Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB1291
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB1291  097th General Assembly




HB1291 EnrolledLRB097 02696 AJO 45303 b

1    AN ACT concerning land.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. Upon the payment of the sum of $2,300 to the
5State of Illinois, and subject to the conditions set forth in
6Section 900 of this Act, the Secretary of the Department of
7Transportation is authorized to convey by quitclaim deed all
8right, title and interest in and to the following described
9land in LaSalle County, Illinois, to Marc Scolari.
10Parcel No. 3EX0101:
11    A part of Lot 1 in Block 22 in the Subdivision of 10 acre
12    Lot 5, in the City of Peru, located in the Southwest
13    quarter of Section 16, Township 33 North, Range 1 East, of
14    the Third Principal Meridian, LaSalle County Illinois,
15    described as follows:
16    Beginning at the northwest corner of said Lot 1, thence
17    easterly 50.00 feet along the North line of said Lot 1;
18    thence southwesterly to the South line of said Lot 1, 25.00
19    feet easterly of the southwest corner of said Lot 1; thence
20    westerly along said South line to the southwest corner of
21    said Lot 1; thence northerly along the West line of said
22    Lot 1, to the Point of Beginning, containing 1,875 square



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1    feet, more or less, situated in LaSalle County, Illinois.
2    Section 10. Upon the payment of the sum of $4,500 to the
3State of Illinois, the easement for highway purposes is
4released over and through the following described land and the
5rights or easement of access, crossing, light, air and view
6from, to and over the following described land and SBI Rt. 7
7(US Rt. 6) are restored subject to permit requirements of the
8State of Illinois, Department of Transportation.
9Parcel No. 3LR0111
10    That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter
11    of Section 18, Township 33 North, Range 1 East of the Third
12    Principal Meridian, more particularly described as
13    follows:
14    Commencing at the intersection of the Northeasterly
15    boundary of State Bond Issue Route 7 (US Route 6) and the
16    South Line of Fifth Street in the City of Peru, Illinois,
17    said point of commencement being at approximate Station
18    141+63.4, 41.8 feet left as indicated on the right-of-way
19    plat prepared by the Illinois Department of Transportation
20    for S.B.I. Route 7 Construction Section 17 dated March,
21    1955; thence North 88° 29' 52" East 100.73 feet along said
22    South Line of Fifth Street to the Point of Beginning;
23    thence continuing North 88° 29' 52" East 130.00 feet along



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1    said South Line of Fifth Street; thence South 33° 24' 14"
2    East 10.57 feet to a line 30.00 feet Northwest and parallel
3    to the centerline of the proposed connection to Fifth
4    Street as indicated on said right-of-way plat; thence South
5    24° 41' 41" West 50.79 feet parallel to said centerline of
6    said connection to Fifth Street; thence South 69° 08' 33"
7    West 42.83 feet to a line 40.00 feet Northeast and radial
8    to the centerline of S.B.I. Route 7 as indicated on said
9    right-of-way plat; thence Northwesterly 80.13 feet along a
10    1,540.45 foot radius curve to the left whose chord bears
11    North 68° 27' 28" West 80.13 feet, said curve being 40.00
12    feet Northeast and radial to said centerline of S.B.I.
13    Route 7; thence North 00° 00' 00" West 37.39 feet to the
14    Point of Beginning, containing 0.162 acres, more or less
15    and all being situated in the City of Peru, LaSalle County,
16    Illinois.
17    Section 15. Upon the payment of the sum of $2,700 to the
18State of Illinois, and subject to the conditions set forth in
19Section 900 of this Act, the Secretary of the Department of
20Transportation is authorized to convey by quitclaim deed all
21right, title and interest in and to the following described
22land in Montgomery County, Illinois, to the Ariston Cafe Inc.
23Parcel No. 675X345:



