Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR1043
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR1043  097th General Assembly




SR1043LRB097 23711 GRL 72788 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3learn of the death of Michael R. Kroll, who passed away on
4December 10, 2012; and
5    WHEREAS, Michael Kroll was born on March 11, 1957, in
6Chicago; he was the son of Robert and JoAnne (Riley) Kroll; he
7married Michelle Hedinger on August 11, 1979, in Ferdinand,
8Indiana; and
9    WHEREAS, Michael Kroll earned his bachelor's degree from
10Illinois Wesleyan University and his master's degree from West
11Virginia University; and
12    WHEREAS, Michael Kroll was the owner and operator of Dr.
13Mike's Computer Therapist in Galesburg; he also served as the
14editor and publisher of, an online
15newspaper, and was the main contributor to the Zephyr for about
1618 years; and
17    WHEREAS, Michael Kroll was an active member of his
18community; he often spoke at city council meetings and was
19active in local politics and with the Knox County Democratic
20Party; he was particularly interested in the Galesburg Public
21Library, having served on the library's board of directors; he



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1worked tirelessly to build a new library in Galesburg as well;
2he also served on the Master Facility Implementation Committee
3and the GHS Core Committee for Community Unit School District
4#205; and
5    WHEREAS, Michael Kroll was preceded in death by his mother,
6JoAnne; and
7    WHEREAS, Michael Kroll is survived by his wife, Michelle;
8his father, Robert; his sons, Nathan and Preston; his brother,
9Stephen; and his sister, Laurel Kroll; therefore, be it
11ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn, along with
12his family and friends, the passing of Michael R. Kroll; and be
13it further
14    RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be
15presented to the family of Michael Kroll as an expression of
16our sympathy.