Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0136
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0136  095th General Assembly



SR0136 LRB095 11818 GRL 35001 r


2     WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are proud to
3 memorialize the life of Private First Class Kenneth Kays of
4 Fairfield, a Congressional Medal of Honor recipient, who died
5 November 29, 1991; and
6     WHEREAS, Private First Class Kenneth Kays was born on
7 September 22, 1949 in Mount Vernon to John F. and Rachel Hall
8 Kays; and
9     WHEREAS, Pfc. Kenneth Kays graduated from Fairfield High
10 School in 1967; he was drafted into the U.S. Army during the
11 Vietnam War, where he served with Company D, 1st Battalion,
12 506th Infantry of the 101st Airborne Division as a medic; and
13     WHEREAS, Pfc. Kenneth Kays distinguished himself while
14 serving near Fire Support Base Maureen at the Thua Thien
15 province of Vietnam on May 7, 1970, when he risked his life to
16 save three men in his company wounded by enemy fire during a
17 nighttime ambush, including one soldier in enemy held
18 territory; he performed these acts of bravery while under fire
19 from concentrated enemy fire and explosive charges, one of
20 which severed the lower portion of his left leg; only after his
21 fellow wounded soldiers had been treated and evacuated did he
22 allow his own wounds to be treated; Pfc. Kenneth Kays was



SR0136 - 2 - LRB095 11818 GRL 35001 r

1 awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor in recognition of his
2 courage under fire; and
3     WHEREAS, Pfc. Kenneth Kays is survived by his uncle,
4 George; he was preceded in death by his parents; therefore, be
5 it
7 ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we honor the memory and
8 heroic deeds of Private First Class Kenneth Kays; and be it
9 further
10     RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
11 presented to the family of Private First Class Kenneth Kays, as
12 an expression of our utmost respect.