Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SB0135
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SB0135  095th General Assembly



SB0135 Enrolled LRB095 05132 CMK 25203 b

1     AN ACT concerning State government.
2     Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 represented in the General Assembly:
4     Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Green
5 Neighborhood Grant Act.
6     Section 5. Eligibility. A private development is eligible
7 for a Green Neighborhood Award Grant if the private
8 development:
9     (1) achieves certification under nationally recognized and
10 accepted Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design for
11 Neighborhood Development ("LEED-ND") green building and
12 sensible growth guidelines, standards, or systems; and
13     (2) is selected under Section 10 by the Department of
14 Commerce and Economic Opportunity.
15     Section 10. Grant proposals. By December 31, 2008, and each
16 December 31 thereafter, the Department of Commerce and Economic
17 Opportunity may, subject to appropriation, issue a request for
18 proposals from model private developments that have been
19 designated by the U.S. Green Building Council, the Congress for
20 the New Urbanism, and the National Resources Defense Council as
21 achieving LEED-ND certification. Subject to appropriation, the
22 Department may offer no more than 3 Green Neighborhood Award



SB0135 Enrolled - 2 - LRB095 05132 CMK 25203 b

1 Grants for the reimbursement of up to 1.5% of the total
2 development cost of the selected projects. No more than one of
3 the 3 eligible Green Neighborhood Award Grants may be set aside
4 for an applicant from a municipality with a residential
5 population greater than 1,000,000.
6     Section 15. Implementing rules. The Department of Commerce
7 and Economic Opportunity shall have the authority to adopt
8 rules to implement this Act.
9     Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
10 becoming law.