HB1291 Enrolled- 4 -LRB097 02696 AJO 45303 b

1    A part of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section
2    32, Township 9 North, Range 5 West of the Third Principal
3    Meridian and a part of Lots 8 and 9 in Sunset Park
4    Subdivision to Litchfield, all in Montgomery County,
5    Illinois, described as follows:
6    Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Lot 7 in Sunset
7    Park Subdivision; thence along the easterly existing right
8    of way line of Federal Aid Route 5 (also known as U.S.
9    Route 66) on a curve to the left having a radius of
10    14,215.42 feet, an arc distance of 60.00 feet to a point
11    being 124.74 feet left of F.A. Route 5 centerline Station
12    685+47.70, also being the point of beginning; thence
13    continuing along said easterly right of way on said curve
14    having a radius of 14,215.42 feet, an arc distance of
15    131.25 feet to a point being 125.00 feet left of Station
16    686+80.10; thence North 88 degrees 59 minutes 51 seconds
17    West, 50.00 feet to a point being 75.00 feet left of
18    Station 686+80.20; thence along a curve to the right having
19    a radius of 14,265.42, an arc distance of 131.71 feet to a
20    point being 75.00 feet left of Station 685+47.80; thence
21    South 88 degrees 28 minutes 06 seconds East, 49.74 feet to
22    the point of beginning, containing 0.151 acre, more or
23    less.
24    A permanent easement reserving from the above described
25    tract, the east 20 feet thereof, for a permanent drainage
26    easement.     



HB1291 Enrolled- 5 -LRB097 02696 AJO 45303 b

1    Section 20. Upon the payment of the sum of $400 to the
2State of Illinois, and subject to the conditions set forth in
3Section 900 of this Act, the Secretary of the Department of
4Transportation is authorized to convey by quitclaim deed all
5right, title and interest in and to the following described
6land in LaSalle County, Illinois, to Marc Scolari.
7Parcel No. 3LR0122
8    A part of Lot 2 in Block 22 in the Subdivision of Ten Acre
9    Lot No. 5, in the City of Peru, located in the Southwest
10    Quarter of Section 16, Township 33 North, Range 1 East, of
11    the Third Principal Meridian, LaSalle County Illinois,
12    described as follows:
13    Beginning at the southwest corner of said Lot 2; thence
14    northerly along the west line of said Lot 2 to the
15    northwest corner of said Lot 2; thence easterly 25.00 feet
16    along the north line of said Lot 2; thence southwesterly to
17    the Point of Beginning, containing 625 square feet, more or
18    less, situated in LaSalle County, Illinois.
19    Section 25. Upon the payment of the sum of $4,800 to the
20State of Illinois, the easement for highway purposes is
21released over and through the following described land and the
22rights or easement of access, crossing, light, air and view



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1from, to and over the following described land and FA 26 are
2restored subject to permit requirements of the State of
3Illinois, Department of Transportation.
4Parcel No. 3LR0120
5    A part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 29
6    North, Range 14 West of the Second Principal Meridian,
7    Kankakee County, Illinois, described as follows:
8    Commencing at the Southwest corner of Lot 14, Block 3 in
9    Schrader's Addition to the Village of Chebanse; thence
10    North 73 degrees 05 minutes 23 seconds West along the South
11    line of said Lot 14 extended to the West 66.00 feet to a
12    point on East right-of-way line of the Canadian National
13    Railroad; thence North 16 degrees 50 minutes 28 seconds
14    East along said right-of-way line 508.49 feet; thence North
15    16 degrees 53 minutes 05 seconds East along said
16    right-of-way line 555.51 feet to an iron rod, at the point
17    of beginning; thence continuing North 16 degrees 53 minutes
18    05 seconds East along said right-of-way line 716.70 feet to
19    an iron rod 125.00 feet West of the centerline of Federal
20    Aid Interstate Route 57, thence Southwesterly 680.13 feet
21    125.0 feet West of and parallel with said centerline of
22    Interstate 57 along a 5,854.65 foot radius curve to the
23    left whose chord bearing is South 05 degrees 35 minutes 20
24    seconds West 679.75 feet to an iron rod; thence South 86



HB1291 Enrolled- 7 -LRB097 02696 AJO 45303 b

1    degrees 15 minutes 30 seconds West 142.27 feet to the point
2    of beginning, containing 0.992 acre more or less, situated
3    in Kankakee County, Illinois.
4    Section 30. Upon the payment of the sum of $1,000 to the
5State of Illinois, and subject to the conditions set forth in
6Section 900 of this Act, the Secretary of the Department of
7Transportation is authorized to convey by quitclaim deed all
8right, title and interest in and to the following described
9land in Grundy County, Illinois, to Craig Van Duyne.
10Parcel No. 3LR0118:
11Tract No. 1
12    A part of lots 1 and 2 in block 21 of Mitchell's addition
13    to Braceville, Illinois, located in the Northwest Quarter
14    of Section 25, Township 32 North, Range 8 East, of the
15    Third Principal Meridian, Grundy County, Illinois,
16    described as follows, with bearings referenced to the
17    Illinois state plane coordinate system, East zone (NAD 83)
18    97 adj.:
19    Beginning at the Southeast corner of said lot 1; thence
20    South 88 degrees 35 minutes 12 seconds West, 64.04 feet
21    along the South line of said lots 1 and 2 to the
22    Northwesterly existing right of way line of FA Route 77
23    (Illinois route 129); thence North 43 degrees 32 minutes 48



