Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB3073
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB3073  093rd General Assembly

HB3073eng 93rd General Assembly


HB3073 Engrossed                     LRB093 07852 NHT 08041 b

 1        AN ACT concerning education.

 2        Be it enacted by the People of  the  State  of  Illinois,
 3    represented in the General Assembly:

 4        Section  5.   The  School  Code  is  amended  by changing
 5    Sections 14C-8, 21-1, and 21-2 as follows:

 6        (105 ILCS 5/14C-8) (from Ch. 122, par. 14C-8)
 7        Sec. 14C-8.  Teacher  certification  -  Qualifications  -
 8    Issuance  of  certificates.   No person shall be eligible for
 9    employment by a school district as a teacher of  transitional
10    bilingual  education  without  either  (a)  holding  a  valid
11    teaching  certificate  issued  pursuant to Article 21 of this
12    Code  and  meeting  such  additional  language   and   course
13    requirements  as  prescribed by the State Board of Education,
14    in consultation with the State Teacher  Certification  Board,
15    or  (b)  meeting  the requirements set forth in this Section.
16    The State Board of Education, in consultation with the  State
17    Teacher  Certification  Board, shall issue certificates valid
18    for  teaching  in  all  grades  of  the  common   school   in
19    transitional  bilingual  education programs to any person who
20    presents it with satisfactory evidence that he  possesses  an
21    adequate  speaking  and  reading  ability in a language other
22    than English in which  transitional  bilingual  education  is
23    offered  and  communicative  skills in English, and possessed
24    within 5  years  previous  to  his  or  her  applying  for  a
25    certificate  under  this Section a valid teaching certificate
26    issued by a foreign country, or by a State or  possession  or
27    territory of the United States, or other evidence of teaching
28    preparation  as  may  be  determined  to be sufficient by the
29    State Board of Education,  in  consultation  with  the  State
30    Teacher  Certification  Board,  or  holds  a  degree  from an
31    institution of higher learning in a foreign country which the
HB3073 Engrossed            -2-      LRB093 07852 NHT 08041 b
 1    State Board of Education,  in  consultation  with  the  State
 2    Certification  Board,  determines  to  be the equivalent of a
 3    bachelor's degree from a  recognized  institution  of  higher
 4    learning  in  the  United  States;  provided  that any person
 5    seeking a  certificate  under  this  Section  must  meet  the
 6    following additional requirements:
 7        (1)  Such persons must be in good health;
 8        (2)  Such persons must be of sound moral character;
 9        (3)  Such  persons  must be legally present in the United
10    States and possess legal authorization for employment;
11        (4)  Such persons must not be  employed  to  replace  any
12    presently   employed  teacher  who  otherwise  would  not  be
13    replaced for any reason.
14        Certificates issued issuable  pursuant  to  this  Section
15    shall  be  called transitional bilingual certificates.  These
16    certificates are valid for 2 years and  may  not  be  renewed
17    more  than  3  times  for a period of 2 years each, after the
18    2nd, 4th, and 6th year of teaching.  A transitional bilingual
19    certificate may not be renewed unless the holder successfully
20    completes a  minimum  of  9  semester  hours  of  college  or
21    university   coursework  in  an  approved  education  program
22    leading to eligibility for an Initial  or  Standard  Teaching
23    Certificate,  issued  pursuant  to Section 21-2 of this Code,
24    during  each  2-year  validity  period  of  the  transitional
25    bilingual certificate.  All applications  for  renewal  of  a
26    transitional  bilingual  certificate shall be directed to the
27    State Board of Education and shall contain documentation that
28    the  certificate  holder  has  successfully   completed   the
29    required   coursework.  issuable  only  during  the  5  years
30    immediately following the effective  date  of  this  Act  and
31    thereafter  for  additional  periods  of one year only upon a
32    determination by the State Board of Education that  a  school
33    district  lacks  the  number  of teachers necessary to comply
34    with the mandatory requirements of Sections 14C-2.1 and 14C-3
HB3073 Engrossed            -3-      LRB093 07852 NHT 08041 b
 1    of this Article for  the  establishment  and  maintenance  of
 2    programs   of   transitional  bilingual  education  and  said
 3    certificates issued by the Certification Board shall be valid
 4    for a period of 6 years following their date of issuance  and
 5    shall not be renewed, except that one renewal for a period of
 6    two years may be granted if necessary to permit the holder of
 7    a certificate issued under this Section to acquire a teaching
 8    certificate  pursuant  to  Article  21  of  this  Code.  Such
 9    certificates and the persons to whom they are issued shall be
10    exempt from the provisions of Article 21 of this Code  except
11    that  Sections  21-12,  21-13,  21-16,  21-17,  21-19, 21-21,
12    21-22, 21-23 and 21-24 shall continue to be applicable to all
13    such certificates and certificate holders.
