Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0122
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0122  095th General Assembly



SR0122 LRB095 11763 KXB 34633 r


2     WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3 learn of the death of Carolyn Adams, who passed away on March
4 26, 2007; and
5     WHEREAS, Carolyn Adams was the Superintendent of the
6 Illinois Lottery, where she played a key role in increasing the
7 Lottery's contribution to education; and
8     WHEREAS, Since her appointment as Superintendent of the
9 Illinois Lottery on May 25, 2003, Carolyn Adams was
10 instrumental in overhauling the Lottery's product portfolio,
11 introducing new games and drawings, improving retailer
12 communications, and updating technology and sales systems; she
13 also oversaw the successful launch of two specialty tickets
14 called "Ticket For The Cure" and "Veteran's Cash"; proceeds
15 from the "Ticket For The Cure" goes to benefit breast cancer
16 research, education, and programs; "Veteran's Cash" proceeds
17 go to services and support programs for veterans in Illinois;
18 and
19     WHEREAS, Carolyn Adams is credited with achieving three
20 consecutive years of record sales growth for the Illinois State
21 Lottery; sales increased $403 million and profits rose $130
22 million during her time as Superintendent; total Lottery sales



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1 reached $1.99 billion in 2006; and
2     WHEREAS, Carolyn Adams was a native of the Roseland
3 community on Chicago's South Side; she spent two years at
4 Illinois State University in Bloomington before returning to
5 Chicago to earn her Bachelor of Arts degree in communication at
6 Columbia College; and
7     WHEREAS, Carolyn Adams enjoyed a successful sales and
8 marketing career before joining State government; she was among
9 the top sales executives for Clear Channel Communications and
10 prior to that, served similar roles for Chicago's WGN Radio 720
11 and WVON 1690 AM; and
12     WHEREAS, Carolyn Adams was a member of the Chicago Urban
13 League and the Rainbow Push Coalition; she was active in
14 Chicago's Principal for a Day program, and she served as a
15 board member of the Open Book Federation; and
16     WHEREAS, Carolyn Adams is survived by her 10 year-old son,
17 Tre; her mother, Harriett VanPelt; her brother, Darryl Lewis;
18 and her sisters, April Lewis-Carter and Tanya Tomlin;
19 therefore, be it
21 ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of



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1 Carolyn Adams and extend to her family our deepest condolences
2 at this time of loss; and be it further
3     RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
4 presented to the family of Carolyn Adams as a symbol of our
5 sincere sympathy.