Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0592
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0592  103rd General Assembly



SR0592LRB103 35219 ECR 65201 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of Daniel James "Dan" Foley of Oak Park,
4who passed away on June 14, 2023 at the age of 84; and
5    WHEREAS, Dan Foley was born to Daniel A. Foley and
6Katharine G. Jennings in 1939; and
7    WHEREAS, Dan Foley graduated as a proud Fenwick Friar in
81957, continuing his education at Loyola University Chicago,
9where he graduated after a career in the Air Force;
10additionally, he worked at Midway Airport for Pan American,
11ensuring that anytime he and his family neared an airport, the
12conversations would shift to what was happening on the
13airfield; and
14    WHEREAS, Dan Foley did not identify himself as a
15stockbroker, preferring the title of investment advisor,
16spending his career helping individuals invest their funds and
17assets; he was professionally engaged at all steps of his
18career, working at Chicago Title, Bacon Whipple, Stifel
19Nicolaus, the Chicago Corporation, and the Royal Bank of
20Canada; he was also associated with The Chicago Real Estate
21Council, The Economic Club of Chicago, and The Bond Club of
22Chicago, where he served as president during its later years,



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1even having the rocks glasses to prove it; and
2    WHEREAS, Dan Foley was a lifelong devoted Catholic who
3loved and supported all the social and educational ministries
4of the Church; he was a longtime member of the St. Giles Family
5Mass Community along with the Catholic Theological Union on
6the South Side of Chicago; and
7    WHEREAS, Dan Foley was fortunate to have the support of a
8number of lifelong friends who not only introduced him to a
9career in "The Street" but also to his beloved wife, Kathleen
10Foley; and
11    WHEREAS, Dan Foley and Kathleen were fortunate to have a
12home in Palisades Park, Michigan which they updated into a
13modern home with a strong Prairie Style influence, inspired by
14growing up in Oak Park surrounded by the architecture of Frank
15Lloyd Wright; and
16    WHEREAS, Dan Foley and Kathleen spent as much time as they
17could at their Palisades home, enjoying the beauty of the fall
18and winter, where countless happy dinners were enjoyed as well
19as the company of family and friends; and
20    WHEREAS, Dan Foley is survived by his children, Daniel



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1(Erin) Hansen and Claire (Peter) Hansen; his grandchildren,
2Connor, William, and Paul; and his many other family members,
3friends, fellow Friars, and the Oak Park residents whom he
4knew and loved; therefore, be it
6ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
7Daniel "Dan" James Foley and extend our sincere condolences to
8his family, friends, and all who knew and loved him; and be it
10    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
11presented to the family of Dan Foley as an expression of our
12deepest sympathy.