Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR1621
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR1621  099th General Assembly




SR1621LRB099 20881 MST 45661 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3learn of the death of Richard F. "Dick" Bailey of Moline, who
4passed away on February 22, 2016; and
5    WHEREAS, Richard Bailey was born in Moline to Richard and
6Hannah Dasso Bailey on May 30, 1922; after the passing of his
7father, his mother married Oscar Newberg, who became a devoted
8stepfather to him; he graduated from Moline High School in 1940
9and entered an apprenticeship at John Deere Planter Works as a
10tool and die maker; he declined a World War II active service
11deferment from John Deere and, in 1943, enlisted in the United
12States Army Air Corps, where he trained as a tail gunner in the
13B-24 Liberator bomber; he flew 35 missions over Germany through
14heavy enemy fire, which damaged his plane but did not harm the
15crew; he was honorably discharged in October of 1945 at the
16rank of Staff Sergeant; 70 years later, in a ceremony at Rock
17Island Arsenal, he was presented with the Distinguished Flying
18Cross Medal by the Commanding General of the First Army; he
19married Betty "Jean" Knable in Moline on March 21, 1948; and
20    WHEREAS, Richard Bailey returned to John Deere Planter
21Works, where he was active in the International Association of
22Machinists Union, serving on its contract negotiating
23committee; he retired in October of 1982, after 42 years of



SR1621- 2 -LRB099 20881 MST 45661 r

1service to John Deere; and
2    WHEREAS, Richard Bailey was a lifetime member of the
3American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars; he was a longtime
4member of the Moline Viking Club; he was a passionate baseball
5fan, having played a great deal in his younger years and having
6coached American Legion baseball teams and his children's
7school teams; he also enjoyed vacationing and fishing in the
8Hayward, Wisconsin area and watching old movies; and
9    WHEREAS, Richard Bailey was preceded in death by his
10parents; his wife, Betty; and his sister, Marian Foss; and
11    WHEREAS, Richard Bailey is survived by his daughter, Pamela
12(Jane Shanks) Bailey; his sons, Tom (Carol) Bailey and Gary
13Bailey; his 3 grandchildren, Kristen (Jerry Kinney) Bailey,
14Greg Bailey, and Philip (Courtney) Bailey; his
15great-grandchildren, Cannden Spicer Bailey, London Bailey,
16Kingston Bailey, Lelan Bailey, Emersyn Bailey, Annistyn
17Bailey, and Haley Kinney; and his sister, Betty Claeys;
18therefore, be it
20ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
21Richard F. "Dick" Bailey, and extend our sincere condolences to
22his family, friends, and all who knew and loved him; and be it



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2    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
3presented to the family of Richard Bailey as an expression of
4our deepest sympathy.