14        Each holder of a transitional bilingual certificate  must
15    develop  a plan for satisfying the renewal requirements every
16    2  years,  if  necessary,  and  must  maintain   records   of
17    completion  of  required  coursework  to  document his or her
18    progress.  Each school district that employs a  holder  of  a
19    transitional   bilingual  certificate  must  (i)  review  the
20    certificate  holder's  plan,  (ii)  monitor  the  certificate
21    holder's  progress  made  annually,  and  (iii)  retain   the
22    documentation provided by the certificate holder.  The school
23    district  must  certify  to the State Board of Education that
24    the  certificate  holder  has  successfully   completed   the
25    required coursework.  If exceptional circumstances exist, the
26    State  Superintendent  of  Education  may grant an additional
27    period of time to fulfill the renewal  requirements  for  one
28    2-year  period,  as  long  as  the  maximum  amount of time a
29    certificate is held is 8 years.  Eligibility and  application
30    for  the  additional  period  of  time shall be determined in
31    accordance with rules  established  by  the  State  Board  of
32    Education,   in   consultation   with   the   State   Teacher
33    Certification  Board.   Each  school  district that employs a
34    holder of a transitional bilingual certificate is  encouraged
HB3073 Engrossed            -4-      LRB093 07852 NHT 08041 b
 1    to  provide  mentoring  by  an experienced teacher during the
 2    first 2 years that the holder's certificate is valid.
 3        An individual who completes 4  years  of  teaching  after
 4    receiving  a  transitional  bilingual  certificate issued and
 5    renewed pursuant to this Section  qualifies  for  a  Standard
 6    Teaching  Certificate, provided that the individual satisfies
 7    the requirements for a Standard Certificate established under
 8    subsection (c)  of  Section  21-2  of  this  Code,  including
 9    successful  completion  of  the Standard Teaching Certificate
10    Examination beginning July 1, 2005.   An  individual  who  so
11    qualifies for a Standard Teaching Certificate without receipt
12    of an Initial Teaching Certificate must successfully complete
13    the  Initial  Teaching  Certification examination established
14    under subsection  (b)  of  Section  21-2  of  this  Code.   A
15    transitional  bilingual  certificate may not be renewed after
16    the 4th  year  of  teaching  unless  the  certificate  holder
17    satisfactorily  passes  the  test of basic skills established
18    under Section 21-1a of this Code  before  application  for  a
19    second  renewal.  After the effective date of this amendatory
20    Act of 1984, an additional renewal for  a  period  to  expire
21    August 31, 1985, may be granted. The State Board of Education
22    shall report to the General Assembly on or before January 31,
23    1985 its recommendations for the qualification of teachers of
24    bilingual  education and for the qualification of teachers of
25    English as a  second  language.  Said  qualification  program
26    shall take effect no later than August 31, 1985.
27        Beginning  July  1,  2001,  the  State Board of Education
28    shall implement a test  or  tests  to  assess  the  speaking,
29    reading,  writing,  and  grammar  skills  of applicants for a
30    certificate issued under this Section in the English language
31    and in the language of the transitional  bilingual  education
32    program  requested  by  the  applicant  and  shall  establish
33    appropriate  fees  for  these  tests.   The  State  Board  of
34    Education,  in  consultation  with  the  Certification Board,
HB3073 Engrossed            -5-      LRB093 07852 NHT 08041 b
 1    shall promulgate  rules  to  implement  the  required  tests,
 2    including  specific provisions to govern test selection, test
 3    validation, determination of a passing score,  administration
 4    of  the test or tests, frequency of administration, applicant
 5    fees, identification requirements for test takers,  frequency
 6    of  applicants  taking the tests, the years for which a score
 7    is  valid,   waiving   tests   for   individuals   who   have
 8    satisfactorily  passed  other  tests, and the consequences of
 9    dishonest conduct in the application for  or  taking  of  the
10    tests.
11        If  the  qualifications of an applicant for a certificate
12    valid  for  teaching  in  transitional  bilingual   education
13    programs  in all grades of the common schools do not meet the
14    requirements   established   for   the   issuance   of   that
15    certificate, the Certification Board nevertheless shall issue
16    the  applicant  a  substitute  teacher's  certificate   under
17    Section  21-9  whenever  it  appears  from  the  face  of the
18    application submitted  for  certification  as  a  teacher  of
19    transitional  bilingual  education and the evidence presented
20    in support thereof that the applicant's  qualifications  meet
21    the   requirements   established   for   the  issuance  of  a
22    certificate under Section 21-9; provided, that if it does not
23    appear from the  face  of  such  application  and  supporting
24    evidence  that  the  applicant is qualified for issuance of a
25    certificate under Section 21-9 the Certification Board  shall
26    evaluate  the  application with reference to the requirements
27    for issuance of certificates under  Section  21-9  and  shall
28    inform  the  applicant, at the time it denies the application
29    submitted for certification  as  a  teacher  of  transitional
30    bilingual  education,  of the additional qualifications which
31    the applicant must possess in order to meet the  requirements
32    established  for  issuance  of  (i)  a  certificate valid for
33    teaching in transitional bilingual education programs in  all
34    grades  of the common schools and (ii) a substitute teacher's
HB3073 Engrossed            -6-      LRB093 07852 NHT 08041 b
 1    certificate under Section 21-9.
