Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0169
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0169  095th General Assembly



SR0169 LRB095 12090 GRL 35953 r


2     WHEREAS, Developmental disabilities are defined as those
3 disabilities caused by intellectual or cognitive disability,
4 autism, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, or any other condition which
5 results in impairment similar to that of intellectual
6 disability (formerly known as mental retardation), which
7 originates before the age of 18 and is expected to continue
8 indefinitely; and
9     WHEREAS, Approximately 1.8 percent of the U.S. population
10 is afflicted with a developmental disability and one in 150
11 children will be diagnosed with autism; and
12     WHEREAS, Every individual with a developmental disability
13 has the right to live with dignity, to achieve their highest
14 potential, and to be included in our communities; and
15     WHEREAS, The Autism Society of Illinois, The ARC of
16 Illinois, and the Family Support Network, are not-for-profit
17 organizations dedicated to the purpose of supporting
18 individuals with developmental disabilities; and
19     WHEREAS, The mission of the Autism Society of Illinois is
20 to promote through advocacy, public awareness, education, and
21 research, lifelong access and opportunities for persons within



SR0169 - 2 - LRB095 12090 GRL 35953 r

1 the autism spectrum disorder and their families in order that
2 they may be fully included, participating members of their
3 communities; and
4     WHEREAS, The mission of the Arc of Illinois is to empower
5 persons with disabilities to achieve full participation in
6 community life through informed choices; and
7     WHEREAS, The mission of the Family Support Network is to
8 unify individuals with disabilities and their families to
9 advocate for funding, services, and community resources that
10 strengthen and support the individual and the family directly
11 by responding to their individual needs and empowering them to
12 live in their own homes; the Family Support Network further
13 seeks to ensure the continuation of all individual supports
14 throughout the life span of the individual; and
15     WHEREAS, Hundreds of persons with developmental
16 disabilities and their families will convene in the Illinois
17 State Capitol on May 16, 2007, to show their support for
18 legislation, funding, and policies that support individuals
19 with developmental disabilities, including autism, and that
20 promote self-determination and inclusion in our communities;
21 therefore, be it



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1 ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we do hereby proclaim
2 May 16, 2007, as Developmental Disability and Autism Family Day
3 at the Illinois State Capitol; and be it further
4     RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
5 presented to the Illinois Autism Society, The Arc of Illinois,
6 and the Family Support Network as an expression of our esteem.