Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SB1878
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SB1878  095th General Assembly



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1     AN ACT concerning employment.
2     Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 represented in the General Assembly:
4     Section 5. The Right to Privacy in the Workplace Act is
5 amended by changing Sections 12 and 15 as follows:
6     (820 ILCS 55/12)
7     Sec. 12. Use Restrictions on use of Employment Eligibility
8 Verification Systems.
9     (a) Until such time as any Employment Eligibility
10 Verification System, including the E-Verify program and the
11 Basic Pilot program, as authorized by 8 U.S.C. 1324a, Notes,
12 Pilot Programs for Employment Eligibility Confirmation
13 (enacted by P.L. 104-208, div. C, title IV, subtitle A), is
14 able to automatically verify the work authorization status of
15 99% of employees:
16         (1) employers are discouraged from participating in
17     any Employment Eligibility Verification System, unless
18     otherwise required by federal law; and
19         (2) the State of Illinois shall not participate in any
20     Employment Eligibility Verification System, unless
21     otherwise required by federal law. Employers are
22     prohibited from enrolling in any Employment Eligibility
23     Verification System, including the Basic Pilot program, as



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1     authorized by 8 U.S.C. 1324a, Notes, Pilot Programs for
2     Employment Eligibility Confirmation (enacted by PL
3     104-208, div. C, title IV, subtitle A), until the Social
4     Security Administration (SSA) and Department of Homeland
5     Security (DHS) databases are able to make a determination
6     on 99% of the tentative nonconfirmation notices issued to
7     employers within 3 days, unless otherwise required by
8     federal law.
9     (b) Upon initial enrollment in an Employment Eligibility
10 Verification System or within 30 days after the effective date
11 of this amendatory Act of the 95th General Assembly, an
12 employer enrolled in an Employment Eligibility Verification
13 System must attest, Subject to subsection (a) of this Section,
14 an employer who enrolls in the Basic Pilot program is
15 prohibited from the Employment Eligibility Verification
16 Systems, to confirm the employment authorization of new hires
17 unless the employer attests, under penalty of perjury, on a
18 form prescribed by the Department of Labor:
19         (1) that the employer has received the Basic Pilot or
20     E-Verify training materials from the Department of
21     Homeland Security (DHS) DHS, and that all employees
22     personnel who will administer the program have completed
23     the Basic Pilot or E-Verify Computer Based Tutorial (CBT);
24     and
25         (2) that the employer has posted the notice from DHS
26     indicating that the employer is enrolled in the Basic Pilot



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1     or E-Verify program and , the anti-discrimination notice
2     issued by the Office of Special Counsel for
3     Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices (OSC),
4     Civil Rights Division, U.S. Department of Justice in a
5     prominent place that is clearly visible to prospective
6     employees , and the anti-discrimination notice issued by
7     the Illinois Department of Human Rights (IDHR).
8     The employer must maintain the signed original of the
9 attestation form prescribed by the Department, as well as
10 copies of all CBT certificates of completion, and make them
11 available for inspection or copying by the Department at any
12 reasonable time.
13     (c) It is a violation of this Act for an employer enrolled
14 in an Employment Eligibility Verification System:
15 Responsibilities of employer using Employment Eligibility
16 Verification Systems.
17         (1) to fail to The employer shall display the notices
18     supplied by DHS and , OSC, and IDHR in a prominent place
19     that is clearly visible to prospective employees; .
20         (2) to allow an employee to use an Employment
21     Eligibility Verification System prior to having completed
22     the CBT; The employer shall require that all employer
23     representatives performing employment verification queries
24     complete the CBT. The employer shall attest, under penalty
25     of perjury, on a form prescribed by the Department of
26     Labor, that the employer representatives completed the



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1     CBT.
2         (3) to fail to The employer shall become familiar with
3     and comply with the Basic Pilot Manual.
4         (4) The employer shall notify all prospective
5     employees at the time of application that such employment
6     verification system may be used for immigration
7     enforcement purposes.
8         (5) The employer shall provide all employees who
9     receive a tentative nonconfirmation with a referral letter
10     and contact information for what agency the employee must
11     contact to resolve the discrepancy.
12         (6) The employer shall comply with the Illinois Human
13     Rights Act and any applicable federal anti-discrimination
14     laws.
15          (7) The employer shall use the information it receives
16     from SSA or DHS only to confirm the employment eligibility
17     of newly-hired employees after completion of the Form I-9.
18     The employer shall safeguard the this information
19     contained in the Employment Eligibility Verification
20     System, and the means of access to the System it (such as
21     passwords and other privacy protections). An employer
22     shall , to ensure that the System it is not used for any
23     other purpose other than employment verification of
24     newly-hired employees and shall ensure as necessary to
25     protect its confidentiality, including ensuring that the
26     information contained in the System and the means of access