 2    (Source: P.A. 91-370, eff. 7-30-99.)

 3        (105 ILCS 5/21-1) (from Ch. 122, par. 21-1)
 4        Sec. 21-1.  Qualification of teachers.   No  one  may  be
 5    certified to teach or supervise in the public schools of this
 6    State who is not of good character, good health, a citizen of
 7    the  United  States  or  legally  present  and authorized for
 8    employment, and at least 19 years of age.  If the holder of a
 9    certificate under this Section is not a citizen of the United
10    States 6 years after the date of the issuance of the original
11    certificate, any certificate held by such person on that date
12    shall be cancelled by the board of  education  and  no  other
13    certificate  to  teach  shall  be issued to such person until
14    such person is a citizen of the United States.  However,  the
15    State Superintendent of Education may extend this 6-year time
16    limit  for a period of 2 years if the person certifies his or
17    her intention to become a United States citizen and furnishes
18    proof that he or she has  filed  an  application  for  United
19    States  citizenship.   Upon  the expiration of this extension
20    period, the State Superintendent of Education  may  grant  an
21    additional  extension of 2 years upon proof that the person's
22    application for citizenship is pending.  If the person is not
23    a United  States  citizen  by  the  end  of  this  additional
24    extension  period, any certificate held by that person at the
25    end of this  period  shall  be  cancelled  by  the  board  of
26    education  and  no  other certificate may be issued until the
27    person furnishes proof that he or  she  is  a  United  States
28    citizen.
29        Citizenship  is  not  required  for  the  issuance  of  a
30    temporary  part-time  certificate to participants in approved
31    training programs  for  exchange  students  as  described  in
32    Section  21-10.2.  A certificate issued under this plan shall
33    expire on June 30 following the date of issue.   One  renewal
HB3073 Engrossed            -7-      LRB093 07852 NHT 08041 b
 1    for  one  year  is  authorized  if  the  holder remains as an
 2    official participant in an approved exchange program.
 3        In determining good character  under  this  Section,  any
 4    felony   conviction  of  the  applicant  may  be  taken  into
 5    consideration, but such a conviction shall not operate  as  a
 6    bar to registration.
 7        No  person  otherwise qualified shall be denied the right
 8    to be certified, to  receive  training  for  the  purpose  of
 9    becoming  a  teacher or to engage in practice teaching in any
10    school because of a physical  disability  including  but  not
11    limited  to  visual  and  hearing disabilities; nor shall any
12    school district refuse to employ a teacher on  such  grounds,
13    provided  that  the person is able to carry out the duties of
14    the position for which he applies.
15        No person may be granted or continue to hold  a  teaching
16    certificate  who  has knowingly altered or misrepresented his
17    or her  teaching  qualifications  in  order  to  acquire  the
18    certificate.   Any  other certificate held by such person may
19    be suspended or revoked by the  State  Teacher  Certification
20    Board,  depending  upon  the  severity  of  the alteration or
21    misrepresentation.
22        No one may teach or supervise in the public  schools  nor
23    receive  for  teaching  or supervising any part of any public
24    school fund, who does not hold a certificate of qualification
25    granted by the State Board  of  Education  or  by  the  State
26    Teacher  Certification Board and a regional superintendent of
27    schools as hereinafter provided, or by the board of education
28    of a city having a population exceeding  500,000  inhabitants
29    except as provided in Section 34-6 and in Section 10-22.34 or
30    Section 10-22.34b. However, the provisions of this Article do
31    not  apply to a member of the armed forces who is employed as
32    a teacher of subjects in the Reserve Officer's Training Corps
33    of any school.  Sections 21-2 through 21-24 do not  apply  to
34    cities  having  a  population  exceeding 500,000 inhabitants,
HB3073 Engrossed            -8-      LRB093 07852 NHT 08041 b
 1    until July 1, 1988.
