Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0236
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0236  095th General Assembly



SR0236 LRB095 12409 GRL 37484 r


2     WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3 learn of the death of Guy H. Humphrey of Royalton, who passed
4 away on May 25, 2007; and
5     WHEREAS, Guy H. Humphrey was born on April 10, 1932 in
6 Royalton; his parents were John W. and Pearl (Butler) Humphrey;
7 he married Barbara (Loyd) Humphrey on December 21, 1962; and
8     WHEREAS, Guy H. Humphrey retired from Franklin County
9 Housing Authority in March 2006, where he worked as a
10 modernization coordinator; he was formerly employed by
11 Consolidated Coal Company and was a member of the UMWA; he was
12 a member of the United Methodist Church in Royalton; and
13     WHEREAS, Guy H. Humphrey was preceded in death by his
14 parents; his sisters, Earline Cain, Charlene Young, Margaret
15 Steele, and Irene Humphrey; and his brother, Joe Thomas
16 Humphrey; and
17     WHEREAS, Guy H. Humphrey is survived by his wife; his sons
18 and daughters-in-law, Randy and Julie Humphrey and Jon and
19 Andrea Humphrey; his grandchildren, Hannah LeeAnn, Alexandria
20 Justine, Guy Dalton, and Mattea Olivia Humphrey; his sister,
21 Stella Walker; his brother-in-law, Jack Steele; his nieces,



SR0236 - 2 - LRB095 12409 GRL 37484 r

1 Betty Seifert, Lillian Rains, and Malinda Krueger; and his
2 special great-niece, Melissa Krueger; therefore, be it
4 ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn, along with
5 his family and friends, the passing of Guy H. Humphrey; and be
6 it further
7     RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
8 presented to the family of Guy H. Humphrey as an expression of
9 our sympathy.