Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR1668
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR1668  099th General Assembly




SR1668LRB099 21090 MST 46289 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3learn of the death of Charles Lewis Burrill of Rock Island, who
4passed away on March 7, 2016; and
5    WHEREAS, Charles Burrill was born in Corning, Iowa on
6October 10, 1931 to Elmer G. and Vera A. Heaton Burrill; he
7married Irma K. Carpenter in Havana on December 12, 1953; he
8served in the Illinois National Guard, the United States Army,
9and the United States Air Force; he retired from his military
10career after 26 years of dedicated service; and
11    WHEREAS, Charles Burrill worked as a drill press operator
12for J.I. Case; and
13    WHEREAS, Charles Burrill was a lifetime member of the Air
14Force Sergeants Association; he was a member of Bethany Baptist
15Church, where he was active in various capacities over the
16years; he volunteered with several charitable organizations,
17including Pregnancy Resources, the Freedom Ministry, and Youth
18Hope, a function of the Christian Friendliness Auxiliary; he
19was a member of the Hudson-Essex-Terraplane Club and a proud
20owner of a 1951 Hudson Pacemaker; and
21    WHEREAS, Charles Burrill was preceded in death by his



SR1668- 2 -LRB099 21090 MST 46289 r

1parents; his son, Duane; his two sisters, Lucille DeWitt and
2Luella Fackler; his brother, Loren Burrill; and an infant
3brother; and
4    WHEREAS, Charles Burrill is survived by his wife, Irma; his
5sons, Donald Burrill and David Burrill; his two grandchildren,
6DeJay and Diana; his three great-grandchildren; his brothers,
7Glen Burrill and Darrell (Marie) Aledo; and his sister, Carrol
8Anderson; therefore, be it
10ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
11Charles Lewis Burrill, and extend our sincere condolences to
12his family, friends, and all who knew and loved him; and be it
14    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
15presented to the family of Charles Burrill as an expression of
16our deepest sympathy.