Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0746
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0746  103rd General Assembly



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2    WHEREAS, President Joe Biden's Drug Enforcement
3Administration(DEA) has reported a significant spike in
4attempts to smuggle large amounts of fentanyl and illicit
5fentanyl-containing tablets across the southern border,
6resulting in higher incidents of fentanyl overdoses and deaths
7in the United States; and
8    WHEREAS, President Biden's Federal Bureau of Investigation
9(FBI) has confirmed that nearly 1.8 million "gotaways" have
10entered the United States in recent years, and that a rising
11number of individuals on the terrorist watchlist have crossed
12the southern border into the United States; some but not all
13have been apprehended, and the FBI is actively trying to
14locate certain individuals from the terrorist watchlist who
15remain in this country and pose a serious threat to national
16security; and
17    WHEREAS, The influx of migrants into the United States has
18led to over 35,000 of those who crossed the U.S. southern
19border coming to the State of Illinois; and
20    WHEREAS, Historical data shows that most migrants who
21enter the United States as asylum seekers will be denied
22asylum and will not be granted lawful permanent status in our



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1country; and
2    WHEREAS, The migrants in Illinois have placed tremendous
3pressures on the Illinois Department of Human Services' budget
4and other budget areas, leading to a diversion of hundreds of
5millions in total state budget funds toward food, housing,
6healthcare, and other wraparound services for migrants; and
7    WHEREAS, Comprehensive services for migrants are crowding
8out other vital funding priorities for the State of Illinois,
9including adequate care and service hours for the
10intellectually and developmentally disabled community; and
11    WHEREAS, Illinois' nonpartisan Commission on Government
12Forecasting and Accountability recently projected a nearly $1
13billion budget deficit for Fiscal Year 2025; and
14    WHEREAS, Illinois' Healthcare for Immigrant Program, which
15provides free healthcare to non-citizens, has ballooned in
16scope and cost to a point where it could cost as much as $1.1
17billion during the current fiscal year; and
18    WHEREAS, The flow of migrants into communities across the
19State has resulted in increased class sizes in schools, which
20adversely affects property taxpayers; and



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1    WHEREAS, Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has intentionally
2failed to perform his sworn duties by knowingly and
3purposefully refusing to enforce immigration and border
4control laws passed by the U.S. Congress; and
5    WHEREAS, Through his willful refusal to enforce laws
6passed by the Congress and through his support of programs
7that violate immigration laws, Secretary Mayorkas has
8threatened national security by failing to prevent more than
910 million migrants from coming into the United States,
10including many suspected terrorists; and
11    WHEREAS, By refusing to comply with federal immigration
12laws, Secretary Mayorkas has also violated the separation of
13powers section of the Constitution; therefore, be it
15ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we support the United
16States House of Representatives' action to impeach U.S.
17Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas;
18and be it further
19    RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be
20delivered to the President of the United States, the U.S.
21Senate Majority Leader, the U.S. Senate Minority Leader, the
22U.S. Speaker of the House, the U.S. House of Representatives



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1Minority Leader, and all members of the Illinois Congressional