Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0268
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0268  097th General Assembly




SR0268LRB097 12255 GRL 56736 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3learn of the death of Donald T. Anderson; and
4    WHEREAS, Donald Anderson graduated from Elgin High School
5in 1947; after graduating from Elgin Community College and
6Northern Illinois University, he earned his law degree from
7John Marshall Law School in 1981, three years before he
8retired; he passed the Illinois bar exam in 1982; and
9    WHEREAS, Donald Anderson became a justice of the peace in
101957; he served faithfully in the judicial system for the next
1127 years; he was one of the last judges in Illinois who had
12become a judge before becoming a lawyer; in 1970, he was
13appointed to serve as an associate judge in the 16th Judicial
14Circuit, which covered Kane, DeKalb and Kendall counties; and
15    WHEREAS, Donald Anderson was active in GOP politics before
16and after his retirement; he was the driving force behind the
17John Ericsson Republican League of Illinois for 50 years and
18was a longtime GOP precinct committeeman; in 1992, he ran for
19the Illinois State Senate seat being vacated by John Friedland
20but later withdrew from the race; and
21    WHEREAS, Donald Anderson was a longtime member of the



SR0268- 2 -LRB097 12255 GRL 56736 r

1Medinah Shrine Club, VFW Post 1307, American Legion Post 2910,
2Moose Club 799, Elks Club 737, the Riverside Club, and the
3Elgin Country Club; in 1990, he served as president of the
4Elgin United Civic Association, an umbrella organization that
5represents numerous other civic groups for lobbying and charity
6purposes; and
7    WHEREAS, Donald Anderson is survived by his wife, Nancy,
8and his son, Scott R. Anderson-Johnson; therefore, be it
10ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn, along with
11his family and friends, the passing of Donald T. Anderson; and
12be it further
13    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
14presented to the family of Donald Anderson as an expression of
15our sympathy.