 2        Notwithstanding any other  provision  of  this  Act,  the
 3    board  of  education  of  any  school district may grant to a
 4    teacher of the district a leave of absence with full pay  for
 5    a  period of not more than one year to permit such teacher to
 6    teach in a foreign state under the provisions of the Exchange
 7    Teacher  Program  established  under  Public  Law  584,  79th
 8    Congress, and Public Law 402, 80th Congress, as amended.  The
 9    school board granting such leave of absence may  employ  with
10    or  without  pay  a national of the foreign state wherein the
11    teacher on leave of absence will teach, if  the  national  is
12    qualified  to  teach  in  that  foreign  state,  and  if that
13    national will teach in a grade level similar to the one which
14    was  taught  in  such  foreign  state.  The  State  Board  of
15    Education shall promulgate and enforce such reasonable  rules
16    as may be necessary to effectuate this paragraph.
17    (Source:  P.A.  88-189;  89-159,  eff.  1-1-96;  89-397, eff.
18    8-20-95; 89-626, eff. 8-9-96.)

19        (105 ILCS 5/21-2) (from Ch. 122, par. 21-2)
20        Sec. 21-2.  Grades of certificates.
21        (a)  All certificates issued under this Article shall  be
22    State  certificates valid, except as limited in Section 21-1,
23    in every school district coming under the provisions of  this
24    Act  and  shall be limited in time and designated as follows:
25    Provisional  vocational  certificate,  temporary  provisional
26    vocational   certificate,   early   childhood    certificate,
27    elementary school certificate, special certificate, secondary
28    certificate,    school    service    personnel   certificate,
29    administrative  certificate,  provisional  certificate,   and
30    substitute  certificate.  The requirement of student teaching
31    under  close  and  competent  supervision  for  obtaining   a
32    teaching  certificate  may  be  waived  by  the State Teacher
33    Certification Board upon presentation to  the  Board  by  the
HB3073 Engrossed            -9-      LRB093 07852 NHT 08041 b
 1    teacher of evidence of 5 years successful teaching experience
 2    on  a  valid  certificate  and  graduation  from a recognized
 3    institution of higher learning with a bachelor's degree.
 4        (b)  Initial Teaching Certificate.  Persons who (1)  have
 5    completed  an  approved  teacher preparation program, (2) are
 6    recommended by an approved teacher preparation  program,  (3)
 7    have    successfully    completed    the   Initial   Teaching
 8    Certification examinations required by  the  State  Board  of
 9    Education, and (4) have met all other criteria established by
10    the  State  Board of Education in consultation with the State
11    Teacher Certification  Board,  shall  be  issued  an  Initial
12    Teaching  Certificate  valid  for  4  years  of  teaching, as
13    defined in Section 21-14  of  this  Code.   Initial  Teaching
14    Certificates  shall be issued for categories corresponding to
15    Early Childhood, Elementary,  Secondary,  and  Special  K-12,
16    with   special   certification   designations   for   Special
17    Education,  Bilingual  Education,  fundamental learning areas
18    (including  Language  Arts,  Reading,  Mathematics,  Science,
19    Social Science, Physical Development and Health,  Fine  Arts,
20    and  Foreign  Language),  and  other  areas designated by the
21    State Board of Education,  in  consultation  with  the  State
22    Teacher Certification Board.
23        (c)  Standard Certificate.
24        (1)  Persons  who (i) have completed 4 years of teaching,
25    as defined in Section 21-14 of this  Code,  with  an  Initial
26    Certificate  or  an  Initial Alternative Teaching Certificate
27    and have met all other  criteria  established  by  the  State
28    Board  of  Education  in  consultation with the State Teacher
29    Certification Board, (ii) have completed 4 years of  teaching
30    on  a  valid  equivalent  certificate  in  another  State  or
31    territory  of  the  United  States, have completed 4 years of
32    teaching on a valid certificate issued  pursuant  to  Section
33    14C-8  of this Code, or have completed 4 years of teaching in
34    a nonpublic Illinois elementary or secondary school  with  an
HB3073 Engrossed            -10-     LRB093 07852 NHT 08041 b
 1    Initial   Certificate  or  an  Initial  Alternative  Teaching
 2    Certificate, and have met all other criteria  established  by
 3    the  State Board of Education, in consultation with the State
 4    Teacher Certification Board, or (iii)  were  issued  teaching
 5    certificates  prior  to  February  15,  2000 and are renewing
 6    those certificates after February 15, 2000, shall be issued a
 7    Standard Certificate valid for 5 years, which may be  renewed
 8    thereafter  every  5 years by the State Teacher Certification
 9    Board based on proof of continuing education or  professional
10    development.   Beginning  July  1,  2003,  persons  who  have
11    completed  4  years  of teaching, as described in clauses (i)
12    and (ii) of this paragraph (1), have  successfully  completed
13    the  requirements  of  paragraphs  (2)  through  (4)  of this
14    subsection (c), and have met all other  criteria  established
15    by  the  State  Board  of Education, in consultation with the
16    State Teacher Certification Board, shall be  issued  Standard
17    Certificates.   Standard  Certificates  shall  be  issued for
18    categories  corresponding  to  Early  Childhood,  Elementary,
19    Secondary,  and  Special  K-12,  with  special  certification
20    designations  for  Special  Education,  Bilingual  Education,
21    fundamental learning areas (including Language Arts, Reading,
22    Mathematics, Science, Social  Science,  Physical  Development
23    and Health, Fine Arts, and Foreign Language), and other areas
24    designated  by  the State Board of Education, in consultation
25    with the State Teacher Certification Board.
