Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB2339
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB2339  093rd General Assembly

HB2339enr 93rd General Assembly


HB2339 Enrolled                      LRB093 09356 MKM 09591 b

 1        AN ACT concerning human resources.

 2        Be it enacted by the People of  the  State  of  Illinois,
 3    represented in the General Assembly:

 4        Section  5.  The  Illinois Workforce Investment Board Act
 5    is amended by changing Section 4.5 as follows:

 6        (20 ILCS 3975/4.5)
 7        Sec. 4.5.  Duties.
 8        (a)  The Board must perform all the functions of a  state
 9    workforce   investment  board  under  the  federal  Workforce
10    Investment Act of 1998, any amendments to that Act,  and  any
11    other  applicable  federal  statutes.   The  Board  must also
12    perform all other functions that are  not  inconsistent  with
13    the  federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998 or this Act and
14    that are assumed by the Board under its bylaws or assigned to
15    it by the Governor.
16        (b)  The Board must cooperate with the  General  Assembly
17    and  make  recommendations  to  the  Governor and the General
18    Assembly concerning legislation  necessary  to  improve  upon
19    statewide  and local workforce investment systems in order to
20    increase   occupational   skill    attainment,    employment,
21    retention,  or  earnings  of participants and thereby improve
22    the quality of the workforce, reduce welfare dependency,  and
23    enhance  the  productivity  and competitiveness of the State.
24    The Board must  annually  submit  a  report  to  the  General
25    Assembly  on  the  progress  of  the State in achieving state
26    performance measures under the federal  Workforce  Investment
27    Act   of   1998,  including  information  on  the  levels  of
28    performance achieved by the State with respect  to  the  core
29    indicators  of  performance  and  the  customer  satisfaction
30    indicator  under that Act.  The report must include any other
31    items that the Governor may be  required  to  report  to  the
HB2339 Enrolled             -2-      LRB093 09356 MKM 09591 b
 1    Secretary  of  the  United  States  Department of Labor under
 2    Section 136(d) of the federal  Workforce  Investment  Act  of
 3    1998.
 4        (b-5)  The  Board  shall implement a method for measuring
 5    the progress of the State's workforce development  system  by
 6    using  specified  benchmarks.   Those benchmarks are: (i) the
 7    educational level of working adults; (ii) the  percentage  of
 8    the  adult  workforce  in education and training; (iii) adult
 9    literacy;  (iv)  the  percentage  of  high  school  graduates
10    transitioning to education or training; (v) the  high  school
11    dropout rate; (vi) the number of youth transitioning from 8th
12    grade  to  9th grade; (vii) the percentage of individuals and
13    families at economic  self-sufficiency;  (viii)  the  average
14    growth  in pay; (ix) net job growth; and (x) productivity per
15    employee.
16        The Board  shall  identify  the  most  significant  early
17    indicators  for  each  benchmark,  establish  a  mechanism to
18    collect data and track the benchmarks on an annual basis, and
19    then use the results to set  goals  for  each  benchmark,  to
20    inform  planning,  and  to  ensure the effective use of State
21    resources.
22        (c)    Nothing in this Act shall be construed to  require
23    or  allow  the  Board  to  assume  or supersede the statutory
24    authority granted to, or impose any  duties  or  requirements
25    on,  the  State  Board  of  Education,  the  Board  of Higher
26    Education, the Illinois Community College  Board,  any  State
27    agencies  created  under  the  Civil  Administrative  Code of
28    Illinois, or any local education agencies.
29        (d)  No actions taken  by  the  Illinois  Human  Resource
30    Investment   Council   before  the  effective  date  of  this
31    amendatory Act of the 92nd General Assembly  and  no  rights,
32    powers,   duties,  or  obligations  from  those  actions  are
33    impaired solely by this amendatory Act of  the  92nd  General
34    Assembly.   All  actions taken by the Illinois Human Resource
HB2339 Enrolled             -3-      LRB093 09356 MKM 09591 b
 1    Investment  Council  before  the  effective  date   of   this
 2    amendatory  Act of the 92nd General Assembly are ratified and
 3    validated.
 4    (Source: P.A. 92-588, eff. 7-1-02.)