Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SB2617
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SB2617  103rd General Assembly


Sen. Jason Plummer

Filed: 3/5/2024





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2    AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend Senate Bill 2617 by replacing
3everything after the enacting clause with the following:
4    "Section 5. The Food Handling Regulation Enforcement Act
5is amended by changing Section 4 as follows:
6    (410 ILCS 625/4)
7    Sec. 4. Cottage food operation.
8    (a) For the purpose of this Section:
9    A food is "acidified" if: (i) acid or acid ingredients are
10added to it to produce a final equilibrium pH of 4.6 or below
11and a water activity greater than 0.85; or (ii) it is fermented
12to produce a final equilibrium pH of 4.6 or below.
13    "Canned food" means food that has been heat processed
14sufficiently under United States Department of Agriculture
15guidelines to enable storing the food at normal home



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1    "Cottage food operation" means an operation conducted by a
2person who produces or packages food or drink, other than
3foods and drinks listed as prohibited in paragraph (1.5) of
4subsection (b) of this Section, in a kitchen located in that
5person's primary domestic residence or another appropriately
6designed and equipped kitchen on a farm for direct sale by the
7owner, a family member, or employee.
8    "Cut leafy greens" means fresh leafy greens whose leaves
9have been cut, shredded, sliced, chopped, or torn. "Cut leafy
10greens" does not mean cut-to-harvest leafy greens.
11    "Department" means the Department of Public Health.
12    "Employee" means a person who is employed by and receives
13monetary compensation from a cottage food operator.
14    "Equilibrium pH" means the final potential of hydrogen
15measured in an acidified food after all the components of the
16food have achieved the same acidity.
17    "Farmers' market" means a common facility or area where
18farmers gather to sell a variety of fresh fruits and
19vegetables and other locally produced farm and food products
20directly to consumers.
21    "Leafy greens" includes iceberg lettuce; romaine lettuce;
22leaf lettuce; butter lettuce; baby leaf lettuce, such as
23immature lettuce or leafy greens; escarole; endive; spring
24mix; spinach; cabbage; kale; arugula; and chard. "Leafy
25greens" does not include microgreens or herbs such as cilantro
26or parsley.



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1    "Local health department" means a State-certified health
2department of a unit of local government in which a cottage
3food operation is located or, if the cottage food operation is
4located in a county that does not have a local health
5department, is registered.
6    "Local public health department association" means an
7association solely representing 2 or more State-certified
8local health departments.
9    "Low-acid canned food" means any canned food with a
10finished equilibrium pH greater than 4.6 and a water activity
11(aw) greater than 0.85.
12    "Microgreen" means an edible plant seedling grown in soil
13or substrate and harvested above the soil or substrate line.
14    "Mobile farmers markets" means a farmers market that is
15operated from a movable motor drive or propelled vehicle or
16trailer that can change location, including a farmers market
17that is owned and operated by a farmer or a third party selling
18products on behalf of farmers or cottage food operations with
19the intent of a direct sale to an end consumer.
20    "Potentially hazardous food" means a food that is
21potentially hazardous according to the Department's
22administrative rules. Potentially hazardous food (PHF) in
23general means a food that requires time and temperature
24control for safety (TCS) to limit pathogenic microorganism
25growth or toxin formation.
26    "Sprout" means any seedling intended for human consumption



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1that was produced in a manner that does not meet the definition
2of microgreen.
3    "Time-and-temperature controlled for safety food" means
4food that is maintained for a specified time at a holding
5temperature at or below 41 degrees Fahrenheit or at or above
6135 degrees Fahrenheit in order to ensure its safety and to
7limit microorganism growth or toxin formation.
8    (b) A cottage food operation may produce homemade food and
9drink provided that all of the following conditions are met:
10        (1) (Blank).
11        (1.3) A cottage food operation must register with the
12    local health department for the unit of local government
13    in which it is located, but may sell products outside of
14    the unit of local government where the cottage food
15    operation is located. If a county does not have a local
16    health department, the county shall enter into an
17    agreement or contract with a local health department in an
18    adjacent county to register cottage food operations in the
19    jurisdiction of the county that does not have a health
20    department. The adjacent local health department where the
21    cottage food operation registers has the powers described
22    in subsection (d). A copy of the certificate of
23    registration must be available upon request by any local
24    health department.
25        (1.5) A cottage food operation shall not sell or offer
26    to sell the following food items or processed foods



