Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HR1295
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HR1295  095th General Assembly



HR1295 LRB095 21398 DRJ 50807 r


2     WHEREAS, The Illinois Public Aid Code (305 ILCS 5/) sets
3 out criteria, standards and procedures governing the Medical
4 Assistance (Medicaid) Program that pays for the medical care
5 for elderly and disabled persons whose needs may best be met by
6 qualified long term care providers; and
7     WHEREAS, Eligibility for the Medical Assistance Program
8 includes a determination of the financial resources available
9 to the applicants to cover the cost of care, and a finding by
10 the Department of Healthcare and Family Services together with
11 the Department of Human Services regarding applicants'
12 responsibility for payment for care; and
13     WHEREAS, The Medical Assistance Program pays for the care
14 to the extent that an applicant's or recipient's financial
15 resources are not sufficient to cover this cost; and
16     WHEREAS, There have been instances in which the Department
17 of Healthcare and Family Services together with the Department
18 of Human Services has committed errors in the eligibility
19 determination process, including but limited to incorrect
20 processing and evaluation of the applications and the financial
21 information provided on behalf of the applicant or recipient,
22 incorrect assessment of the applicant's or recipient's payment



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1 or spenddown responsibility, and failure to correct these
2 errors on a timely basis; and
3     WHEREAS, Errors in the determinations of eligibility and
4 the assessment of the financial resources of applicants or
5 recipients who require long term care can incorrectly result in
6 the qualification and disqualification of persons, or in
7 excessive personal liability of the applicant or recipient; and
8     WHEREAS, It is critical that the eligibility determination
9 process function effectively to ensure the proper expenditure
10 of public funds, as well as coverage for those persons who are
11 in need of and entitled to assistance; therefore, be it
14 the Auditor General of the State of Illinois is directed to
15 audit the Medical Assistance Program jointly administered by
16 the Illinois Departments of Healthcare and Family Services and
17 Human Services with respect to the accuracy and impact of
18 eligibility determination standards and procedures regarding
19 persons applying for or receiving assistance for long term
20 care, with particular emphasis on the nature and scope of
21 errors in the assessment of the financial resources and
22 financial liability of the applicants and recipients; and be it
23 further



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1     RESOLVED, That the Department of Healthcare and Family
2 Services, the Department of Human Services, and any other State
3 agency, entity or person that may have information relevant to
4 this audit cooperate fully and promptly with the Auditor
5 General's Office in its conduct; and be it further
6     RESOLVED, That the Auditor General report the conclusions
7 of this audit as soon as possible and make public the findings
8 and recommendations upon completion in accordance with the
9 provisions of Section 3-14 of the Illinois State Auditing Act;
10 and be it further
11     RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be delivered to
12 the Auditor General, the Director of Healthcare and Family
13 Services, and the Secretary of Human Services.