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1     to the System are it is not disseminated to any person
2     other than employees of the employer who need such
3     information and access it to perform the employer's
4     employment verification responsibilities. All claims that
5     an employer refused to hire, segregated, or acted with
6     respect to recruitment, hiring, promotion, renewal of
7     employment, selection for training or apprenticeship,
8     discharge, discipline, tenure or terms, privileges, or
9     conditions of employment without following the procedures
10     under the Basic Pilot or E-Verify program shall be brought
11     under paragraph (G)(2) of Section 2-102 of the Illinois
12     Human Rights Act.
13     (d) Preemption. No unit of local government, including a
14 home rule unit, may require any employer to use an Employment
15 Eligibility Verification System, including under the following
16 circumstances:
17         (1) as a condition of receiving a government contract;
18         (2) as a condition of receiving a business license; or
19         (3) as penalty for violating licensing or other similar
20     laws.
21     This subsection (d) is a denial and limitation of home rule
22 powers and functions under subsection (h) of Section 6 of
23 Article VII of the Illinois Constitution.
24 (Source: P.A. 95-138, eff. 1-1-08.)
25     (820 ILCS 55/15)  (from Ch. 48, par. 2865)



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1     Sec. 15. Administration and enforcement.
2     (a) The Director of Labor or his authorized representative
3 shall administer and enforce the provisions of this Act. The
4 Director of Labor may issue rules and regulations necessary to
5 administer and enforce the provisions of this Act.
6     (b) If an employee or applicant for employment alleges that
7 he or she has been denied his or her rights under this Act, he
8 or she may file a complaint with the Department of Labor. The
9 Department shall investigate the complaint and shall have
10 authority to request the issuance of a search warrant or
11 subpoena to inspect the files of the employer or prospective
12 employer, if necessary. The Department shall attempt to resolve
13 the complaint by conference, conciliation, or persuasion. If
14 the complaint is not so resolved and the Department finds the
15 employer or prospective employer has violated the Act, the
16 Department may commence an action in the circuit court to
17 enforce the provisions of this Act including an action to
18 compel compliance. The circuit court for the county in which
19 the complainant resides or in which the complainant is employed
20 shall have jurisdiction in such actions.
21     (c) If an employer or prospective employer violates this
22 Act, an employee or applicant for employment may commence an
23 action in the circuit court to enforce the provisions of this
24 Act, including actions to compel compliance, where efforts to
25 resolve the employee's or applicant for employment's complaint
26 concerning the violation by conference, conciliation or



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1 persuasion under subsection (b) have failed and the Department
2 has not commenced an action in circuit court to redress the
3 violation. The circuit court for the county in which the
4 complainant resides or in which the complainant is employed
5 shall have jurisdiction in such actions.
6     (d) Failure to comply with an order of the court may be
7 punished as contempt. In addition, the court shall award an
8 employee or applicant for employment prevailing in an action
9 under this Act the following damages:
10         (1) Actual damages plus costs.
11         (2) For a willful and knowing violation of this Act,
12     $200 plus costs, reasonable attorney's fees, and actual
13     damages.
14         (3) For a willful and knowing violation of Section
15     12(c) of this Act, $500 per affected employee plus costs,
16     reasonable attorney's fees, and actual damages.
17     (e) Any employer or prospective employer or his agent who
18 violates the provisions of this Act is guilty of a petty
19 offense.
20     (f) Any employer or prospective employer, or the officer or
21 agent of any employer or prospective employer, who discharges
22 or in any other manner discriminates against any employee or
23 applicant for employment because that employee or applicant for
24 employment has made a complaint to his employer, or to the
25 Director or his authorized representative, or because that
26 employee or applicant for employment has caused to be



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1 instituted or is about to cause to be instituted any proceeding
2 under or related to this Act, or because that employee or
3 applicant for employment has testified or is about to testify
4 in an investigation or proceeding under this Act, is guilty of
5 a petty offense.
6 (Source: P.A. 87-807.)
7     Section 97. Severability. The provisions of this Act are
8 severable under Section 1.31 of the Statute on Statutes.
9     Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
10 becoming law.