Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SJRCA0012
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SJRCA0012  093rd General Assembly

SJRCA0012 93rd General Assembly


                                     LRB093 08032 RCE 08231 e

 1                       SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION
 2                      CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT

 3        WHEREAS, We  are,  in  the  words  of  President  Abraham
 4    Lincoln,  a "government of the people, by the people, and for
 5    the people"; and

 6        WHEREAS, An amendment to the Illinois Constitution  built
 7    upon  the  Lincoln  principles  of  government  will serve to
 8    strengthen our democracy; and

 9        WHEREAS, The petition rights of our citizens are  central
10    to our form of self-government; therefore, be it

13    REPRESENTATIVES   CONCURRING  HEREIN,  that  there  shall  be
14    submitted to the  electors  of  the  State  for  adoption  or
15    rejection  at  the general election next occurring at least 6
16    months after the adoption of this resolution a proposition to
17    amend Sections 1 and 8 of Article IV of the  Constitution  as
18    follows:

19                             ARTICLE IV
20                           THE LEGISLATURE

21         (ILCON Art. IV, Sec. 1)
23        (a)  Except   as   provided   in   subsection   (b),  the
24    legislative power is vested in a General Assembly  consisting
25    of  a  Senate  and a House of Representatives, elected by the
26    electors from 59 Legislative Districts and 118 Representative
27    Districts.
28        (b)  The electors reserve to themselves  the  legislative
29    power  to  propose bills by petition for consideration by the
30    General Assembly as provided in subsection (b-5)  of  Section
                            -2-      LRB093 08032 RCE 08231 e
 1    8.
 2    (Source:  Amendment  adopted  at general election November 4,
 3    1980.)

 4         (ILCON Art. IV, Sec. 8)
 6        (a)  The enacting clause of the laws of this State  shall
 7    be:  "Be  it  enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
 8    represented in the General Assembly."
 9        (b)  The General Assembly shall enact laws only by  bill.
10    Except  as  provided in subsection (b-5), bills may originate
11    in either house, but may be amended or rejected by the other.
12        (b-5)  Bills may be proposed by a petition  signed  by  a
13    number  of  electors  equal  in  number to at least 6% of the
14    total votes cast for candidates for Governor in the preceding
15    gubernatorial election.  A petition shall contain the text of
16    the bill, shall have been signed by the petitioning  electors
17    not  more than one year preceding the filing of the petition,
18    and shall be filed with the Secretary of  State  not  earlier
19    than  the  second  Wednesday  in  January in any year and not
20    later than the fourth Wednesday in March in that  year.   The
21    procedure  for  determining the validity and sufficiency of a
22    petition shall be provided by law, but  the  procedure  shall
23    take not longer than 30 days.
24        If a petition is determined to be valid and sufficient as
25    provided  by  law, the bill proposed by the petition shall be
26    proposed to the members of the House  of  Representatives  by
27    the  Speaker  of  the  House  of  Representatives  and to the
28    members of the Senate by the President of  the  Senate.   The
29    bill  may  not  be amended by either house.  A record vote of
30    all the members of the House of Representatives and  all  the
31    members  of  the  Senate  shall be taken on the bill not more
32    than 30 days after the petition is determined to be valid and
33    sufficient.
                            -3-      LRB093 08032 RCE 08231 e
 1        (c)  No bill shall become a law without  the  concurrence
 2    of  a  majority  of  the members elected to each house. Final
 3    passage of a bill shall be by record vote. In the  Senate  at
 4    the  request  of two members, and in the House at the request
 5    of five members, a record vote may  be  taken  on  any  other
 6    occasion. A record vote is a vote by yeas and nays entered on
 7    the journal.
 8        (d)  A  bill  shall  be  read by title on three different
 9    days in each house. A bill and each amendment  thereto  shall
10    be  reproduced  and  placed on the desk of each member before
11    final passage.
12        Bills,  except  bills  for  appropriations  and  for  the
13    codification, revision or rearrangement  of  laws,  shall  be
14    confined to one subject. Appropriation bills shall be limited
15    to the subject of appropriations.
16        A   bill   expressly  amending  a  law  shall  set  forth
17    completely the sections amended.
18        The Speaker of  the  House  of  Representatives  and  the
19    President of the Senate shall sign each bill that passes both
20    houses  to  certify  that  the  procedural  requirements  for
21    passage have been met.
22    (Source: Illinois Constitution.)

23                              SCHEDULE
24        This  Constitutional  Amendment  takes  effect upon being
25    declared adopted in accordance with Section 7 of the Illinois
26    Constitutional Amendment Act.