Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SB1686
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SB1686  099th General Assembly




State of Illinois
2015 and 2016


Introduced 2/20/2015, by Sen. William R. Haine


625 ILCS 5/1-122.7
625 ILCS 5/8-101  from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 8-101
625 ILCS 30/2  from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 902
625 ILCS 30/5  from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 905
625 ILCS 30/7 new

    Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Includes the term, "commercial ridesharing arrangement" within the meaning of "for-profit ridesharing arrangement". Amends the Ridesharing Arrangements Act. Provides for the creation of commercial ridesharing arrangements, and provides for the licensing, operation, and insurance requirements of such arrangements. Defines the terms, "commercial ridesharing arrangement", "dispatch", and "dispatcher". Makes conformity changes.

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1    AN ACT concerning transportation.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The Illinois Vehicle Code is amended by changing
5Sections 1-122.7 and 8-101 as follows:
6    (625 ILCS 5/1-122.7)
7    Sec. 1-122.7. For-profit ridesharing arrangement. The
8transportation by motor vehicle of not more than 16 persons,
9including the driver, for which a fee is charged in accordance
10with Section 6 of the Ridesharing Arrangements Act, or a
11commercial ridesharing arrangement as defined by the
12Ridesharing Arrangements Act.
13(Source: P.A. 90-89, eff. 1-1-98.)
14    (625 ILCS 5/8-101)  (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 8-101)
15    Sec. 8-101. Proof of financial responsibility - Persons who
16operate motor vehicles in transportation of passengers for
18    (a) It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to
19operate any motor vehicle along or upon any public street or
20highway in any incorporated city, town or village in this State
21for the carriage of passengers for hire, accepting and
22discharging all such persons as may offer themselves for



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1transportation unless such person, firm or corporation has
2given, and there is in full force and effect and on file with
3the Secretary of State of Illinois, proof of financial
4responsibility provided in this Act.
5    (b) In addition this Section shall also apply to persons,
6firms or corporations who are in the business of providing
7transportation services for minors to or from educational or
8recreational facilities, except that this Section shall not
9apply to public utilities subject to regulation under "An Act
10concerning public utilities," approved June 29, 1921, as
11amended, or to school buses which are operated by public or
12parochial schools and are engaged solely in the transportation
13of the pupils who attend such schools.
14    (c) This Section also applies to a contract carrier
15transporting employees in the course of their employment on a
16highway of this State in a vehicle designed to carry 15 or
17fewer passengers. As part of proof of financial responsibility,
18a contract carrier transporting employees in the course of
19their employment is required to verify hit and run and
20uninsured motor vehicle coverage, as provided in Section 143a
21of the Illinois Insurance Code, and underinsured motor vehicle
22coverage, as provided in Section 143a-2 of the Illinois
23Insurance Code, in a total amount of not less than $250,000 per
25    (d) This Section shall not apply to any person
26participating in a ridesharing arrangement, a for-profit



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1ridesharing arrangement other than a commercial ridesharing
2arrangement, or operating a commuter van, but only during the
3performance of activities authorized by Sections 5 and 6 of the
4Ridesharing Arrangements Act.
5    (e) If the person operating such motor vehicle is not the
6owner, then proof of financial responsibility filed hereunder
7must provide that the owner is primarily liable. In the case of
8motor vehicles used in commercial ridesharing arrangements,
9the dispatchers providing dispatch services to the driver of
10the motor vehicle must submit proof that the driver will be
11additionally insured on a primary insurance policy that will
12provide coverage during the time period the driver makes
13himself, herself, or the vehicle available for dispatch or
14while a commercial ridesharing arrangement passenger is in the
16(Source: P.A. 94-319, eff. 1-1-06.)
17    Section 10. The Ridesharing Arrangements Act is amended by
18changing Sections 2 and 5 and by adding Section 7 as follows:
19    (625 ILCS 30/2)  (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 902)
20    (Text of Section before amendment by P.A. 98-1173)
21    Sec. 2. (a) "Ridesharing arrangement" means the
22transportation by motor vehicle of not more than 16 persons
23(including the driver):
24        (1) for purposes incidental to another purpose of the



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1    driver, for which no fee is charged or paid except to
2    reimburse the driver or owner of the vehicle for his
3    operating expenses on a nonprofit basis; or
4        (2) when such persons are travelling between their
5    homes and their places of employment, or places reasonably
6    convenient thereto, for which (i) no fee is charged or paid
7    except to reimburse the driver or owner of the vehicle for
8    his operating expenses on a nonprofit basis, or (ii) a fee
9    is charged in accordance with the provisions of Section 6
10    of this Act.
11    (b) "For-profit ridesharing arrangement" means a
12ridesharing arrangement for which a fee is charged in
13accordance with Section 6 of this Act.
14(Source: P.A. 83-1091.)
15    (Text of Section after amendment by P.A. 98-1173)
16    Sec. 2. (a) "Ridesharing arrangement" means the
17transportation by motor vehicle of not more than 16 persons
18(including the driver):
19        (1) for purposes incidental to another purpose of the
20    driver, for which no fee is charged or paid except to
21    reimburse the driver or owner of the vehicle for his
22    operating expenses on a nonprofit basis; or
23        (2) when such persons are travelling between their
24    homes and their places of employment, or places reasonably
25    convenient thereto, for which (i) no fee is charged or paid



