Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB1270
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB1270  095th General Assembly



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1     AN ACT concerning local government.
2     Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 represented in the General Assembly:
4     Section 5. The Public Graveyards Act is amended by changing
5 Section 1 as follows:
6     (50 ILCS 610/1)  (from Ch. 21, par. 13)
7     Sec. 1. (a) Public graveyards in this State, not under the
8 control of any corporation sole, organization or society, and
9 located within the limits of townships or counties not under
10 township organization, shall and may be controlled or vacated
11 by the corporate authorities of such township or county in such
12 manner as such authorities may deem proper, and in the case of
13 townships, such control may be vested in 3 trustees. If a
14 township board has vested control of a public graveyard in 3
15 trustees in accordance with this Section, it may, by
16 resolution, divest the trustees of control of the public
17 graveyard and assume control of the public graveyard.
18     (b) Vacancies created by the expiration occurring at any
19 time after the effective date of the amendatory Act of the
20 Seventy-eighth General Assembly and after this amendatory Act
21 of the 83rd General Assembly of the terms of cemetery trustees
22 of a township (except a township coterminous with a
23 municipality) or of a county not under township organization



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1 elected under this Act shall be filled only by appointment.
2 Such appointment shall be made by the county board of any
3 county not under township organization or by the Township Board
4 of Trustees in counties under township organization, as the
5 case may be, for a term of 6 years. Until the effective date of
6 this amendatory Act of 1983, in a township coterminous with a
7 municipality, cemetery trustees shall continue to be elected by
8 ballot, with one trustee elected in each odd-numbered year, in
9 accordance with the provisions of the general election law, for
10 a term of 6 years and until their respective successors are
11 elected and qualified. After the effective date of this
12 amendatory Act of 1983, in a township coterminous with a
13 municipality, cemetery trustees shall be appointed by the
14 governing authority of the municipality with one trustee
15 appointed in each odd-numbered year for a term of 6 years and
16 until his or her respective successors are appointed and
17 qualified.
18     Such trustees may be paid such compensation, not to exceed
19 $2,000 $500 per year, as may be fixed by the Township Board of
20 Trustees. If the cemetery trustees also act as the cemetery
21 caretakers, then the cemetery trustees may be paid compensation
22 not to exceed $5,000 per year, as may be fixed by the Township
23 Board of Trustees.
24     (c) Not more than one of the trustees shall be from any one
25 city or village or incorporated town or section of land within
26 such township unless such city, village, incorporated town or



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1 section of land shall have more than 50% of the population of
2 the township according to the last preceding Federal census in
3 which are included 2 or more cities, villages, incorporated
4 towns or sections of land.
5 (Source: P.A. 94-24, eff. 6-14-05.)
6     Section 10. The Township Code is amended by changing
7 Sections 80-55 and 150-15 as follows:
8     (60 ILCS 1/80-55)
9     Sec. 80-55. Multi-township board. A multi-township board
10 shall be organized as provided in the Property Tax Code, and
11 shall have only the powers, duties, and responsibilities
12 provided by law. Members of a multi-township board may receive
13 additional pay for their service, determined by the
14 multi-township board under Section 65-10, in an amount not to
15 exceed $50 $25 per day for each day of service and may be
16 reimbursed for any actual expense incurred in the discharge of
17 their duties as members of the multi-township board.
18 (Source: P.A. 88-62; 88-670, eff. 12-2-94.)
19     (60 ILCS 1/150-15)
20     Sec. 150-15. Board of managers; election; organization;
21 salary.
22     (a) The community building or buildings, if authorized at
23 an election, shall be under the care and supervision of a board



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1 of managers. The board of managers shall consist of 3 persons
2 who are registered to vote from a residence in the township.
3 Each member of the board of managers may be paid a salary not
4 to exceed $50 $25 per day or $2,000 $500 per year, as
5 determined by the township board, for attendance at township
6 meetings and business travel pertaining to official duties.
7     (b) The first board of managers shall be elected at the
8 regular election at which the referendum for the first issue of
9 bonds for the establishment of a community building or
10 buildings is authorized by the voters. Three managers shall be
11 elected at the time of the regular township election provided
12 in the general election law and until their successors are
13 elected and qualified.
14     (c) Candidates for the board of managers shall be nominated
15 by a petition signed by 10 registered voters of the township
16 and filed with the township clerk within the time prescribed by
17 the general election law. The township clerk shall certify the
18 names of the candidates to the proper election authorities. The
19 election shall be conducted in the manner prescribed by the
20 general election law. The 3 candidates receiving the highest
21 number of votes, respectively, shall be declared elected and
22 shall assume the duties of their office on the first Monday of
23 the month following their election.
24     (d) Within 10 days after assuming office, the board of
25 managers shall meet and organize. One member shall be elected
26 chairman and one member shall be elected clerk of the board. A



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1 majority of the board shall constitute a quorum for the
2 transaction of business. If a vacancy occurs on the board, the
3 vacancy shall be filled by the remaining managers within 60
4 days by the appointment of a person who is qualified to be a
5 manager. The person appointed shall serve the remainder of the
6 unexpired term.
7 (Source: P.A. 86-283; 88-62.)
8     Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
9 becoming law.