Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0214
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0214  093rd General Assembly

SR0214 93rd General Assembly


                                     LRB093 12485 HSS 17672 r

 1                          SENATE RESOLUTION

 2        WHEREAS, The members  of  the  Senate  of  the  State  of
 3    Illinois  were  saddened  to  learn of the death of Robert E.
 4    "Bob" Miller of Galva on Monday, June 23, 2004; and

 5        WHEREAS, Mr. Miller was born  on  November  19,  1929  in
 6    Kewanee  to  Robert  S.  and  Katherine H. (Brown) Miller; he
 7    married Dorothy J. Petty in September of 1950 in  Galva;  she
 8    preceded  him  in  death in November of 1957; he then married
 9    Alvina L. Bevard on August 22, 1959 in Galesburg; and

10        WHEREAS, Mr. Miller graduated from Galva High  School  in
11    1947;  he  had  worked for the LaFayette Home Nursery, Raymur
12    Schools in Galva, Metropolitan Life Insurance  Co.,  and  for
13    Chuck Hay Insurance in Galva; and

14        WHEREAS, He had been a member of the First Baptist Church
15    in Galva for more than 40 years; he was a member of the Galva
16    Manx  Society  and  served  as city forester for Galva for 18
17    years, helping Galva become designated as a "Tree  City"  for
18    which it received 18 awards; and

19        WHEREAS, Mr. Miller joined the Illinois National Guard in
20    1947  and  served  for  more than 30 years; he was at various
21    times the Company Commander of the Galva  and  Kewanee  Guard
22    units;  while  serving  in  the Guard, he received 7 Freedoms
23    Foundation Awards including the George  Washington  Medal  of
24    Honor; and

25        WHEREAS,  Mr. Miller was a member of the Galva Lions Club
26    for 25 years and had received the Melvin Jones Award; he  was
27    the Citizen of the Year for Galva in 2000; and

28        WHEREAS,  The  passing of Robert E. "Bob" Miller has been
29    deeply felt by many, especially  his  wife,  Alvina  L.;  his
30    children,  Robert  A.  (Rose)  Miller,  Mrs.  Scott  (Lesley)
31    Hillan,  David  B.  (Debra)  Miller,  and Michelle Smith; his
                            -2-      LRB093 12485 HSS 17672 r
 1    grandchildren, Mrs. Jason (Margeaux) Caruso, Lance and Jaclyn
 2    Smith, and Dustin Casteel; his aunt, Ruth  Goodman;  and  his
 3    nephews, Guy Rosenberg and Gary Rosenberg; therefore, be it

 5    ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the  passing
 6    of  Robert  E.  "Bob"  Miller  and  extend  to his family and
 7    friends our deepest sympathy; and be it further

 8        RESOLVED, That a suitable  copy  of  this  resolution  be
 9    presented to the family of Mr. Miller as an expression of our
10    sincere condolences.