Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SB2697
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SB2697  103rd General Assembly



State of Illinois
2023 and 2024


Introduced 1/10/2024, by Sen. Julie A. Morrison


215 ILCS 5/356u.10 new

    Amends the Illinois Insurance Code. Defines terms. Provides that a group policy of accident and health insurance that provides coverage for hospital or medical treatment or services for illness on an expense-incurred basis and that is amended, delivered, issued, or renewed after January 1, 2025 shall provide coverage, without imposing any cost-sharing requirement, for clinical genetic testing for an inherited gene mutation for individuals with a personal or family history of cancer that is recommended by a health care professional; and evidence-based cancer imaging for individuals with an increased risk of cancer as recommended by National Comprehensive Cancer Network clinical practice guidelines. Provides that the requirements do not apply to coverage of genetic testing or evidence-based cancer imaging to the extent such coverage would disqualify a high-deductible health plan from eligibility for a health savings account pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code.

LRB103 35895 RPS 65980 b





SB2697LRB103 35895 RPS 65980 b

1    AN ACT concerning regulation.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The Illinois Insurance Code is amended by
5adding Section 356u.10 as follows:
6    (215 ILCS 5/356u.10 new)
7    Sec. 356u.10. Genetic testing and evidence-based cancer
9    (a) For the purposes of this Section:
10    "Cost-sharing requirement" means a deductible,
11coinsurance, copayment, or any similar out-of-pocket expense.
12    "Evidence-based cancer imaging" means evidence-based
13cancer imaging modalities in accordance with the most recent
14version of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network clinical
15practice guidelines.
16    "Genetic testing for an inherited mutation" means germline
17multi-gene testing for an inherited mutation associated with
18an increased risk of cancer in accordance with evidence-based,
19clinical practice guidelines.
20    (b) A group policy of accident and health insurance that
21provides coverage for hospital or medical treatment or
22services for illness on an expense-incurred basis and that is
23amended, delivered, issued, or renewed after January 1, 2025



SB2697- 2 -LRB103 35895 RPS 65980 b

1shall provide coverage, without imposing any cost-sharing
2requirement, for all of the following:
3        (1) clinical genetic testing for an inherited gene
4    mutation for individuals with a personal or family history
5    of cancer that is recommended by a health care
6    professional; and
7        (2) evidence-based cancer imaging for individuals with
8    an increased risk of cancer as recommended by National
9    Comprehensive Cancer Network clinical practice guidelines.
10    (c) This Section shall not apply to coverage of genetic
11testing or evidence-based cancer imaging to the extent such
12coverage would disqualify a high-deductible health plan from
13eligibility for a health savings account pursuant to Section
14223 of the Internal Revenue Code.