Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0290
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0290  095th General Assembly



SR0290 LRB095 12743 GRL 38095 r


2     WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3 learn of the death of Catharine Louis Milano of Chicago, who
4 passed away on July 12, 2007; and
5     WHEREAS, Catharine Louis Milano was born on February 15,
6 1919 in Chicago; her parents were Catharine Louis Hussar and
7 John Holland; and
8     WHEREAS, Catharine Louis Milano graduated from Saint Mary
9 of the Woods College in 1999; she was a longtime board member
10 of Habilitative Systems, Inc.; she was a member of the Order of
11 the Eastern Star and Ridgemoor Country Club; she was a
12 supporter of the Saint Thomas of Canterbury School, Saint
13 Alban's Episcopal Church, the Chicago Multicultural Dance
14 Center, and many other charities; and
15     WHEREAS, Catharine Louis Milano was preceded in death by
16 her parents; her husband of 40 years, Daniel Milano; and her
17 sister, Jean-Charlotte; and
18     WHEREAS, Catharine Louis Milano is survived by her
19 children, Daniel George and the Rev. Mary Lucille; her sisters,
20 Mary Elizabeth (James) Leader and Laura Hussar (John) Jones;
21 her grandchild, Jean-Paul Milano; and her loving companions,



SR0290 - 2 - LRB095 12743 GRL 38095 r

1 friends, and caregivers, Stella and Mitica Marcu; and
2     WHEREAS, Catharine Louis Milano will be remembered by all
3 who knew and loved her for her fidelity, generosity, courage,
4 elegance, and grace she displayed throughout her entire life;
5 therefore, be it
7 ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn, along with
8 her family and friends, the passing of Catharine Louis Milano;
9 and be it further
10     RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
11 presented to the family of Catharine Louis Milano as an
12 expression of our sympathy.