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1    except to reimburse the driver or owner of the vehicle for
2    his operating expenses on a nonprofit basis, or (ii) a fee
3    is charged in accordance with the provisions of Section 6
4    of this Act.
5    (b) "For-profit ridesharing arrangement" means:
6        (1) a ridesharing arrangement for which a fee is
7    charged in accordance with Section 6 of this Act, and does
8    not include transportation network company services under
9    the Transportation Network Providers Act; or .
10        (2) a commercial ridesharing agreement conducted in
11    accordance with Section 7 of this Act.
12    (c) "Commercial ridesharing arrangement" means a
13ridesharing arrangement in which the method of transportation
14is a vehicle owned or leased for personal use, of not more than
156 persons (including the driver), prearranged through a
16dispatcher, and for which a fee is charged, but that is not
17provided in accordance with the limitations of Section 6 of
18this Act.
19    (d) "Dispatch" means the act of facilitating a connection
20between drivers and passengers for a commercial ridesharing
21arrangement using telephone, Internet, smartphone, or an
22electronic application, with or without an account set up
23between the passenger and the connecting person.
24    (e) "Dispatcher" means a person that performs a dispatch.
25(Source: P.A. 98-1173, eff. 6-1-15.)



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1    (625 ILCS 30/5)  (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 905)
2    Sec. 5. (a) No unit of local government, whether or not it
3is a home rule unit, may:
4        (1) license or regulate ridesharing arrangements;
5        (2) impose any tax or fee upon the owner or operator of
6    a motor vehicle because of its use in a ridesharing
7    arrangement;
8        (3) prohibit or regulate the charging of fees for
9    ridesharing arrangements in accordance with Section 6 of
10    this Act.
11    This Act, as it applies to ridesharing arrangements, is
12declared to be a denial and limitation of the powers of home
13rule units pursuant to paragraph (g) of Section 6 of Article
14VII of the Illinois Constitution.
15    (b) Other than with respect to paragraph (1) of subsection
16(a) of Section 7 of this Act, a unit of local government,
17whether or not it is a home rule unit, may not license or
18regulate commercial ridesharing arrangements, dispatchers, or
19drivers participating in commercial ridesharing arrangements
20in a manner that is less restrictive than the regulation by the
21State under this Act. This subsection (b) is a limitation under
22subsection (i) of Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois
23Constitution on the concurrent exercise by home rule units of
24powers and functions exercised by the State.
25(Source: P.A. 83-1091.)



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1    (625 ILCS 30/7 new)
2    Sec. 7. License; registration.
3    (a) Commercial ridesharing arrangements are subject to the
4following license and registration requirements:
5        (1) No person shall participate as a driver in
6    commercial ridesharing arrangements for more than 18 hours
7    per week without first securing (i) a chauffeur's license
8    issued by the unit of local government where the vehicle
9    used in the commercial ridesharing arrangement is
10    registered; or (ii) if the unit of local government in
11    which the vehicle used in a commercial ridesharing
12    arrangement is registered does not issue chauffeur's
13    licenses, then a chauffeur's license issued by a unit of
14    local government in which the driver provides commercial
15    ridesharing arrangements. If no unit of local government in
16    which the vehicle used in a commercial ridesharing
17    arrangement is registered or operated issues chauffeur's
18    licenses or if the driver of the commercial ridesharing
19    arrangement does not participate in commercial ridesharing
20    arrangements for more than 18 hours per week, then the
21    driver is not required to obtain a chauffeur's license;
22    provided, however, that the dispatcher shall conduct a
23    background check of a prospective driver prior to
24    dispatching commercial ridesharing arrangements to that
25    driver and shall certify in the reports required by
26    subsection (f) of this Section 7 that the driver is



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1    participating in a commercial ridesharing arrangement for
2    18 or fewer hours per week.
3        (2) No person shall perform dispatches without first
4    securing a commercial ridesharing dispatcher's license
5    from the Department of Financial and Professional
6    Regulation. An applicant for a commercial ridesharing
7    dispatcher's license must submit evidence of the insurance
8    required by paragraph (2) of subsection (b) of this
9    Section. This license must be renewed annually. The fee for
10    this license shall be set by the Department of Financial
11    and Professional Regulation. The Department of Financial
12    and Professional Regulation shall adopt rules to implement
13    this paragraph.
14    (b) All commercial ridesharing arrangements shall be
15conducted under the following standards:
16        (1) A vehicle used for commercial ridesharing
17    arrangements for more than 18 hours per week must conform
18    to the age requirements for vehicles used for transporting
19    passengers for hire adopted by the unit of local government
20    in which the vehicle is registered.
21        (2) Dispatchers must carry commercial liability
22    insurance in accordance with Section 12-707.01 of the
23    Illinois Vehicle Code with primary coverage for the
24    dispatcher, the driver, and the vehicle used in the
25    commercial ridesharing arrangement during the time period
26    when the driver makes himself, herself, or the vehicle



