Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR2018
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR2018  099th General Assembly




SR2018LRB099 22294 MST 49675 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3learn of the death of James N. Urhausen of St. Charles, who
4passed away on December 2, 2015; and
5    WHEREAS, James Urhausen was born in Berwyn to Jack and
6Florence Urhausen on October 6, 1943; he grew up in Hinsdale
7and worked his way through high school and college, often
8maintaining multiple jobs, including caddy, busboy, service
9station attendant, cashier, and dance instructor for Arthur
10Murray; he graduated from St. Procopius College in 1965 with a
11Bachelor of Arts in Political Science; and
12    WHEREAS, James Urhausen was a well-known and accomplished
13man and was involved in the City of St. Charles in multiple
14positions, including 25 years as fire and police commissioner;
15over four decades, he sat on numerous community boards while
16owning and running a very successful construction and
17consulting business for many years; he became a trained
18emergency medical technician and auxiliary policeman for the
19Village of Hinsdale; he went on to teach Comparative Government
20and American Constitutional History at Nazareth Academy in
21LaGrange Park before joining the Village of Hinsdale as
22Assistant Village Manager; and



SR2018- 2 -LRB099 22294 MST 49675 r

1    WHEREAS, James Urhausen was appointed as the first Village
2Manager for the Village of Oak Brook in 1969 at the age of 26;
3during his tenure, he oversaw much of the development that led
4Oak Brook to become the Illinois suburban hub for commerce and
5development that it is today; after four years in that role, he
6moved into the private sector, first joining the Collins
7Development Corporation in 1973 as Vice-President, followed by
8Westway Construction in 1980 as Executive Vice-President; the
9remainder of his career was spent as President and CEO of the
10firm from 1984 to 2003, where he oversaw the development of
11more than 1,500 homes in the Fox Valley, and led the company to
12becoming one of the largest home builders in Illinois; and
13    WHEREAS, In retirement, James Urhausen continued to dabble
14in real estate projects as an advisor and consultant to many of
15the Northwestern Illinois developments; throughout his career,
16he was directly responsible for the annexation, zoning, and
17development of almost 4,000 acres of property in Kane, Kendall,
18and DuPage Counties; and
19    WHEREAS, James Urhausen was the past Chairman of the
20Glenwood School for Boys and Girls, past President of the
21Neighborhood Improvement Association, a member of the St.
22Charles 708 Community Mental Health Board, and Director of the
23Delnor-Community Health Care System; the 25 years he gave to
24the City of St. Charles as Chairman of the Board of Fire and



SR2018- 3 -LRB099 22294 MST 49675 r

1Police Commissioners was particularly close to his heart; and
2    WHEREAS, James Urhausen was preceded in death by his
3parents; and
4    WHEREAS, James Urhausen is survived by his children,
5Kristen Anne (James) Kummerer, James "Jim" (Becky) Urhausen
6III, Brad Urhausen, and Samantha (Grant) Montgomery; his
7grandchildren, Tyler and Weston Urhausen; his brothers,
8William (Sodi), Steve (Debbie), and David (Diane); his sisters,
9Jeanne (John) Milito, Marianne (Bruce) Zolna, and Joanne (Jack)
10Schubert; and several nieces and nephews; therefore, be it
12ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
13James N. Urhausen, and extend our sincere condolences to his
14family, friends, and all who knew and loved him; and be it
16    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
17presented to the family of James Urhausen as an expression of
18our deepest sympathy.