  of  the  city,  the  board  of
27    trustees  of the village or town or the officer designated by
28    them, or the county board of the county  shall  approve  such
29    plat,  unless,  in addition to any other requirements of such
30    council, board of trustees or county board or the officer  or
31    officers  designated  by  them, the plat has been approved in
32    writing (i) except in municipalities  with  a  population  of
33    1,000,000   or   more,   by   the   Illinois   Department  of
34    Transportation with respect  to  roadway  access  where  such
                            -3-      LRB093 11131 LCB 11935 b
 1    access  is  to  a  state  highway, (ii) by the relevant local
 2    highway authority with respect to all other  roadway  access,
 3    and (iii) by the local health department, if one exists, with
 4    respect to sewage disposal systems if any part of the platted
 5    land  will  not  be  served  by  a  public  sewer system.  An
 6    applicant  shall  simultaneously  file  with   the   Illinois
 7    Department   of   Transportation,   relevant   local  highway
 8    authority, or local health department, as appropriate, a copy
 9    of the application for preliminary  approval  of  a  proposed
10    plat  that  is  filed  with  the municipality or county.  The
11    department  or  authority  receiving  the  application  shall
12    review the application based solely  upon  safety  or  access
13    control standards and provide written approval or disapproval
14    to  the  municipal  or  county  plan  commission  and  to the
15    municipal or county corporate authorities not later  than  90
16    days  from  the date the application is received.  The 90 day
17    period may be changed by mutual agreement.   If  disapproved,
18    the  department  or  authority  shall provide reasons for the
19    disapproval related to safety or access control standards and
20    identify improvements that will remove the disapproval.   The
21    municipal  or  county  corporate  authorities may approve the
22    plat once the improvements have been  incorporated  into  the
23    application  or in the event that the department or authority
24    fails to respond in writing to  the  municipality  or  county
25    within  the  90  day  period  or  other period established by
26    mutual agreement. The  failure  of  the  city  council  of  a
27    municipality with a population of 1,000,000 or more to obtain
28    approval  of  a plat in writing by the Illinois Department of
29    Transportation with respect  to  roadway  access  where  such
30    access  is  to  a State highway, prior to the approval of any
31    such plat as required by this  Section,  where  such  failure
32    occurred on or after January 1, 1988 and before the effective
33    date  of  this  amendatory  Act of 1989, shall not affect the
34    validity of such plat, and any such plat otherwise  complying
                            -4-      LRB093 11131 LCB 11935 b
 1    with the provisions of this Section is validated.
 2        The  statement  of  the  Registered  Land Surveyor and of
 3    acknowledgment, together with the plat, must be  recorded  by
 4    the  Land  Surveyor  who  prepared  the  plat,  or  a  person
 5    designated   by  that  Land  Surveyor,  or  upon  the  death,
 6    incapacity, or absence of that Land Surveyor, by the owner of
 7    the land or his or  her  representative,  in  the  recorder's
 8    office of the county in which the land is situated, or if the
 9    title  to  the  land is registered under the Land Titles Act,
10    must be filed in the office of the registrar  of  titles  for
11    the  county,  and  such  acknowledgment and recording or such
12    acknowledgment and  filing  as  aforesaid,  shall  have  like
13    effect  and  certified copies thereof and of such plat, or of
14    any plat heretofore acknowledged and certified  according  to
15    law, may be used in evidence to the same extent and with like
16    effect,  as  in  case  of deeds. The recorder or registrar of
17    titles shall not  record  or  register  a  plat  offered  for
18    recording  or registration after October 1, 1977, unless such
19    plat is at least 8 1/2 inches by 14 inches but not more  than
20    30  inches  by  36  inches.  In counties of 1,000,000 or more
21    population the recorder or the registrar of titles  must  not
22    record or register the plat unless the persons submitting the
23    plat  for  recording or registration simultaneously therewith
24    deliver to the recorder or registrar of  titles  6  true  and
25    exact  copies  thereof.  In  all  counties,  the  recorder or
26    registrar of titles shall not  record  or  register  a  plat,
27    unless  the  plat  states  the current mailing address of the
28    person submitting the plat for recording or registration. The
29    recorder or registrar of titles shall not record or  register
30    a plat unless the plat is accompanied by the certification of
31    the  County  Clerk  required by Section 2.5 of this Act.  Any
32    changes to the unrecorded plat as may be desired or  required
33    by any party must be made by the Registered Land Surveyor who
34    prepared  the  original  plat, and in the event of the death,
                            -5-      LRB093 11131 LCB 11935 b
 1    incapacity, or absence of  that  Land  Surveyor,  by  another
 2    Registered  Land Surveyor who shall specifically identify the
 3    change or changes made on the face of the plat.
 4        An  original  plat,  having  been   properly   certified,
 5    acknowledged,   approved  and  recorded  or  filed  as  above
 6    provided in this Section, may be retained  as  the  permanent
 7    record by the recorder or registrar.
 8    (Source:  P.A.  86-284;  86-768;  86-1028;  86-1238; 86-1349;
 9    86-1475; 87-705.)

10        (765 ILCS 205/2.5 new)
11        Sec. 2.5.  Certification by the County Clerk.   Before  a
12    plat is recorded or registered, the plat must be submitted to
13    the  County  Clerk  and the County Clerk must certify that no
14    parcel contained within the plat is divided by any  political
15    subdivision or taxing district boundary.