Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0129
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0129  096th General Assembly



SR0129 LRB096 11744 DRJ 22876 r


2     WHEREAS, The war in Afghanistan and the use of the United
3 States Armed Forces was necessary at the time following the
4 attacks on 9/11; and
5     WHEREAS, Our troops have performed magnificently and
6 heroically in their pursuit of terrorists; and
7     WHEREAS, United States Armed Forces have helped secure the
8 new government in Afghanistan; and
9     WHEREAS, The people of the United States have indicated
10 that this war has gone on long enough; and
11     WHEREAS, Many American service personnel have lost their
12 lives, and many more have been wounded, in Afghanistan, and the
13 American people will always honor their sacrifices and honor
14 their families; and
15      WHEREAS, Billions of dollars have been appropriated by
16 Congress to fund military operations and reconstruction in
17 Afghanistan, and Illinois residents' share now exceeds $2.1
18 billion; those funds could be going to much-needed
19 infrastructure, education, and capital programs; therefore, be
20 it



SR0129 - 2 - LRB096 11744 DRJ 22876 r

2 ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that the State of Illinois,
3 on behalf of its citizens, salutes and supports the dedicated
4 service of the members of the United States Armed Forces,
5 including members of the Illinois National Guard; and be it
6 further
7     RESOLVED, That on behalf of the citizens of Illinois, the
8 Senate believes that it is not in the national interest of the
9 United States to deepen its military involvement in
10 Afghanistan, particularly by escalating the United States
11 military force presence in Afghanistan, that the 17,000 U.S.
12 troops in Afghanistan should be recalled from there, and that
13 we should concentrate on capturing Osama bin Laden; and be it
14 further
15     RESOLVED, That the primary objective of United States
16 strategy in Afghanistan should be to have the Afghani political
17 leaders make the political compromises necessary to end the
18 violence in Afghanistan; and be it further
19     RESOLVED, That greater concerted regional and
20 international support would assist the Afghanis in achieving a
21 political solution and national reconciliation; and be it
22 further



SR0129 - 3 - LRB096 11744 DRJ 22876 r

1     RESOLVED, That the United States should engage nations in
2 the Middle East to develop a regional, internationally
3 sponsored peace and reconciliation process for Afghanistan;
4 and be it further
5     RESOLVED, That the United States should transfer, under an
6 appropriately expedited timeline, responsibility for internal
7 security and halting sectarian violence in Afghanistan to the
8 Government of Afghanistan and Afghani Security Forces from
9 American military personnel; and be it further
10     RESOLVED, That the Department of Defense and the Veterans
11 Administration must provide the highest quality of care to our
12 American heroes wounded and injured in Afghanistan; and be it
13 further
14     RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution shall be
15 sent to President Barack Obama, the members of the Illinois
16 Congressional delegation, the Speaker of the United States
17 House of Representatives, the Minority Leader of the United
18 States House of Representatives, the President Pro Tempore of
19 the United States Senate, and the Minority Leader of the United
20 States Senate.