26        (2)  This paragraph (2) applies  only  to  those  persons
27    required  to  successfully  complete the requirements of this
28    paragraph under paragraph (1) of  this  subsection  (c).   In
29    order  to  receive  a Standard Teaching Certificate, a person
30    must satisfy one of the  following  requirements,  which  the
31    person must identify, in writing, as the requirement that the
32    person  has  chosen  to  satisfy  to  the  responsible  local
33    professional  development  committee  established pursuant to
34    subsection (f) of Section 21-14 of this Code:
HB3073 Engrossed            -11-     LRB093 07852 NHT 08041 b
 1             (A)  Completion  of  a  program  of  induction   and
 2        mentoring  for new teachers that is based upon a specific
 3        plan  approved  by  the  State  Board  of  Education,  in
 4        consultation with the State Teacher Certification  Board.
 5        The  plan  must describe the role of mentor teachers, the
 6        criteria and process for their selection, and how all the
 7        following components are to be provided:
 8                  (i)  Assignment of a  formally  trained  mentor
 9             teacher  to  each new teacher for a specified period
10             of time, which shall be established by the employing
11             school or school district but shall be  at  least  2
12             school  years  in  duration,  provided that a mentor
13             teacher may not directly or  indirectly  participate
14             in  the  evaluation  of  a  new  teacher pursuant to
15             Article 24A of this Code or the evaluation procedure
16             of the school.
17                  (ii)  Formal mentoring for each new teacher.
18                  (iii)  Support for each new teacher in relation
19             to the Illinois Professional Teaching Standards, the
20             content-area  standards  applicable   to   the   new
21             teacher's  area of certification, and any applicable
22             local   school    improvement    and    professional
23             development plans.
24                  (iv)  Professional   development   specifically
25             designed  to foster the growth of each new teacher's
26             knowledge and skills.
27                  (v)  Formative assessment that is based on  the
28             Illinois   Professional   Teaching   Standards   and
29             designed  to provide feedback to the new teacher and
30             opportunities  for  reflection   on   his   or   her
31             performance,  which  must  not  be  used directly or
32             indirectly  in  any  evaluation  of  a  new  teacher
33             pursuant  to  Article  24A  of  this  Code  or   the
34             evaluation  procedure  of  the school and which must
HB3073 Engrossed            -12-     LRB093 07852 NHT 08041 b
 1             include the activities specified in clauses  (B)(i),
 2             (B)(ii), and (B)(iii) of this paragraph (2).
 3                  (vi)  Assignment    of    responsibility    for
 4             coordination  of the induction and mentoring program
 5             within each school  district  participating  in  the
 6             program.
 7             (B)  Successful  completion  of  4 semester hours of
 8        graduate-level coursework on the assessment of one's  own
 9        performance  in  relation  to  the  Illinois Professional
10        Teaching Standards.  The coursework must be  approved  by
11        the  State  Board  of Education, in consultation with the
12        State Teacher Certification Board; must be offered either
13        by  an  institution  of  higher  education,  by  such  an
14        institution in partnership with a  teachers'  association
15        or  union  or  with a regional office of education, or by
16        another entity authorized to issue  college  credit;  and
17        must  include demonstration of performance through all of
18        the  following  activities  for  each  of  the   Illinois
19        Professional Teaching Standards:
20                  (i)  Observation,  by  the course instructor or
21             another experienced teacher, of  the  new  teacher's
22             classroom  practice (the observation may be recorded
23             for later viewing) for the  purpose  of  identifying
24             and  describing  how  the  new  teacher made content
25             meaningful for students; how the  teacher  motivated
26             individuals and the group and created an environment
27             conducive  to  positive  social interactions, active
28             learning, and  self-motivation;  what  instructional
29             strategies  the  teacher used to encourage students'
30             development of critical thinking,  problem  solving,
31             and  performance; how the teacher communicated using
32             written, verbal, nonverbal, and visual communication
33             techniques; and how the teacher maintained standards
34             of professional conduct and provided  leadership  to
HB3073 Engrossed            -13-     LRB093 07852 NHT 08041 b
 1             improve students' learning.
