Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB1350
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB1350  095th General Assembly



State of Illinois
2007 and 2008


Introduced 2/20/2007, by Rep. Kenneth Dunkin


320 ILCS 42/20

    Amends the Older Adult Services Act. Provides that fundable services under the Act also include an expansion of assisted living services under a waiver to include case management services, assisted living services, and incontinence supplies for persons who (i) are age 65 or older, or age 60 to 64 and disabled, and (ii) are eligible for Supplemental Security Income or Medicaid for the Aged or Disabled or meet the Medicaid Waiver Assistance income and asset requirements. Requires the Department on Aging to apply for any necessary waiver of federal law or regulations.

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1     AN ACT concerning aging.
2     Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 represented in the General Assembly:
4     Section 5. The Older Adult Services Act is amended by
5 changing Section 20 as follows:
6     (320 ILCS 42/20)
7     Sec. 20. Priority service areas; service expansion.
8     (a) The requirements of this Section are subject to the
9 availability of funding.
10     (b) The Department shall expand older adult services that
11 promote independence and permit older adults to remain in their
12 own homes and communities. Priority shall be given to both the
13 expansion of services and the development of new services in
14 priority service areas.
15     (c) Inventory of services. The Department shall develop and
16 maintain an inventory and assessment of (i) the types and
17 quantities of public older adult services and, to the extent
18 possible, privately provided older adult services, including
19 the unduplicated count, location, and characteristics of
20 individuals served by each facility, program, or service and
21 (ii) the resources supporting those services.
22     (d) Priority service areas. The Departments shall assess
23 the current and projected need for older adult services



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1 throughout the State, analyze the results of the inventory, and
2 identify priority service areas, which shall serve as the basis
3 for a priority service plan to be filed with the Governor and
4 the General Assembly no later than July 1, 2006, and every 5
5 years thereafter.
6     (e) Moneys appropriated by the General Assembly for the
7 purpose of this Section, receipts from donations, grants, fees,
8 or taxes that may accrue from any public or private sources to
9 the Department for the purpose of this Section, and savings
10 attributable to the nursing home conversion program as
11 calculated in subsection (h) shall be deposited into the
12 Department on Aging State Projects Fund. Interest earned by
13 those moneys in the Fund shall be credited to the Fund.
14     (f) Moneys described in subsection (e) from the Department
15 on Aging State Projects Fund shall be used for older adult
16 services, regardless of where the older adult receives the
17 service, with priority given to both the expansion of services
18 and the development of new services in priority service areas.
19 Fundable services shall include:
20         (1) Housing, health services, and supportive services:
21             (A) adult day care;
22             (B) adult day care for persons with Alzheimer's
23         disease and related disorders;
24             (C) activities of daily living;
25             (D) care-related supplies and equipment;
26             (E) case management;



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1             (F) community reintegration;
2             (G) companion;
3             (H) congregate meals;
4             (I) counseling and education;
5             (J) elder abuse prevention and intervention;
6             (K) emergency response and monitoring;
7             (L) environmental modifications;
8             (M) family caregiver support;
9             (N) financial;
10             (O) home delivered meals;
11             (P) homemaker;
12             (Q) home health;
13             (R) hospice;
14             (S) laundry;
15             (T) long-term care ombudsman;
16             (U) medication reminders;
17             (V) money management;
18             (W) nutrition services;
19             (X) personal care;
20             (Y) respite care;
21             (Z) residential care;
22             (AA) senior benefits outreach;
23             (BB) senior centers;
24             (CC) services provided under the Assisted Living
25         and Shared Housing Act, or sheltered care services that
26         meet the requirements of the Assisted Living and Shared



