Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SJR0014
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SJR0014  095th General Assembly



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(As Amended by Senate Amendments 1 & 2)

3     WHEREAS, There has been, and continues to be, a significant
4 expansion in the volume of personal property sold through
5 pawnbrokers, auction services, consignment sellers, and other
6 resellers; and
7     WHEREAS, There has been, and continues to be, a similar
8 increase in the volume of stolen personal property sold through
9 pawnbrokers, auction services, consignment sellers, and other
10 resellers; and
11     WHEREAS, Access by law enforcement to sales-related
12 information generated by pawnbrokers, auction services,
13 consignment sellers, and other resellers has always been an
14 important tool in combating burglary, robbery, theft, and other
15 crimes directed at personal property; and
16     WHEREAS, Recent advances in electronic data collection and
17 compilation have greatly simplified both the reporting of
18 sales-related information by pawnbrokers, auction services,
19 consignment sellers, and other resellers; and
20     WHEREAS, These same advances have created opportunities
21 for law enforcement to access sales-related information at



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1 increasingly shorter intervals after the date of sale; and
2     WHEREAS, Law enforcement agencies, pawnbrokers, auction
3 services, consignment sellers, resellers, and information
4 technology-related businesses in several states have created
5 differing systems to provide law enforcement with timely access
6 to sales-related information; therefore, be it
9 CONCURRING HEREIN, that there is created the Re-Sellers'
10 Electronic Reporting Task Force, consisting of 19 members
11 appointed as follows:
12         (1) four members of the General Assembly, one member
13     appointed by the President of the Senate, one member
14     appointed by the Minority Leader of the Senate, one member
15     appointed by the Speaker of the House, and one member
16     appointed by the Minority Leader of the House; the members
17     appointed by the President of the Senate and the Speaker of
18     the House shall serve as co-chairs of the Task Force;
19         (2) three members appointed by the Governor; and
20         (3) twelve members who are not members of the General
21     Assembly appointed by the co-chairs of the Task Force
22     representing a range of interests, including: law
23     enforcement, pawnbrokers, consignment sellers,
24     auctioneers, insurance companies, and the general public;



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1     and be it further
2     RESOLVED, That all members shall serve without
3 compensation but shall be reimbursed for their reasonable and
4 necessary expenses from funds appropriated for that purpose;
5 and be it further
6     RESOLVED, That the Task Force shall study the various
7 systems, technologies, and methods of operation for providing
8 law enforcement with timely access to information relating to
9 the sales of personal property by pawnbrokers, auction
10 services, consignment sellers, and other resellers, and shall
11 consult with such law enforcement agencies, pawnbrokers,
12 auction services, consignment sellers, resellers, and other
13 persons or entities as it may deem fit, including, but not
14 limited to, providers of technology and services relating to
15 the collection, compilation, storage, and access to such
16 information; and be it further
17     RESOLVED, That on or before December 31, 2008, the Task
18 Force shall report to the General Assembly concerning its
19 recommendations regarding the systems and technologies,
20 together with their usage and potential funding mechanisms and
21 sources, to be implemented to create a state-wide system for
22 the collection of nation-wide sales-related information by
23 pawnbrokers, auction services, consignment sellers, and other



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1 resellers, and for the compilation, storage and timely access
2 to such information by law enforcement and shall include
3 proposed legislation to implement its recommendations, if
4 needed; and be it further
5     RESOLVED, That upon issuing its report, the Task Force
6 shall be dissolved.