 2                  (ii)  Review   and   analysis,  by  the  course
 3             instructor  or  another  experienced   teacher,   of
 4             written    documentation    (i.e.,   lesson   plans,
 5             assignments, assessment instruments, and samples  of
 6             students'  work)  prepared by the new teacher for at
 7             least 2  lessons.  The  documentation  must  provide
 8             evidence   of   classroom   performance  related  to
 9             Illinois Professional Teaching Standards  1  through
10             9,  with  an emphasis on how the teacher used his or
11             her understanding of students, assessment data,  and
12             subject  matter to decide on learning goals; how the
13             teacher  designed   or   selected   activities   and
14             instructional  materials  and aligned instruction to
15             the relevant Illinois Learning  Standards;  how  the
16             teacher  adapted  or  modified  curriculum  to  meet
17             individual  students'  needs;  and  how  the teacher
18             sequenced  instruction  and  designed  or   selected
19             student assessment strategies.
20                  (iii)  Demonstration  of professional expertise
21             on the part of the new teacher in reflecting on  his
22             or  her  practice,  which  was observed under clause
23             (B)(i) of this paragraph (2)  and  documented  under
24             clause  (B)(ii)  of  this paragraph (2), in terms of
25             teaching strengths, weaknesses, and implications for
26             improvement according to the  Illinois  Professional
27             Teaching Standards.
28             (C)  Successful   completion   of  a  minimum  of  4
29        semester hours of  graduate-level  coursework  addressing
30        preparation to meet the requirements for certification by
31        the  National  Board  for Professional Teaching Standards
32        (NBPTS).  The coursework must be approved  by  the  State
33        Board  of  Education,  in  consultation  with  the  State
34        Teacher  Certification  Board, and must be offered either
HB3073 Engrossed            -14-     LRB093 07852 NHT 08041 b
 1        by  an  institution  of  higher  education,  by  such  an
 2        institution in partnership with a  teachers'  association
 3        or  union  or  with a regional office of education, or by
 4        another entity authorized to issue college  credit.   The
 5        course  must  address  the  5 NBPTS Core Propositions and
 6        relevant standards through such means as the following:
 7                  (i)  Observation, by the course  instructor  or
 8             another  experienced  teacher,  of the new teacher's
 9             classroom practice (the observation may be  recorded
10             for  later  viewing)  for the purpose of identifying
11             and describing how  the  new  teacher  made  content
12             meaningful  for  students; how the teacher motivated
13             individuals and the group and created an environment
14             conducive to positive  social  interactions,  active
15             learning,  and  self-motivation;  what instructional
16             strategies the teacher used to  encourage  students'
17             development  of  critical thinking, problem solving,
18             and performance; how the teacher communicated  using
19             written, verbal, nonverbal, and visual communication
20             techniques; and how the teacher maintained standards
21             of  professional  conduct and provided leadership to
22             improve students' learning.
23                  (ii)  Review  and  analysis,  by   the   course
24             instructor   or   another  experienced  teacher,  of
25             written   documentation   (i.e.,    lesson    plans,
26             assignments,  assessment instruments, and samples of
27             students' work) prepared by the new teacher  for  at
28             least  2  lessons.  The  documentation  must provide
29             evidence of classroom performance, including how the
30             teacher used his or her understanding  of  students,
31             assessment  data,  and  subject  matter to decide on
32             learning goals; how the teacher designed or selected
33             activities and instructional materials  and  aligned
34             instruction   to   the  relevant  Illinois  Learning
HB3073 Engrossed            -15-     LRB093 07852 NHT 08041 b
 1             Standards;  how  the  teacher  adapted  or  modified
 2             curriculum to meet individual students'  needs;  and
 3             how  the  teacher sequenced instruction and designed
 4             or selected student assessment strategies.
 5                  (iii)  Demonstration of professional  expertise
 6             on  the part of the new teacher in reflecting on his
 7             or her practice, which  was  observed  under  clause
 8             (C)(i)  of  this  paragraph (2) and documented under
 9             clause (C)(ii) of this paragraph (2),  in  terms  of
10             teaching strengths, weaknesses, and implications for
11             improvement.
12             (D)  Receipt   of   an   advanced   degree  from  an
13        accredited  institution  of  higher   education   in   an
14        education-related   field,   provided  that  at  least  8
15        semester hours of the coursework completed count toward a
16        degree, certificate, or endorsement in a teaching field.
