Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR1708
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR1708  099th General Assembly




SR1708LRB099 21249 MST 46761 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3learn of the death of Donald Lee Zimmerman, who passed away on
4March 22, 2016; and
5    WHEREAS, Donald Zimmerman was born in Mason City on August
620, 1929; he graduated from Illinois Wesleyan University and
7earned his master's degree in music education from the
8University of Illinois; and
9    WHEREAS, Donald Zimmerman spent most of his career teaching
10music in Knoxville and Rockford; he also was an orchestra
11teacher at West High School and Guilford High School; and
12    WHEREAS, Donald Zimmerman was active in the Rockford music
13scene, playing trombone in jazz bands; he was the founder of
14the Rockford Chamber Orchestra and the Rockford Area Youth
15Symphony Orchestra (RAYSO); a joy of his life was spending
16summers with his family teaching music at the Amherst Summer
17Music Camp in Maine; after retiring from teaching, his passion
18turned to home building, designing some of the most creative
19homes in the Rockford area; he and his wife spent many winters
20at the Vineyards in Naples, Florida, where he enjoyed golf and
21made many wonderful friends; and



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1    WHEREAS, Donald Zimmerman was co-founder of The Golden
2Apple Award, given to recognize excellence in teaching; and
3    WHEREAS, Donald Zimmerman was a member of the University
4Club, the Rockford Country Club, and the Rotary Club (Cherry
5Valley), where he received a Service Above Self award; he was
6incredibly proud of his family and was always planning the next
7"Zimmfest" to bring the family together in many great places,
8including Green Lake, Colorado, Florida, and Jamaica; and
9    WHEREAS, Donald Zimmerman was preceded in death by his
10sons, David and Steven; his parents; and a brother and sister;
12    WHEREAS, Donald Zimmerman is survived by his wife of 65
13years, Betty; his children, Douglas (Joyce) and Brad (Julia);
14his daughters-in-law, Arlene (Manuel) and Martha; his
15grandchildren, Carrie Nicholas (Jeremy), Nicholas Zimmerman
16(Suzanne), Keegan Zimmerman, Ashley Schwabero (Matt), Tyler
17Zimmerman (Kelly), Colin Zimmerman, Rachael Zimmerman, Preston
18Zimmerman, David Zimmerman, Allison Zimmerman, and Lindsey
19Zimmerman; and his great-grandchildren, Kason, Wyatt, Everett,
20Gwendolyn, Kaia, Caroline, Aubrey, and Wesson; therefore, be it
22ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of



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1Donald Lee Zimmerman, and extend our sincere condolences to his
2family, friends, and all who knew and loved him; and be it
4    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
5presented to the family of Donald Zimmerman as an expression of
6our deepest sympathy.