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1    containing the following food items, except as indicated:
2            (A) meat, poultry, fish, seafood, or shellfish;
3            (B) dairy, except as an ingredient in a
4        non-potentially hazardous baked good or candy, such as
5        caramel, subject to paragraph (4), or as an ingredient
6        in a baked good frosting, such as buttercream;
7            (C) eggs, except as an ingredient in a food that is
8        not a time-and-temperature controlled for safety food
9        non-potentially hazardous food, including dry noodles,
10        or as an ingredient in a baked good frosting, such as
11        buttercream, if the eggs are not raw;
12            (D) pumpkin pies, sweet potato pies, cheesecakes,
13        custard pies, creme pies, and pastries with
14        potentially hazardous fillings or toppings;
15            (E) garlic in oil or oil infused with garlic,
16        except if the garlic oil is acidified;
17            (F) low-acid canned foods;
18            (G) sprouts;
19            (H) cut leafy greens, except for cut leafy greens
20        that are dehydrated, acidified, or blanched and
21        frozen;
22            (I) cut or pureed fresh tomato or melon;
23            (J) dehydrated tomato or melon;
24            (K) frozen cut melon;
25            (L) wild-harvested, non-cultivated mushrooms;
26            (M) alcoholic beverages; or



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1            (N) kombucha.
2        (1.6) In order to sell canned tomatoes or a canned
3    product containing tomatoes, a cottage food operator shall
4    either:
5            (A) follow exactly a recipe that has been tested
6        by the United States Department of Agriculture or by a
7        state cooperative extension located in this State or
8        any other state in the United States; or
9            (B) submit the recipe, at the cottage food
10        operator's expense, to a commercial laboratory
11        according to the commercial laboratory's directions to
12        test that the product has been adequately acidified;
13        use only the varietal or proportionate varietals of
14        tomato included in the tested recipe for all
15        subsequent batches of such recipe; and provide
16        documentation of the annual test results of the recipe
17        submitted under this subparagraph upon registration
18        and to an inspector upon request during any inspection
19        authorized by subsection (d).
20        (2) In order to sell a fermented or acidified food, a
21    cottage food operation shall either:
22            (A) submit a recipe that has been tested by the
23        United States Department of Agriculture or a
24        cooperative extension system located in this State or
25        any other state in the United States; or
26            (B) submit a written food safety plan for each



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1        category of products for which the cottage food
2        operator uses the same procedures, such as pickles,
3        kimchi, or hot sauce, and a pH test for a single
4        product that is representative of that category; the
5        written food safety plan shall be submitted annually
6        upon registration and each pH test shall be submitted
7        every 3 years; the food safety plan shall adhere to
8        guidelines developed by the Department.
9        (3) A fermented or acidified food shall be packaged
10    according to one of the following standards:
11            (A) A fermented or acidified food that is canned
12        must be processed in a boiling water bath in a
13        Mason-style jar or glass container with a
14        tight-fitting lid.
15            (B) A fermented or acidified food that is not
16        canned shall be sold in any container that is new,
17        clean, and seals properly and must be stored,
18        transported, and sold at or below 41 degrees.
19        (4) In order to sell a baked good with cheese, a local
20    health department may require a cottage food operation to
21    submit a recipe, at the cottage food operator's expense,
22    to a commercial laboratory to verify that it is
23    non-potentially hazardous before allowing the cottage food
24    operation to sell the baked good as a cottage food.
25        (5) For a cottage food operation that does not utilize
26    a municipal water supply, such as an operation using a



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1    private well, a local health department may require a
2    water sample test to verify that the water source being
3    used meets public safety standards related to E. coli
4    coliform. If a test is requested, it must be conducted at
5    the cottage food operator's expense.
6        (6) A person preparing or packaging a product as part
7    of a cottage food operation must be a Department-approved
8    certified food protection manager.
9        (7) Food packaging must conform with the labeling
10    requirements of the Illinois Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.
11    A cottage food product shall be prepackaged and the food
12    packaging shall be affixed with a prominent label that
13    includes the following:
14            (A) the name of the cottage food operation and
15        unit of local government in which the cottage food
16        operation is located;
17            (B) the identifying registration number provided
18        by the local health department on the certificate of
19        registration and the name of the municipality or
20        county in which the registration was filed;
21            (C) the common or usual name of the food product;
22            (D) all ingredients of the food product, including
23        any color, artificial flavor, and preservative, listed
24        in descending order by predominance of weight shown
25        with the common or usual names;
26            (E) the following phrase in prominent lettering:



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1        "This product was produced in a home kitchen not
2        inspected by a health department that may also process
3        common food allergens. If you have safety concerns,
4        contact your local health department.";
5            (F) the date the product was processed; and
6            (G) allergen labeling as specified under federal
7        labeling requirements.
8        (8) Food packaging may include the designation
9    "Illinois-grown", "Illinois-sourced", or "Illinois farm
10    product" if the packaged product is a local farm or food
11    product as that term is defined in Section 5 of the Local
12    Food, Farms, and Jobs Act.
13        (9) In the case of a product that is difficult to
14    properly label or package, or for other reasons, the local
15    health department of the location where the product is
16    sold may grant permission to sell products that are not
17    prepackaged, in which case other prominent written notice
18    shall be provided to the purchaser.
19        (10) At the point of sale, notice must be provided in a
20    prominent location that states the following: "This
21    product was produced in a home kitchen not inspected by a
22    health department that may also process common food
23    allergens." At a physical display, notice shall be a
24    placard. Online, notice shall be a message on the cottage
25    food operation's online sales interface at the point of
26    sale.