17             (E)  Accumulation  of  60  continuing   professional
18        development  units (CPDUs), earned by completing selected
19        activities that comply with paragraphs  (3)  and  (4)  of
20        this  subsection  (c).   However,  for  an individual who
21        holds an Initial Teaching Certificate  on  the  effective
22        date of this amendatory Act of the 92nd General Assembly,
23        the  number  of  CPDUs  shall  be  reduced to reflect the
24        teaching  time  remaining   on   the   Initial   Teaching
25        Certificate.
26             (F)  Completion     of    a    nationally    normed,
27        performance-based assessment, if made  available  by  the
28        State  Board  of Education in consultation with the State
29        Teacher Certification Board, provided that  the  cost  to
30        the  person  shall  not exceed the cost of the coursework
31        described in clause (B) of this paragraph (2).
32        (3)  This paragraph (3) applies  only  to  those  persons
33    required  to  successfully  complete the requirements of this
34    paragraph under paragraph (1) of  this  subsection  (c).   At
HB3073 Engrossed            -16-     LRB093 07852 NHT 08041 b
 1    least  one-half  the  CPDUs  a person must accrue in order to
 2    qualify for a Standard Teaching Certificate  must  be  earned
 3    through   completion   of  coursework,  workshops,  seminars,
 4    conferences, and  other  similar  training  events  that  are
 5    pre-approved by the State Board of Education, in consultation
 6    with  the  State Teacher Certification Board, for the purpose
 7    of reflection on teaching practices in order to  address  all
 8    of  the Illinois Professional Teaching Standards necessary to
 9    obtain a Standard  Teaching  Certificate.   These  activities
10    must meet all of the following requirements:
11             (A)  Each  activity  must  be  designed to advance a
12        person's knowledge and skills in relation to one or  more
13        of  the  Illinois  Professional  Teaching Standards or in
14        relation to the content-area standards applicable to  the
15        teacher's field of certification.
16             (B)  Taken  together,  the activities completed must
17        address  each  of  the  Illinois  Professional   Teaching
18        Standards  as  provided  in  clauses (B)(i), (B)(ii), and
19        (B)(iii) of paragraph (2) of this subsection (c).
20             (C)  Each activity must be  provided  by  an  entity
21        approved by the State Board of Education, in consultation
22        with  the  State  Teacher  Certification  Board, for this
23        purpose.
24             (D)  Each  activity,  integral  to  its   successful
25        completion,  must require participants to demonstrate the
26        degree to which  they  have  acquired  new  knowledge  or
27        skills,  such as through performance, through preparation
28        of a  written  product,  through  assembling  samples  of
29        students'  or teachers' work, or by some other means that
30        is appropriate to the subject matter of the activity.
31             (E)  One CPDU shall be available for  each  hour  of
32        direct  participation  by a holder of an Initial Teaching
33        Certificate in a qualifying activity.  An activity may be
34        attributed to more than one of the Illinois  Professional
HB3073 Engrossed            -17-     LRB093 07852 NHT 08041 b
 1        Teaching  Standards, but credit for any activity shall be
 2        counted only once.
 3        (4)  This paragraph (4) applies  only  to  those  persons
 4    required  to  successfully  complete the requirements of this
 5    paragraph under paragraph (1) of this  subsection  (c).   The
 6    balance of the CPDUs a person must accrue in order to qualify
 7    for  a  Standard  Teaching  Certificate,  in combination with
 8    those earned pursuant to paragraph  (3)  of  this  subsection
 9    (c), may be chosen from among the following, provided that an
10    activity  listed in clause (C) of this paragraph (4) shall be
11    creditable only if its provider is approved for this  purpose
12    by  the  State  Board  of Education, in consultation with the
13    State Teacher Certification Board:
14             (A)  Collaboration   and   partnership    activities
15        related to improving a person's knowledge and skills as a
16        teacher, including all of the following:
17                  (i)  Peer review and coaching.
18                  (ii)  Mentoring  in a formal mentoring program,
19             including   service   as   a   consulting    teacher
20             participating  in  a  remediation process formulated
21             under Section 24A-5 of this Code.
22                  (iii)  Facilitating parent  education  programs
23             directly   related  to  student  achievement  for  a
24             school,  school  district,  or  regional  office  of
25             education.
26                  (iv)  Participating  in  business,  school,  or
27             community partnerships directly related  to  student
28             achievement.
29             (B)  Teaching college or university courses in areas
30        relevant  to a teacher's field of certification, provided
31        that the teaching may only be  counted  once  during  the
32        course of 4 years.
33             (C)  Conferences,  workshops,  institutes, seminars,
34        and symposiums related to improving a person's  knowledge
HB3073 Engrossed            -18-     LRB093 07852 NHT 08041 b
 1        and skills as a teacher, including all of the following:
 2                  (i)  Completing  non-university credit directly
 3             related  to  student   achievement,   the   Illinois
 4             Professional  Teaching  Standards,  or  content-area
 5             standards.
 6                  (ii)  Participating   in   or   presenting   at
 7             workshops,  seminars,  conferences,  institutes, and
 8             symposiums.
