Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB4350
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB4350  103rd General Assembly



HB4350 EngrossedLRB103 34261 KTG 64087 b

1    AN ACT concerning children.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Child
5Abuse Notice Act.
6    Section 5. Posted notice required. Each of the following
7businesses and other establishments shall, upon the
8availability of the model notice described in Section 10, post
9a notice that complies with the requirements of this Act in a
10conspicuous place in all restrooms open to the public, or in
11another conspicuous location in clear view of the public and
12employees where similar notices are customarily posted:
13        (1) Hotels and motels.
14        (2) Entertainment facilities or sporting facilities
15    providing services or opportunities to those under the age
16    of 18.
17        (3) Tattoo and body piercing establishments.
18        (4) Primary airports, as defined in Section 47102(16)
19    of Title 49 of the United States Code.
20        (5) Intercity passenger rail or light rail stations.
21        (6) Bus stations.
22        (7) Truck stops. As used in this Act, "truck stop"
23    means a privately-owned and operated facility that



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1    provides food, fuel, shower, or other sanitary facilities,
2    and lawful overnight truck parking.
3        (8) Emergency rooms within general acute care
4    hospitals, in which case the notice may be posted by
5    electronic means.
6        (9) Urgent care centers, in which case the notice may
7    be posted by electronic means.
8    Section 10. Form of posted notice.
9    (a) The notice required under this Act shall be at least 8
101/2 inches by 11 inches in size, written in a 16-point font,
11except that when the notice is provided by electronic means
12the size of the notice and font shall not be required to comply
13with these specifications.
14    (b) No later than 6 months after the effective date of this
15Act, the Department of Children and Family Services, in
16consultation with an accredited Children's Advocacy Center,
17shall develop a model notice aimed toward children under 18
18that provides information on what constitutes physical and
19sexual abuse and how to report such abuse. The Department of
20Children and Family Services shall make the model notice
21available for download on the Department's Internet website.
22Upon request, the Department shall furnish copies of the model
23notice without charge to a business, establishment, or school
24identified in Section 5.
25    (c) The notice shall be printed in English, Spanish, and



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1in one other language that is the most widely spoken language
2in the county where the establishment is located and for which
3translation is mandated by the federal Voting Rights Act, as
4applicable. This Section does not require a business or other
5establishment in a county where a language other than English
6or Spanish is the most widely spoken language to print the
7notice in more than one language in addition to English and
9    Section 15. Penalties.
10    (a) A business or establishment identified in subsection
11(a) of Section 5 that fails to comply with the requirements of
12this Act within 30 days of receipt of a notice described in
13subsection (b) is guilty of a petty offense, and subject to a
14fine of up to $500 for each violation.
15    (b) The governmental entity regulating a business or
16establishment and local law enforcement agency having
17jurisdiction shall, in the course of regulating a business or
18establishment or carrying out law enforcement duties, monitor
19and enforce compliance with this Act. Upon discovering a
20violation, the governmental entity or local law enforcement
21agency having jurisdiction shall provide the business or
22establishment with reasonable notice of noncompliance that
23informs the business or establishment that it is subject to a
24fine if it does not correct the violation within 30 days from
25the date the notice is sent to the business or establishment.



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1    (c) If the governmental entity regulating a business or
2establishment or local law enforcement agency having
3jurisdiction verifies that the violation was not corrected
4within the 30-day period described in subsection (b), the
5Attorney General or State's Attorney may prosecute a violation
6of this Section.