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1    seconds East, 87.21 feet along said right of way line to
2    the East line of said lot 1; thence South 03 degrees 39
3    minutes 26 seconds East, 61.76 feet to the point of
4    beginning, containing 1,976 square feet, more or less,
5    situated in Grundy County, Illinois.
6Tract No. 2
7    A part of lots 2 and 3 in block 20 of Mitchell's addition
8    to Braceville, Illinois, located in the Northwest quarter
9    of Section 25, Township 32 North, Range 8 East, of the
10    Third Principal Meridian, Grundy County, Illinois,
11    described as follows, with bearings referenced to the
12    Illinois state plane coordinate system, East zone (NAD 83)
13    97 adj.:
14    Beginning at the Northeast corner of said lot 3; thence
15    South 30 degrees 42 minutes 40 seconds East, 43.57 feet;
16    thence South 43 degrees 32 minutes 48 seconds West, 94.91
17    feet parallel with the Southeasterly line of said block 20,
18    to the West line of said lot 3; thence North 03 degrees 39
19    minutes 26 seconds West, 52.24 feet along the West line of
20    said lot 3, to the Northwesterly existing right of way line
21    of FA Route 77 (Illinois route 129); thence North 41
22    degrees 19 minutes 08 seconds East, 70.47 feet along said
23    right of way line to the East line of said lot 3; thence
24    North 02 degrees 53 minutes 36 seconds West, 1.20 feet to



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1    the point of beginning, containing 3,262 square feet, more
2    or less, situated in Grundy County, Illinois.
3    Section 35. Upon the payment of the sum of $90,000 to the
4State of Illinois, and subject to the conditions set forth in
5Section 900 of this Act, the Secretary of the Department of
6Transportation is authorized to convey by quitclaim deed all
7right, title and interest in and to the following described
8land in Madison County, Illinois, to Edward E. Meyer and
9Dorothy M. Meyer.
10Parcel No. 800XC48:
11    That part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 15, Township
12    4 North, Range 8 West of the Third Principal Meridian,
13    Madison County, described as follows:
14    Commencing at the northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter
15    of said Section 15; thence on an assumed bearing of South
16    00 degrees 03 minutes 30 Seconds East on the west line of
17    said Quarter Section, 1,147.75 feet; thence South 89
18    degrees 33 minutes 39 seconds East, 341.00 feet; thence
19    North 00 degrees 03 minutes 30 seconds West on a line lying
20    340.99 feet east of and parallel with the west line of said
21    Quarter Section, 318.50 feet to the Point of Beginning.
22    From said Point of Beginning; thence continuing North 00
23    degrees 03 minutes 30 seconds West on said line, 128.59



HB1291 Enrolled- 10 -LRB097 02696 AJO 45303 b

1    feet; thence North 52 degrees 23 minutes 14 seconds East,
2    270.81 feet, to the west line of a tract of land as
3    conveyed to Richard Lawrence Lexow according to the
4    Executor's Deed recorded on January 7, 1998 in Book 4195,
5    Page 755; thence South 00 degrees 03 minutes 30 seconds
6    East, on said line, 109.21 feet to the existing right of
7    way of line of F.A. Route 5, as established by Condemnation
8    Case No. 71-H-2; thence southwesterly, 205.56 feet on a
9    curve to the left having a radius of 4,468.66 feet, the
10    chord of said curve bears South 41 degrees 37 minutes 33
11    seconds West, 205.55 feet to a line that lies 418.99 feet
12    east of and parallel with the west line of the aforesaid
13    Northeast Quarter; thence North 00 degrees 03 minutes 30
14    seconds West, on said line, 61.39 feet to the existing
15    right of way line of F.A. Route 5 according to the Deed
16    thereof recorded May 17, 1978 in Book 3094, Page 2227;
17    thence southwesterly, 120.86 feet on said right of way
18    line, being a curve to the left having a radius of 4,508.66
19    feet, the chord of said curve bears South 40 degrees 08
20    minutes 04 seconds West, 120.86 feet to the east line of a
21    tract of land as conveyed to Ray Louis Spitze and Edward
22    Ellen Meyer according to the Quit Claim Deed recorded June
23    17, 2003 in Book 4582, Page 2607 (Parcel 1), also being the
24    Point of Beginning.
25    Said Parcel 800XC48 contains 0.6155 acres or 26,810 square
26    feet, more or less, situated in the County of Madison and



