Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB4410
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB4410  103rd General Assembly


Rep. Will Guzzardi

Filed: 4/1/2024





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2    AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 4410 by replacing
3line 18 on page 52 through line 3 on page 54 with the
5        "(1) Automatic Sealing of Felony Prostitution Arrests.
6            (A) The Illinois State Police and local law
7        enforcement agencies within the State shall
8        automatically seal the law enforcement records
9        relating to a person's Class 4 felony arrests and
10        charges not initiated by arrest for prostitution if
11        that arrest or charge not initiated by arrest is
12        eligible for sealing under paragraph (2) of subsection
13        (c).
14            (B) In the absence of a court order or upon the
15        order of a court, the clerk of the circuit court shall
16        automatically seal the court records and case files
17        relating to a person's Class 4 felony arrests and
18        charges not initiated by arrest for prostitution if



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1        that arrest or charge not initiated by arrest is
2        eligible for sealing under paragraph (2) of subsection
3        (c).
4            (C) The automatic sealing described in this
5        paragraph (1) shall be completed no later than January
6        1, 2028.
7        (2) Automatic Sealing of Felony Prostitution
8    Convictions.
9            (A) The Illinois State Police and local law
10        enforcement agencies within the State shall
11        automatically seal the law enforcement records
12        relating to a person's Class 4 felony conviction for
13        prostitution if those records are eligible for sealing
14        under paragraph (2) of subsection (c).
15            (B) In the absence of a court order or upon the
16        order of a court, the clerk of the circuit court shall
17        automatically seal the court records relating to a
18        person's Class 4 felony conviction for prostitution if
19        those records are eligible for sealing under paragraph
20        (2) of subsection (c).
21            (C) The automatic sealing of records described in
22        this paragraph (2) shall be completed no later than
23        January 1, 2028.".