Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HR1317
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HR1317  095th General Assembly



HR1317 LRB095 21409 GRL 50775 r


2     WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3 Representatives are pleased to congratulate Brooke Tippett
4 Thompson on the occasion of winning a Golden Apple Award; and
5     WHEREAS, Brooke Tippett Thompson is a graduate of Houston's
6 High School for the Performing and Visual Arts; as an
7 undergraduate at Ohio Wesleyan University, she was a vocal
8 performance major with an emphasis in opera and art song; she
9 attended Northeastern Illinois University where her private
10 voice teacher, Ronald Combs, was a professor; during her
11 graduate studies, her graduate assistantship was the music
12 department tutor for all non-music majors who were required to
13 take a general music course; this assistantship opened up a
14 whole other side of music for her as she realized that she had
15 a talent for communicating her love of music to others; after
16 staying for an extra year to become certified to teach, she
17 began working at Peirce School, where she remained ever since;
18 and
19     WHEREAS, In 2002, Brooke Tippett Thompson achieved
20 National Board Certification from the National Board for
21 Professional Teaching Standards and now mentors other
22 teacher-candidates through the process; she also works with the
23 Educational Testing Service and National Board for



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1 Professional Teaching Standards as a trainer in the assessment
2 process during the summer; and
3     WHEREAS, Brooke Tippett Thompson has served as a
4 kindergarten through 8th grade general music and choir teacher
5 at Helen C. Peirce School of International Studies since 1998;
6 prior to becoming a teacher, she worked at the North Lakeside
7 Cultural Center and in development for the People's Music
8 School; and
9     WHEREAS, Brooke Tippett Thompson was nominated for the
10 Golden Apple Award by dozens of students, parents, and fellow
11 teachers; her classes were observed by numerous officials, who
12 eventually selected her as one of the 10 best Chicago teachers
13 out of 850; and
14     WHEREAS, As a result of her deep interest in brain
15 development and how music affects and enhances learning, Brooke
16 Tippett Thompson brought a program called Education Through
17 Music (ETM) to Chicago; now completing its 4th year, ETM is
18 being used in over 50 classrooms (kindergarten through 8th)
19 across the Chicago Public Schools and surrounding suburban
20 areas to stabilize "at risk" students; and
21     WHEREAS, Brooke Tippett Thompson has served as the music
22 director at Edgewater Presbyterian Church since 1995; and



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1     WHEREAS, As a winner of the Golden Apple Award, Brooke
2 Tippett Thompson will receive a tuition-free spring-term
3 sabbatical at Northwestern University; a personal computer
4 from IBM; and $3,000, among other prizes; and
5     WHEREAS, Brooke Tippett Thompson serves as a model of hard
6 work, integrity, and dedication for the people of the State of
7 Illinois; therefore, be it
10 congratulate Brooke Tippett Thompson on the occasion of winning
11 a Golden Apple Award and wish her continued success and
12 happiness in the future; and be it further
13     RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
14 presented to Brooke Tippett Thompson as a symbol of our esteem
15 and respect.