HB1291 Enrolled- 11 -LRB097 02696 AJO 45303 b

1    State of Illinois.
2    Section 40. Upon the payment of the sum of $4,900 to the
3State of Illinois, the easement for highway purposes is
4released over and through the following described land and the
5rights or easement of access, crossing, light, air and view
6from, to and over the following described land and SBI 8 (Old
7US 34) are restored subject to permit requirements of the State
8of Illinois, Department of Transportation.
9Parcel No. 409641V
10    A part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 34, Township 10
11    North, Range 6 West of the Fourth Principal Meridian,
12    Henderson County, State of Illinois, more particularly
13    bounded and described as follows:
14    Commencing at a stone at the Southwest Corner of said
15    Section 34; thence North 00 degrees 56 minutes 55 seconds
16    West, 2508.21 feet along the West line of said Section 34
17    to a point on the existing centerline of S.B.I. Route 8 (US
18    34); thence North 49 degrees 37 minutes 00 seconds East
19    along said existing centerline 1841.77 feet to the Point of
20    Beginning for the tract to be described.
21    From the Point of Beginning, thence North 40 degrees 23
22    minutes 00 seconds West, 30.00 feet to a point on the
23    existing northerly right of way line of S.B.I. Route 8 (US



HB1291 Enrolled- 12 -LRB097 02696 AJO 45303 b

1    34), said point being 30.00 feet normally distant northerly
2    of said centerline; thence North 49 degrees 37 minutes 00
3    seconds East, 584.80 feet to a point, said point being
4    30.00 feet normally distant northerly of said centerline;
5    thence North 40 degrees 23 minutes 00 seconds West, 55.00
6    feet to a point, said point being 85.00 feet normally
7    distant northerly of said centerline; thence North 49
8    degrees 37 minutes 00 seconds East, 67.80 feet to a point,
9    said point being 85.00 feet normally distant northerly from
10    said centerline; thence 969.06 feet along a curve to the
11    right having a radius of 606.70 feet whose chord bears
12    South 84 degrees 37 minutes 30 seconds East, 869.28 feet to
13    a point, said point being 85.00 feet normally distant
14    northerly from said centerline; thence South 38 degrees 52
15    minutes 00 seconds East, 322.14 feet to a point on the
16    existing northerly right of way line of the C B and O
17    Railroad, said point being 85.00 feet normally distant
18    northerly from said centerline; the last 5 named courses
19    being along the northerly right of way line of said
20    centerline; thence South 61 degrees 13 minutes 10 seconds
21    West along the existing northerly right of way line of the
22    C B and O Railroad, 137.12 feet to a point on the existing
23    southerly right of way line of S.B.I. Route 8 (US 34), said
24    point being 50.00 feet normally southerly from said
25    centerline; thence North 38 degrees 52 minutes 00 seconds
26    West, 298.13 feet to a point, said point being 50.00 feet



HB1291 Enrolled- 13 -LRB097 02696 AJO 45303 b

1    normally distant southerly from said centerline; thence
2    753.43 feet along a curve to the left having a radius of
3    471.70 feet whose chord bears North 84 degrees 37 minutes
4    30 seconds West to a point, said point being 50.00 feet
5    normally distant southerly from said centerline; Thence
6    South 49 degrees 37 minutes 00 seconds West, 67.80 feet to
7    a point, said point being 50.00 feet normally distant
8    southerly from said centerline; thence North 40 degrees 23
9    minutes 00 seconds West, 20.00 feet to a point, said point
10    being 30.00 feet normally distant southerly from said
11    centerline; thence South 49 degrees 37 minutes 00 seconds
12    West, 584.80 feet to a point, said point being 30.00 feet
13    normally distant southerly from said centerline (the last 4
14    named courses being along the southerly right of way line
15    of said centerline); thence North 40 degrees 23 minutes 00
16    seconds West, 30.00 feet to the Point of Beginning.
17    The said tract of land contains 202,378 square feet, more
18    or less, or 4.646 acres, more or less.
19    In addition to the vacated parcel, the responsibility and
20    conditions of the tract of land described below shall be
21    transferred from the Department to the grantee and become
22    the responsibility of said grantee.
23    In general, the land is described as being situated in the
24    North Half of Section 34, Township 10 North, Range 6 West
25    of the Fourth Principal Meridian. A more detailed
26    description is as follows:



