Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB5355
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB5355  103rd General Assembly


Rep. Janet Yang Rohr

Filed: 4/16/2024





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2    AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 5355 by replacing
3line 4 on page 1 through line 6 on page 8 with the following:
4    "Section 5. The Department of Public Health Powers and
5Duties Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois is
6amended by adding Section 2310-730 as follows:
7    (20 ILCS 2310/2310-730 new)
8    Sec. 2310-730. Nonopioid alternatives pamphlet. The
9Department of Public Health shall develop and publish on its
10website an educational pamphlet regarding the use of nonopioid
11alternatives for the treatment of acute nonoperative, acute
12perioperative, subacute, or chronic pain. The pamphlet shall,
13at a minimum, conform with the most current CDC Clinical
14Practice Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Pain published
15by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and shall



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1        (1) information on available nonopioid alternatives
2    for the treatment of pain, including available nonopioid
3    medicinal drugs or drug products and nonpharmacological
4    therapies; and
5        (2) the advantages and disadvantages of the use of
6    nonopioid alternatives."; and
7on page 8, line 7, by replacing "100" with "10"; and
8on page 9, by replacing lines 21 through 24 with "drug
9formulary. This subsection does not preclude opioid drugs from
10being preferred over other opioid drugs or nonopioid drugs
11from being preferred over other nonopioid drugs."; and
12on page 9, line 25, by replacing "105" with "15"; and
13by replacing lines 16 on page 10 through line 12 on page 11
14with the following:
15"shall ensure that nonopioid drugs preferred on the
16Departments preferred drug list, and approved by the U.S. Food
17and Drug Administration, for the treatment or management of
18pain shall not be disadvantaged or discouraged with respect to
19coverage relative to any opioid or narcotic drug for the
20treatment or management of pain.
21    Section 99. Effective date. Sections 10 and 15 of this Act



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1take effect January 1, 2026.".