Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR2239
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR2239  099th General Assembly




SR2239LRB099 23390 GRL 50853 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3learn of the death of Helen Levin, who passed away on August
419, 2016; and
5    WHEREAS, Helen Levin was born in 1913 in Chicago; her
6parents were Isadore Pearlman and Sonya Garber; and
7    WHEREAS, Helen Levin spent the first years of her adult
8life as a publicist in Hollywood; she later returned to Chicago
9to work as a writer for a radio station; after marrying Dr.
10Ezra Levin in 1940, they moved to Champaign and raised three
11daughters; she then began to participate in a wide range of
12community organizations, including the League of Women Voters
13(local and State president, national treasurer), the Community
14Foundation (founder and vice president), the United Way (a
15founder and member of the board of directors), the
16Champaign-Urbana Jewish Federation (president), Sinai Temple
17(vice president), the North Central Association of Colleges and
18Schools (board of directors), the Parkland College Foundation
19(founding member), the Krannert Art Museum Council
20(president), and Blackburn College (member of the Board of
21Trustees); and
22    WHEREAS, Helen Levin was the first recipient of the



SR2239- 2 -LRB099 23390 GRL 50853 r

1Champaign Chamber of Commerce's Most Valuable Citizen Award in
21992; and
3    WHEREAS, In addition to her organizational skills and deep
4devotion to her family, Helen Levin was also a fine artist in
5painting and stitchery; her art decorated the spacious family
6home, which she helped design with the prominent Chicago
7architect, George Frederick Keck, and where she resided from
81950 until her passing; and
9    WHEREAS, Helen Levin was preceded in death by her daughter,
10Judy Levin; and
11    WHEREAS, Helen Levin is survived by her daughters, Dr.
12Susan Levin Dillbeck and Dr. Emily Levin; therefore, be it
14ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we, along with her
15family and friends, mourn the passing of Helen Levin; and be it
17    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
18presented to the family of Helen Levin as an expression of our