 9                  (iii)  Training as external reviewers  for  the
10             State Board of Education.
11                  (iv)  Training   as   reviewers  of  university
12             teacher preparation programs.
13             (D)  Other  educational   experiences   related   to
14        improving  a  person's knowledge and skills as a teacher,
15        including all of the following:
16                  (i)  Participating  in  action   research   and
17             inquiry projects.
18                  (ii)  Observing   programs   or   teaching   in
19             schools,  related  businesses,  or  industry that is
20             systematic, purposeful, and relevant to a  teacher's
21             field of certification.
22                  (iii)  Participating in study groups related to
23             student   achievement,   the  Illinois  Professional
24             Teaching Standards, or content-area standards.
25                  (iv)  Participating in work/learn  programs  or
26             internships.
27                  (v)  Developing  a  portfolio  of students' and
28             teacher's work.
29             (E)  Professional leadership experiences related  to
30        improving  a  person's knowledge and skills as a teacher,
31        including all of the following:
32                  (i)  Participating in curriculum development or
33        assessment activities at  the  school,  school  district,
34        regional office of education, State, or national level.
HB3073 Engrossed            -19-     LRB093 07852 NHT 08041 b
 1                  (ii)  Participating   in   team  or  department
 2             leadership in a school or school district.
 3                  (iii)  Participating on  external  or  internal
 4             school or school district review teams.
 5                  (iv)  Publishing educational articles, columns,
 6             or   books   relevant   to   a  teacher's  field  of
 7             certification.
 8                  (v)  Participating   in   non-strike    related
 9             activities  of  a  professional association or labor
10             organization  that  are  related   to   professional
11             development.
12        (5)  A person must complete his or her chosen requirement
13    under  paragraph  (2)  of  this  subsection  (c)  before  the
14    expiration  of  his  or  her Initial Teaching Certificate and
15    must  submit  evidence  of  having  done  so  to  the   local
16    professional  development  committee.   Within  30 days after
17    receipt of a  person's  evidence  of  completion,  the  local
18    professional development committee shall forward the evidence
19    of  completion  to the responsible regional superintendent of
20    schools  along  with  the  local   professional   development
21    committee's  recommendation,  based  on  that evidence, as to
22    whether the person is eligible to receive a Standard Teaching
23    Certificate.  The local  professional  development  committee
24    shall  provide  a copy of this recommendation to the affected
25    person.
26        The regional superintendent of schools shall  review  the
27    evidence  of completion submitted by a person and, based upon
28    compliance with all of the  requirements  for  receipt  of  a
29    Standard  Teaching  Certificate,  shall  forward to the State
30    Board  of  Education  a  recommendation   for   issuance   or
31    non-issuance.    The regional superintendent of schools shall
32    notify the affected person of the recommendation forwarded.
33        Upon review of  a  regional  superintendent  of  school's
34    recommendations,  the  State  Board  of Education shall issue
HB3073 Engrossed            -20-     LRB093 07852 NHT 08041 b
 1    Standard Teaching Certificates to those who qualify and shall
 2    notify a person, in writing, of a decision denying a Standard
 3    Teaching Certificate.  Any decision  denying  issuance  of  a
 4    Standard  Teaching Certificate to a person may be appealed to
 5    the State Teacher Certification Board.
 6        (6)  The State Board of Education, in  consultation  with
 7    the  State  Teacher  Certification  Board, may adopt rules to
 8    implement this subsection (c) and may  periodically  evaluate
 9    any  of  the  methods  of  qualifying for a Standard Teaching
10    Certificate described in this subsection (c).
11        (d)  Master Certificate.  Persons who  have  successfully
12    achieved  National  Board  certification through the National
13    Board for Professional Teaching Standards shall be  issued  a
14    Master   Certificate,   valid  for  10  years  and  renewable
15    thereafter   every   10   years   through   compliance   with
16    requirements set forth by the State Board  of  Education,  in
17    consultation  with  the  State  Teacher  Certification Board.
18    However, each teacher who holds a Master Certificate shall be
19    eligible for a teaching position in this State in  the  areas
20    for  which  he  or  she  holds  a  Master Certificate without
21    satisfying any other requirements of this  Code,  except  for
22    those  requirements pertaining to criminal background checks.
23    A teacher who holds a Master Certificate shall be  deemed  to
24    meet  State certification renewal requirements in the area or
25    areas for which he or she holds a Master Certificate for  the
26    10-year term of the teacher's Master Certificate.
27    (Source:  P.A.  91-102,  eff.  7-12-99; 91-606, eff. 8-16-99;
28    91-609,  eff.  1-1-00;  92-16,  eff.  6-28-01;  92-796,  eff.
29    8-10-02.)

30        Section 99.  Effective date.  This Act takes effect  upon
31    becoming law.