HB1291 Enrolled- 14 -LRB097 02696 AJO 45303 b

1    From a stone at the South East Corner of Section 33,
2    Township and Range aforesaid, running thence north 2616.0
3    feet; thence North 49 degrees 37 minutes East 1487.9 feet;
4    thence along a curve to the right, tangent to the last
5    described course, having a radius of 521.7 feet for a
6    distance of 238.21 feet; thence South 18 degrees 44 minutes
7    East 30.2 feet to the point of beginning aforesaid, running
8    thence along a curve to the left, parallel to the curve of
9    the center line, having a radius of 471.7 feet; for a
10    distance of 50.4 feet; thence South 18 degrees 44 minutes
11    East 689.5 feet; thence South 58 degrees 35 minutes West
12    102.5 feet; thence North 18 degrees 44 minutes West 70.5
13    feet; thence along a curve to the left, parallel to the
14    curve of the center line, having a radius of 471.7 feet for
15    a distance of 50.2 feet to the point of beginning, and
16    involving an area of approximately 1.64 acres.
17    Also, it is to be considered that permission is granted
18    herein to the State of Illinois, acting by and through the
19    Department of Public Works & Buildings, to drain by tile
20    open ditch or otherwise, the proposed subway under the
21    Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad, and maintain such
22    drainage over, through and across a part or all of such
23    land as is now owned or controlled by the said Crystal Lake
24    Club, south of the aforesaid railroad right of way, and
25    between the said railroad right of way, and existing
26    highway south of said railroad at such locations as will be



HB1291 Enrolled- 15 -LRB097 02696 AJO 45303 b

1    selected by the aforesaid Department or its
2    representatives.
3    Signed on July 31st, 1924 by Arthur J. Bruner and Robert R.
4    Burrus, President and Secretary, respectfully, of the New
5    Crystal Lake Club.
6    Section 45. Upon the payment of the sum of $2,300 to the
7State of Illinois, and subject to the conditions set forth in
8Section 900 of this Act, the Secretary of the Department of
9Transportation is authorized to convey by quitclaim deed all
10right, title and interest in and to the following described
11land in Rock Island County, Illinois, to Bud Johnston.
12Parcel No. 2XRI074:
13    A part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 22, Township 18
14    North, Range 1 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, Rock
15    Island County, State of Illinois, consisting of two tracts
16    of land, described as follows:
17Tract One
18    Commencing at a 1/2" diameter rebar with cap at the
19    southwest corner of the Northwest Quarter of said Section
20    22; thence South 89 degrees 56 minutes 59 seconds East,
21    1,489.26 feet (Bearings and grid distances are referenced



HB1291 Enrolled- 16 -LRB097 02696 AJO 45303 b

1    to the Illinois State Plane Coordinate System West Zone
2    Datum of 1983(97)) on the south line of said Northwest
3    Quarter; thence North 0 degrees 37 minutes 49 seconds East,
4    79.16 feet, to the northwesterly right of way line of a
5    public highway designated SBI Route 3 (IL 5) as conveyed to
6    the State of Illinois Department of Transportation from
7    Emil Bush and Jennie Bush by Warranty Deed recorded January
8    15, 1964 as Document No. 593190 in the Recorder's Office of
9    Rock Island County; thence North 59 degrees 23 minutes 43
10    seconds East, 287.02 feet on said northwesterly right of
11    way line, to the Point of Beginning.
12    From the Point of Beginning thence North 59 degrees 23
13    minutes 43 seconds East, 370.33 feet on said northwesterly
14    right of way line, to the northwesterly right of way line
15    of Old SBI Route 3 (IL 2); thence southwesterly on said
16    northwesterly right of way line, 116.82 feet on a curve to
17    the left, having a radius of 1,468.69 feet, a central angle
18    of 4 degrees 33 minutes 26 seconds and the long chord of
19    said curve bears South 48 degrees 29 minutes 08 seconds
20    West, a chord distance of 116.78 feet; thence South 64
21    degrees 20 minutes 11 seconds West, 256.60 feet, to the
22    Point of Beginning, containing 0.092 acre, more or less.
23Tract Two
24    Commencing at a 1/2" diameter rebar with cap at the



