Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR1697
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR1697  099th General Assembly




SR1697LRB099 21265 MST 46827 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3learn of the death of former Illinois State Representative
4Shirley Marie Jones of Chicago, who passed away on March 20,
52016; and
6    WHEREAS, Rep. Jones was born in Chicago to Elisha and
7Bessie Jones on November 9, 1939; she joined Holy Family and
8St. Sabina parishes; she attended Smyth Elementary School and
9Cregier and Crane high schools on Chicago's West Side; she
10later attended George Williams College; and
11    WHEREAS, Rep. Jones' athleticism as a young lady molded her
12career; she was an exceptional volleyball player, avid golfer,
13bowler, and a fan of all sports; she was a physical education
14instructor at several Chicago park locations; she rose through
15the ranks of the Chicago Park District for a career that lasted
16nearly 30 years; and
17    WHEREAS, Rep. Jones' political career grew from her
18precinct work in the powerful "1st Ward", to seven terms in the
19Illinois General Assembly; she championed legislation for
20seniors, public aid, and consumer rights; she served on many
21committees and chaired the Public Utilities Committee; under
22her leadership, the utility deregulation legislation that



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1revamped Illinois was written; upon retirement, after several
2unopposed terms as State Representative, she became a lobbyist
3for Commonwealth Edison until her full retirement; and
4    WHEREAS, Rep. Jones was a member of several clubs and
5organizations and served on several boards, including the
6National Black Caucus of State Legislators, the National
7Organization of Black Elected Women, and the Red Hatters; she
8also assisted many not-for-profit organizations, including the
9Cathedral Shelter, the Duncan YMCA, and the Campaign for a Drug
10Free Westside; and
11    WHEREAS, Rep. Jones was affectionately know as "Aunt
12Shirley"; she was a member of Apostolic Church of God; her
13family was the most important thing in her life and she
14coordinated most of the holiday parties, trips, gatherings, and
15Bid Whist nights for her family and friends; she also enjoyed
16trips to Las Vegas; and
17    WHEREAS, Rep. Jones was preceded in death by her siblings,
18Alberta, Roberta, Earskin, and Allen, and her son, Darryl; and
19    WHEREAS, Rep. Jones is survived by her beloved husband,
20Harold Neal; her daughter, La Keisha Jones; her three sisters,
21Gladys (Willie), Irene, and Betty (Leonard); her brother,
22Phillip; her 7 grandchildren, Darryl, Nick, Nakia, Jarrett,



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1Brittany, Darnesha, and Aiyanna; her two great-grandchildren;
2her goddaughter, Shonnie; her stepdaughter, Telecia; her
3sister-in-law, Peggy; her brother-in-law, Lamont; and a host of
4nieces, nephews, and other relatives; therefore, be it
6ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
7former Illinois State Representative Shirley Marie Jones, and
8extend our sincere condolences to her family, friends, and all
9who knew and loved her; and be it further
10    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
11presented to the family of Rep. Jones as an expression of our
12deepest sympathy.