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1        (11) Food and drink produced by a cottage food
2    operation shall be sold directly to consumers for their
3    own consumption and not for resale. Sales directly to
4    consumers include, but are not limited to, sales at or
5    through:
6            (A) farmers' markets;
7            (B) fairs, festivals, public events, or online;
8            (C) pickup from the private home or farm of the
9        cottage food operator, if the pickup is not prohibited
10        by any law of the unit of local government that applies
11        equally to all cottage food operations; in a
12        municipality with a population of 1,000,000 or more, a
13        cottage food operator shall comply with any law of the
14        municipality that applies equally to all home-based
15        businesses;
16            (D) delivery to the customer; and
17            (E) pickup from a third-party private property
18        with the consent of the third-party property holder;
19        and
20            (F) mobile farmers markets.
21        (12) Only food that is non-potentially hazardous may
22    be shipped. A cottage food product shall not be shipped
23    out of State. Each cottage food product that is shipped
24    must be sealed in a manner that reveals tampering,
25    including, but not limited to, a sticker or pop top.
26        (13) Alcohol may be used to make extracts, such as



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1    vanilla extract, or may be used as an ingredient in baked
2    goods as long as the created product is not intended for
3    use as a beverage.
4        (14) If a product assessment shows that a food has a pH
5    of 4.6 or less or a water activity that is less than or
6    equal to 0.92, the food shall not require temperature
7    control.
8    (c) A local health department shall register any eligible
9cottage food operation that meets the requirements of this
10Section and shall issue a certificate of registration with an
11identifying registration number to each registered cottage
12food operation. A local health department may establish a
13self-certification program for cottage food operators to
14affirm compliance with applicable laws, rules, and
15regulations. Registration shall be completed annually and the
16local health department may impose a fee not to exceed $50.
17    (d) In the event of a consumer complaint or foodborne
18illness outbreak, upon notice from a different local health
19department, or if the Department or a local health department
20has reason to believe that an imminent health hazard exists or
21that a cottage food operation's product has been found to be
22misbranded, adulterated, or not in compliance with the
23conditions for cottage food operations set forth in this
24Section, the Department or the local health department may:
25        (1) inspect the premises of the cottage food operation
26    in question;



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1        (2) set a reasonable fee for the inspection; and
2        (3) invoke penalties and the cessation of the sale of
3    cottage food products until it deems that the situation
4    has been addressed to the satisfaction of the Department
5    or local health department; if the situation is not
6    amenable to being addressed, the local health department
7    may revoke the cottage food operation's registration
8    following a process outlined by the local health
9    department.
10    (e) A local health department that receives a consumer
11complaint or a report of foodborne illness related to a
12cottage food operator in another jurisdiction shall refer the
13complaint or report to the local health department where the
14cottage food operator is registered.
15    (f) By January 1, 2022, the Department, in collaboration
16with local public health department associations and other
17stakeholder groups, shall write and issue administrative
18guidance to local health departments on the following:
19        (1) development of a standard registration form,
20    including, if applicable, a written food safety plan;
21        (2) development of a Home-Certification Self Checklist
22    Form;
23        (3) development of a standard inspection form and
24    inspection procedures; and
25        (4) procedures for cottage food operation workspaces
26    that include, but are not limited to, cleaning products,



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1    general sanitation, and requirements for functional
2    equipment.
3    (g) A person who produces or packages a non-potentially
4hazardous baked good for sale by a religious, charitable, or
5nonprofit organization for fundraising purposes is exempt from
6the requirements of this Section.
7    (h) A home rule unit may not regulate cottage food
8operations in a manner inconsistent with the regulation by the
9State of cottage food operations under this Section. This
10Section is a limitation under subsection (i) of Section 6 of
11Article VII of the Illinois Constitution on the concurrent
12exercise by home rule units of powers and functions exercised
13by the State.
14    (i) The Department may adopt rules as may be necessary to
15implement the provisions of this Section.
16(Source: P.A. 101-81, eff. 7-12-19; 102-633, eff. 1-1-22.)".