HB1291 Enrolled- 17 -LRB097 02696 AJO 45303 b

1    southwest corner of the Northwest Quarter of said Section
2    22; thence South 89 degrees 56 minutes 59 seconds East,
3    1,489.26 feet (Bearings and grid distances are referenced
4    to the Illinois State Plane Coordinate System West Zone
5    Datum of 1983(97)) on the south line of said Northwest
6    Quarter; thence North 0 degrees 37 minutes 49 seconds East,
7    79.16 feet, to the northwesterly right of way line of a
8    public highway designated SBI Route 3 (IL 5) as conveyed to
9    the State of Illinois Department of Transportation from
10    Emil Bush and Jennie Bush by Warranty Deed recorded January
11    15, 1964 as Document No. 593190 in the Recorder's Office of
12    Rock Island County; thence North 59 degrees 23 minutes 43
13    seconds East, 287.02 feet on said northwesterly right of
14    way line; thence North 64 degrees 20 minutes 11 seconds
15    East, 538.97 feet; thence North 70 degrees 33 minutes 37
16    seconds East, 46.32 feet, to the southeasterly right of way
17    line of Old SBI Route 3 (IL 2) and the Point of Beginning.
18    From the Point of Beginning thence northeasterly on said
19    southeasterly right of way line, 477.65 feet on a curve to
20    the right, having a radius of 1,396.69 feet, a central
21    angle of 19 degrees 35 minutes 39 seconds and the long
22    chord of said curve bears North 68 degrees 51 minutes 03
23    seconds East, a chord distance of 475.32 feet; thence South
24    0 degrees 22 minutes 31 seconds West, 15.05 feet; thence
25    South 45 degrees 22 minutes 32 seconds West, 40.84 feet;
26    thence South 76 degrees 47 minutes 02 seconds West, 160.10



HB1291 Enrolled- 18 -LRB097 02696 AJO 45303 b

1    feet; thence South 70 degrees 33 minutes 37 seconds West,
2    273.89 feet, to the Point of Beginning, containing 0.264
3    acre, more or less.
4    The said Real Estate being also shown by the plat attached
5    hereto and made a part hereof.
6    It is understood and agreed that there is no existing right
7    of access nor will access be permitted in the future by the
8    State of Illinois, Department of Transportation, from or
9    over the premises above described to and from SBI Rt 3,
10    previously declared a freeway.
11    Section 50. Upon the payment of the sum of $3,100 to the
12State of Illinois, the easement for highway purposes is
13released over and through the following described land and the
14rights or easement of access, crossing, light, air and view
15from, to and over the following described land and SBI Rt. 3
16(IL 5) are restored subject to permit requirements of the State
17of Illinois, Department of Transportation.
18Parcel No. 2DRIX92
19    A part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 22, Township 18
20    North, Range 1 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, Rock
21    Island County, State of Illinois, described as follows:
22    Commencing at a 1/2" diameter rebar with cap at the
23    southwest corner of the Northwest Quarter of said Section



HB1291 Enrolled- 19 -LRB097 02696 AJO 45303 b

1    22; thence South 89 degrees 56 minutes 59 seconds East,
2    1,489.26 feet (Bearings and grid distances are referenced
3    to the Illinois State Plane Coordinate System West Datum of
4    1983(97)) on the south line of said Northwest Quarter;
5    thence North 0 degrees 37 minutes 49 seconds East, 79.16
6    feet, to the northwesterly right of way line of a public
7    highway designated SBI Route 3 (IL 5) as conveyed to the
8    State of Illinois, Department of Transportation from Emil
9    Bush and Jennie Bush by Warranty Deed recorded January 15,
10    1964 as Document No. 593190 in the Recorder's Office of
11    Rock Island County; thence North 59 degrees 23 minutes 43
12    seconds East, 657.35 feet on said northwesterly right of
13    way line, to the northwesterly right of way line of Old SBI
14    Route 3 (IL 2) and the Point of Beginning.
15    From the Point of Beginning thence northeasterly on said
16    northwesterly right of way line, 729.69 feet on a curve to
17    the right, having a radius of 1,468.69 feet, a central
18    angle of 28 degrees 27 minutes 59 seconds and the long
19    chord of said curve bears North 64 degrees 59 minutes 50
20    seconds East, a chord distance of 722.21 feet; thence South
21    0 degrees 22 minutes 31 seconds West, 73.46 feet, to the
22    southeasterly right of way line of said Old SBI Route 3 (IL
23    2); thence southwesterly on said southeasterly right of way
24    line, 477.65 feet on a curve to the left, having a radius
25    of 1,396.69 feet, a central angle of 19 degrees 35 minutes
26    39 seconds and the long chord of said curve bears South 68