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1         Housing Act, or services provided under Section
2         5-5.01a of the Illinois Public Aid Code (the Supportive
3         Living Facilities Program);
4             (DD) telemedicine devices to monitor recipients in
5         their own homes as an alternative to hospital care,
6         nursing home care, or home visits;
7             (EE) training for direct family caregivers;
8             (FF) transition;
9             (GG) transportation;
10             (HH) wellness and fitness programs; and
11             (II) other programs designed to assist older
12         adults in Illinois to remain independent and receive
13         services in the most integrated residential setting
14         possible for that person.
15         (2) Older Adult Services Demonstration Grants,
16     pursuant to subsection (g) of this Section.
17     Fundable services also include an expansion of assisted
18 living services under a waiver to include case management
19 services, assisted living services, and incontinence supplies
20 for persons who (i) are 65 years of age or older, or at least 60
21 years of age and disabled as determined according to guidelines
22 established by the Department, and (ii) are eligible for
23 Supplemental Security Income or Medicaid for the Aged or
24 Disabled or meet the Medicaid Waiver Assistance income and
25 asset requirements. The Department shall apply for any waiver
26 of federal law or regulations necessary to implement this



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1 paragraph.
2     (g) Older Adult Services Demonstration Grants. The
3 Department shall establish a program of demonstration grants to
4 assist in the restructuring of the delivery system for older
5 adult services and provide funding for innovative service
6 delivery models and system change and integration initiatives.
7 The Department shall prescribe, by rule, the grant application
8 process. At a minimum, every application must include:
9         (1) The type of grant sought;
10         (2) A description of the project;
11         (3) The objective of the project;
12         (4) The likelihood of the project meeting identified
13     needs;
14         (5) The plan for financing, administration, and
15     evaluation of the project;
16         (6) The timetable for implementation;
17         (7) The roles and capabilities of responsible
18     individuals and organizations;
19         (8) Documentation of collaboration with other service
20     providers, local community government leaders, and other
21     stakeholders, other providers, and any other stakeholders
22     in the community;
23         (9) Documentation of community support for the
24     project, including support by other service providers,
25     local community government leaders, and other
26     stakeholders;



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1         (10) The total budget for the project;
2         (11) The financial condition of the applicant; and
3         (12) Any other application requirements that may be
4     established by the Department by rule.
5     Each project may include provisions for a designated staff
6 person who is responsible for the development of the project
7 and recruitment of providers.
8     Projects may include, but are not limited to: adult family
9 foster care; family adult day care; assisted living in a
10 supervised apartment; personal services in a subsidized
11 housing project; evening and weekend home care coverage; small
12 incentive grants to attract new providers; money following the
13 person; cash and counseling; managed long-term care; and at
14 least one respite care project that establishes a local
15 coordinated network of volunteer and paid respite workers,
16 coordinates assignment of respite workers to caregivers and
17 older adults, ensures the health and safety of the older adult,
18 provides training for caregivers, and ensures that support
19 groups are available in the community.
20     A demonstration project funded in whole or in part by an
21 Older Adult Services Demonstration Grant is exempt from the
22 requirements of the Illinois Health Facilities Planning Act. To
23 the extent applicable, however, for the purpose of maintaining
24 the statewide inventory authorized by the Illinois Health
25 Facilities Planning Act, the Department shall send to the
26 Health Facilities Planning Board a copy of each grant award



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1 made under this subsection (g).
2     The Department, in collaboration with the Departments of
3 Public Health and Healthcare and Family Services Public Aid,
4 shall evaluate the effectiveness of the projects receiving
5 grants under this Section.
6     (h) No later than July 1 of each year, the Department of
7 Public Health shall provide information to the Department of
8 Healthcare and Family Services Public Aid to enable the
9 Department of Healthcare and Family Services Public Aid to
10 annually document and verify the savings attributable to the
11 nursing home conversion program for the previous fiscal year to
12 estimate an annual amount of such savings that may be
13 appropriated to the Department on Aging State Projects Fund and
14 notify the General Assembly, the Department on Aging, the
15 Department of Human Services, and the Advisory Committee of the
16 savings no later than October 1 of the same fiscal year.
17 (Source: P.A. 93-1031, eff. 8-27-04; 94-342, eff. 7-26-05;
18 revised 12-15-05.)