Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0011
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0011  095th General Assembly



SR0011 LRB095 04653 KXB 24711 r


2     WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate wish to express
3 their sincere condolences to the family and friends of Colleen
4 P. Dries of East Peoria, who passed away on December 28, 2006;
5 and
6     WHEREAS, Colleen Dries was born on April 15, 1948; her
7 parents were Peter C. and Mary Alice Campion Dries; and
8     WHEREAS, Colleen Dries received her Bachelor of Arts degree
9 in social studies and education from St. Louis University in
10 1971, her post degree work in English as a second language from
11 Illinois State University, and her Master of Arts degree in
12 leadership in educational administration from Bradley
13 University in 1996; and
14     WHEREAS, Colleen Dries was Principal of Adult Education and
15 Family Literacy; her administrative experience includes
16 working for the Peoria Public Schools from 1995 to 1997, Grant
17 writing for Adult Education, and working for the Illinois Adult
18 and Continuing Educators Association; from 1991 to 1996 she
19 planned, organized, and conducted State conferences; she
20 established a Task Force; she conducted board meetings; she
21 designed and implemented a State legislative fax network for
22 legislative alerts; and served on the committee for re-writing



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1 Section 10-22.20 of the Illinois School Code; and
2     WHEREAS, Her professional activities include serving on
3 the Commission on Adult Basic Education (COABE) from 1987 to
4 1997 and as Regional Director from 1994 to 1996; serving on the
5 American Association for Adult and Continuing Education
6 (AAACE) Nominations and Elections Committee in 1996; serving on
7 the Illinois Adult and Continuing Educators Association
8 (IACEA), as the Present Legislative Chair and as the Membership
9 Chair from 1994 to 1996, serving as President-elect in 1991-92,
10 President 1992-93, Past President 1993-94, Past Regional
11 Director 1987-91, and Conference Chair in 1992; serving on the
12 IACEA Task Force on Adult Education as initiator and overseer
13 1992 to 1996; and as a presenter at numerous regional and
14 State-wide conferences from 1989 1996; and
15     WHEREAS, Colleen Dries is survived by her sister, Mary
16 Theresa (Edward W.) Coates; her brother, James C. Dries; her
17 nieces, Jennifer and Lauren Coates; and her nephew, Nathaniel
18 Coates; therefore, be it
20 ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn, along with
21 all who knew her, the passing of Colleen Dries; and be it
22 further



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1     RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
2 presented to the family of Colleen Dries, as an expression of
3 our sincere sympathy.