HB1291 Enrolled- 20 -LRB097 02696 AJO 45303 b

1    degrees 51 minutes 03 seconds West, a chord distance of
2    475.32 feet; thence South 70 degrees 33 minutes 37 seconds
3    West, 46.32 feet; thence South 64 degrees 20 minutes 11
4    seconds West, 282.37 feet, to the northwesterly right of
5    way line of said Old SBI Route 3 (IL 2); thence
6    northeasterly on said northwesterly right of way line,
7    116.82 feet on a curve to the right, having a radius of
8    1,468.69 feet, a central angle of 4 degrees 33 minutes 26
9    seconds and the long chord of said curve bears North 48
10    degrees 29 minutes 08 seconds East, a chord distance of
11    116.78 feet, to the Point of Beginning, containing 1.122
12    acres, more or less.
13    The said Real Estate being also shown by the plat attached
14    hereto and made a part hereof.
15    It is understood and agreed that there is no existing right
16    of access nor will access be permitted in the future by the
17    State of Illinois, Department of Transportation, from or
18    over the premises above described to and from SBI Rt 3 (IL
19    5), previously declared a freeway.
20    Section 55. Upon the payment of the sum of $3,000 to the
21State of Illinois, and subject to the conditions set forth in
22Section 900 of this Act, the Secretary of the Department of
23Transportation is authorized to convey by quitclaim deed all
24right, title and interest in and to the following described
25land in St. Clair County, Illinois, to Kristine M. Noffsinger.



HB1291 Enrolled- 21 -LRB097 02696 AJO 45303 b

1Parcel No. 800XC84:
2    That part of the Lots 61, 62, and 63 of the First Addition
3    to Bruce Place, a subdivision of part of Lots 193 and 194,
4    part of U.S. Surveys 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54 and 55,
5    Commonfields of Cahokia, reference being had to the plat
6    thereof recorded in the Recorder's Office of St. Clair
7    County, Illinois in Plat Book 51 on Page 42, St. Clair
8    County, Illinois, described as follows:
9    Beginning at the most easterly corner of said Lot 63;
10    thence on an assumed bearing of South 46 degrees 19 minutes
11    21 seconds West on the southeasterly line of said Lot 63, a
12    distance of 93.65 feet to the easterly right of way line of
13    FAI Route 255 (I 255), being of variable width; thence
14    North 12 degrees 46 minutes 53 seconds West on said
15    easterly right of way line, 182.38 feet to the
16    southwesterly right of way line of Sycamore Street, 50 feet
17    wide; thence South 43 degrees 40 minutes 39 seconds East
18    along said southwesterly right of way line, 156.50 feet to
19    the Point of Beginning.
20    Said Parcel 800XC84 herein described contains 0.1682
21    acres, or 7,328 square feet, more or less.
22    Parcel 800XC84 is subject to any and all utility easements,
23    and the rights existing to any and all facilities for said
24    easements on the real estate herein above described.



HB1291 Enrolled- 22 -LRB097 02696 AJO 45303 b

1    Direct access shall not be allowed from Parcel 800XC84 to
2    FAI Route 255 (I 255).
3    Section 900. The Secretary of Transportation shall obtain a
4certified copy of the portion of this Act containing the title,
5enacting clause, the effective date, the appropriate Section
6containing the land description of the property to be
7transferred or otherwise affected under this Act within 69 days
8after its effective date and, upon receipt of payment required
9by the Section shall record the certified document in the
10Recorder's Office in the county in which the land is located.
11    Section 999. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
12becoming law.