Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SJR0115
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SJR0115  096th General Assembly




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2     WHEREAS, The State's population of persons 50 years of age
3 and older is projected to increase from 3.2 million in 2000 to
4 5.3 million by 2030, an increase of 63%, with a corresponding
5 increase in the number of Illinois' retirees; and
6     WHEREAS, Civic engagement, including lifelong learning,
7 service, and volunteer work, has been found to bring personal
8 fulfillment, improved physical and mental health, and stronger
9 social connections for retirees; and
10     WHEREAS, Improved physical and mental health for Illinois
11 retirees and the aged will lessen the strains inherent to the
12 public healthcare system; and
13     WHEREAS, Since the l960s, the policy agenda around aging
14 has focused almost exclusively on the dependency needs of
15 elders, not on their potential as a community resource; and
16     WHEREAS, There is an ongoing high school dropout epidemic
17 in this State; and each year almost one-third of all public
18 high school students, including nearly one half of all African
19 Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans, fail to graduate
20 from public high school; and



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1     WHEREAS, A 2009 study at Washington University in St. Louis
2 found that children at risk of dropping out dramatically
3 increased their reading skills when they were tutored by older
4 adults, and the older adults experienced positive health
5 benefits through the civic engagement; and
6     WHEREAS, Two factors will have a significant impact on the
7 Illinois economy and predict future prosperity, the first is
8 the cost of health care, particularly for older Illinoisans,
9 the second is the educational level of the working population;
10 a statewide effort to connect aging and education has
11 implications for benefits to every community and for policy
12 throughout the State; schools have resources and facilities to
13 help with promotion; and older adults have great potential to
14 help dropouts and students who are our future workforce;
15 therefore, be it
18 CONCURRING HEREIN, that it is in the interest of the citizens
19 of this State to develop Illinois' growing retiree population
20 as a resource for mobilizing citizens of all ages and
21 addressing community needs across generations; and be it
22 further
23     RESOLVED, That the Interdependence of Generations Task



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1 Force be created; and that the Task Force shall be comprised of
2 the following appointments: the Director of the Illinois
3 Department on Aging or his or her designee, who shall also
4 serve as Chairperson; one member of the Senate, appointed by
5 the President of the Senate; one member of the House of
6 Representatives, appointed by the Speaker of the House of
7 Representatives; one member of the Senate, appointed by the
8 Minority Leader of the Senate; and one member of the House of
9 Representatives, appointed by the Minority Leader of the House
10 of Representatives; the following members from the Illinois
11 Policy Academy on the Civic Engagement of Older Adults: (i) one
12 representative of P-12 education; (ii) one representative of
13 community colleges; (iii) one representative of higher
14 education; (iv) 2 representatives of retirees; (v) 2 student
15 members; (vi) 2 representatives of statewide aging
16 organizations; (vii) 2 representatives of service
17 organizations; (viii) 2 representatives of foundations; and
18 (ix) 2 representatives of business; and a representative of the
19 Center for Health Law and Policy, appointed by the Dean of the
20 Law School of Southern Illinois University; and be it further
21     RESOLVED, That the Task Force members shall serve
22 voluntarily and without compensation; and persons with
23 disabilities serving on the Task Force shall be accommodated to
24 enable them to fully participate in Task Force activities; and
25 be it further



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1     RESOLVED, That the Department on Aging, in cooperation with
2 the Center for Health Law and Policy, at the Southern Illinois
3 University School of Law, shall have primary responsibility
4 for, and shall provide staffing and technical assistance and
5 administrative support to, the Task Force in its efforts; and
6 that no appropriations shall be required for the Task Force to
7 complete its duties; and be it further
8     RESOLVED, That the Task Force shall coordinate its work
9 with existing State advisory bodies whose work may include
10 improving education, reducing the dropout rate, and civic
11 engagement of retirees and the aged; and be it further
12     RESOLVED, That the Task Force on the Interdependence of
13 Generations shall be convened to study and make recommendations
14 regarding the creative ways that aging (retiree organizations,
15 organizations that serve older adults, and older adults
16 themselves), education (schools, community colleges, and
17 universities), and other public and private organizations can
18 work together to address the challenges of education, tap the
19 resources of older adults and students to strengthen the
20 economy and benefit the community, and promote healthy
21 lifestyles for all ages; and be it further
22     RESOLVED, That the Task Force shall make recommendations to



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1 the General Assembly and to the Governor, including legislative
2 proposals, regulatory changes, systems changes, budget
3 initiatives, and collaborative partnerships in the public and
4 private sectors, that will promote the statewide effort to
5 connect the aging population with opportunities for lifelong
6 learning, employment, and service; and be it further
7     RESOLVED, That these recommendations shall explain how
8 fostering the relationship between older adults and education,
9 economic development, and community service can be beneficial
10 to all Illinoisans; and the Task Force shall conduct hearings
11 and meetings in order to produce a report of its activities and
12 recommendations that shall be issued no later than December 31,
13 2010.