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1    available for dispatch or while a commercial ridesharing
2    arrangement passenger is in the vehicle. Any terms or
3    conditions in the agreement between the dispatcher and
4    driver, or between the dispatcher and passenger, that would
5    act as a waiver of the dispatcher's liability to the
6    driver, the passenger, or to the public, or as an
7    indemnification from the driver or passenger to the
8    dispatcher, are null, void, and unenforceable.
9        (3) Dispatches shall be made only to drivers licensed
10    under subsection (a) of this Section.
11    (c) A dispatcher shall assume liability, including the
12costs of defense and indemnification, for a claim in which a
13dispute exists as to whether the loss or injury giving rise to
14the claim occurred while a vehicle involved in the incident
15giving rise to the claim was made available for dispatch or
16while a commercial ridesharing arrangement passenger is in the
17vehicle. The dispatcher must notify the registered owner of the
18vehicle and the registered owner's insurer of the dispute
19within 25 business days of receiving notice of the accident
20that gives rise to the claim. If a private passenger motor
21vehicle's registered owner or its insurer is named as a
22defendant in a civil action for any loss or injury that occurs
23during the time the vehicle is made available for dispatch, the
24dispatcher shall have the duty to defend and indemnify the
25vehicle's registered owner and its insurers.
26    (d) Notwithstanding any provision in the vehicle owner's



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1insurance policy or any other provision of this Act, the
2insurer providing coverage to the owner of a private passenger
3motor vehicle may exclude any and all coverage and the duty to
4defend afforded under the owner's insurance policy for any loss
5or injury that occurs while the vehicle is made available for
6dispatch or while a commercial ridesharing arrangement
7passenger is in the vehicle. This right to exclude coverage and
8the duty to indemnify and defend applies to all coverage
9provided by the registered owner's insurer including, but not
10limited to:
11        (1) liability and physical damage coverage;
12        (2) personal injury protection coverage;
13        (3) uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage;
14        (4) medical payment coverage for persons using or
15    occupying the registered vehicle;
16        (5) comprehensive physical damage coverage; and
17        (6) collision physical damage coverage.
18    (e) A dispatcher must, prior to the first use of a vehicle
19in a commercial ridesharing arrangement, and upon renewal,
20cancellation, or change in insurance by the dispatcher, provide
21the vehicle's registered owner and any driver of the vehicle
22with a disclosure that contains:
23        (1) information explaining the insurance requirements
24    of this Section;
25        (2) information explaining the coverage and coverage
26    limits provided under the dispatcher's insurance policy;



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1        (3) notice that the dispatcher assumes all liability
2    for any loss or injury that occurs while the vehicle is
3    made available for dispatch or while a commercial
4    ridesharing arrangement passenger is in the vehicle; and
5        (4) notice that the dispatcher provides insurance on
6    the vehicle while the vehicle is made available for
7    dispatch or while a commercial ridesharing arrangement
8    passenger is in the vehicle that is comparable to a
9    standard owner's insurance policy and that the vehicle's
10    registered owner's insurance policy may exclude all
11    coverage and the duty to defend or indemnify any person or
12    organization for liability for any loss or injury that
13    occurs while the vehicle is made available for dispatch or
14    while a commercial ridesharing arrangement passenger is in
15    the vehicle.
16    (f) For each vehicle used in a commercial ridesharing
17arrangement a dispatcher must collect, maintain, and make
18available to the vehicle's registered owner, the vehicle's
19registered owner's primary automobile liability insurer, and
20any government agency as required by law, at the cost of the
21dispatcher, the following:
22        (1) records that identify the date and duration the
23    driver makes himself, herself, or the vehicle available for
24    dispatch. For vehicles with an electronic tracking device,
25    electronic records of the time, initial and final locations
26    of the vehicle, and miles driven when the vehicle is under



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1    the control of a person other than the vehicle's registered
2    owner under a commercial ridesharing arrangement; and
3        (2) in instances when an insurance claim has been
4    filed, any and all information, including payments to the
5    registered owner by the dispatcher, concerning accidents,
6    damages, or injuries.
7    (g) The Department of Financial and Professional
8Regulation shall adopt rules to implement this Section.
9    Section 95. No acceleration or delay. Where this Act makes
10changes in a statute that is represented in this Act by text
11that is not yet or no longer in effect (for example, a Section
12represented by multiple versions), the use of that text does
13not accelerate or delay the taking effect of (i) the changes
14made by this Act or (ii) provisions derived from any other
15Public Act.