Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR1318
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR1318  099th General Assembly




SR1318LRB099 15703 MST 40000 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3learn of the death of John Egan of Lombard, who passed away on
4December 4, 2015; and
5    WHEREAS, John Egan was born in Joliet on March 16, 1924; he
6graduated from Joliet Township High School in 1941 and Joliet
7Junior College in 1943; he enlisted in the United States Army
8Air Corp., serving in World War II as a 1st Lieutenant in
9Sansavero, Italy, where he flew P-38s as a photo reconnaissance
10pilot; after the war, he attended the University of Colorado in
11Boulder from 1945 to 1947, graduating as Outstanding Senior of
12the Business School and Outstanding Senior Man, for which he
13was honored as Cane Bearer; he married Virginia "Sunny" Nelson
14in Denver, Colorado on July 5, 1947, and they settled in
15Lombard in 1948; and
16    WHEREAS, John Egan was employed at American National Bank
17from 1947 to 1957; following that, he joined Container
18Corporation of America in 1957, where he held various
19positions; in 1965, he was made Assistant Treasurer for the
20company until 1986, when it was sold; he also worked for the
21Gateway Foundation, McDermott and Associates, the Executive
22Service Corp., and the Marillac House; and



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1    WHEREAS, John Egan joined the Jaycees in 1950 and received
2their Lifetime Achievement Award in 2003; and
3    WHEREAS, As a young person John Egan's love of sports and
4the outdoors led him to become involved with the Lombard Park
5District in 1950, when he was appointed to the Recreation
6Commission; in 1953, he was appointed to fill an unexpired term
7and became the youngest member to serve on a local park board
8and the youngest park commissioner in Illinois; from that time
9on, his name became synonymous with all the progress and
10accomplishments made by the Lombard Park District; he served on
11various committees, was instrumental in purchasing new park
12properties, and served as President of the board from 1976 to
131991; he was most proud of the board's decisions to expand the
14number of parks by acquiring open land, to include programs and
15facilities for persons with disabilities, and to promote more
16athletics for women; and
17    WHEREAS, John Egan also help organize NEDSRA, served in
18several positions in the Lombard Historical Society, helped
19co-chair the DuPage Theater Committee, worked on various
20village commissions, and organized many sports leagues and
21associations; golf was his passion, and he enjoyed weekly games
22and tournaments that he chaired; he was also a long-time member
23of Sacred Heart Church and served in many volunteer positions;
24he attended mass every day throughout most of his adult life;



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2    WHEREAS, John Egan was preceded in death by his wife,
3Sunny; his sister, Kathleen; his son, Joseph; and his grandson,
4Justin; and
5    WHEREAS, John Egan is survived by his children John,
6Michael (Sandra), Patrick (Karen), Nancy (Ronn) Ammons, Kath,
7and (Steve) Hoelter; his 15 grandchildren; and his 14
8great-grandchildren; therefore, be it
10ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
11John Egan, and extend our sincere condolences to his family,
12friends, and all who knew and loved him; and be it further
13    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
14presented to the family of John Egan as an expression of our
15deepest sympathy.