Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB4253
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB4253  103rd General Assembly


Rep. Kam Buckner

Filed: 4/2/2024





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2    AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 4253, AS AMENDED,
3by replacing everything after the enacting clause with the
5    "Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the
6Higher Education Violation Reporting Act.
7    Section 5. Definitions. In this Act:
8    "Employee" means a person who is receiving wages from an
9institution of higher education and is in a position with
10responsibility for overseeing the activities of a student
11organization or athletic team. "Employee" does not include a
12person employed as medical staff or with an affiliated
13organization, entity, or extension of an institution of higher
14education, unless the employee has a supervisory role or
15position of authority over students. "Employee" does not
16include confidential employees.



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1    "Institution of higher education" means a public or
2private institution of higher education located in this State.
3    "Reasonable cause" means a person who witnesses hazing or
4receives a credible written or oral report alleging hazing or
5potential or planned hazing activity.
6    Section 10. Violation reporting.
7    (a) Beginning with violations occurring during the
82024-2025 academic year, each institution of higher education
9shall maintain a report, pursuant to subsection (d), on the
10institution's website publicly reporting actual findings of
11violations by any of the institution's recognized student
12organizations or athletic teams of the institution's code of
13conduct or anti-hazing policy or State or federal laws
14relating to hazing. The report shall include all of the
16        (1) The name of the student organization or athletic
17    team, unless naming the student organization or athletic
18    team would violate the federal Family Educational Rights
19    and Privacy Act of 1974 or the Illinois School Student
20    Records Act with regard to personally identifiable
21    information, including indirect identifiers.
22        (2) The date the investigation was initiated.
23        (3) The date on which the investigation ended with a
24    finding that a violation occurred.
25        (4) The date the student organization, athletic team,



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1    or living group was charged with a violation.
2        (5) A description of the reported behavior, including
3    the date of the violation, and the findings and sanction
4    placed on the student organization or athletic team.
5        (6) The details of the sanction imposed, including the
6    beginning and end dates of the sanction.
7    The report may not disclose details of matters that have
8been reported and are possibly being investigated of a sexual
9nature that would fall under federal Department of Education
10regulations against the express wishes of the complainant.
11    (b) An investigation that does not result in a finding of a
12formal violation of the student code of conduct, anti-hazing
13policy, or State or federal law may not be included in the
14report under this Section. The report may not include any
15personal or identifying information of individual students and
16shall be subject to the requirements of the federal Family
17Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and the Illinois
18School Student Records Act.
19    (c) The institution of higher education shall make the
20report under this Section available on its website in a
21location clearly labeled and easily accessible from the
22institution's website.
23    (d) The institution of higher education shall maintain and
24update the information in the report for 5 years after that
25information was first included in the report and shall post
26the information in the report on its website within 45 days



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1after completion of the investigation and adjudication
3    Section 15. Hazing prevention.
4    (a) Beginning with the 2024-2025 academic year, an
5institution of higher education shall provide hazing
6prevention education on the signs and dangers of hazing, as
7well as the institution of higher education's prohibition on
8hazing, to employees, including student employees, either in
9person or electronically. The prevention education shall be
10provided to employees at the beginning of each academic year.
11In addition, the prevention education shall be provided to new
12employees at the beginning of the academic term after they are
14    (b) If, as a result of observations or information
15received in the course of employment, an employee, including a
16student employee, at an institution of higher education has
17reasonable cause to believe that hazing has occurred, the
18employee shall report the incident or cause a report to be made
19to a designated authority at the institution, as defined and
20published by the institution, at the first opportunity
22    (c) A person who witnesses hazing or has reasonable cause
23to believe hazing has occurred or will occur and who makes a
24report to an institution of higher education in good faith and
25cooperates with any investigation may not be sanctioned or



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1punished by the institution for the hazing, unless the person
2was directly engaged in the planning, directing, or act of
3hazing that is being reported.
4    (d) Nothing in this Section precludes a person from
5independently reporting hazing or suspected hazing activity to
6a law enforcement agency.
7    Section 20. Employer responsibilities.
8    (a) Beginning with the 2024-2025 academic year, an
9institution of higher education shall notify its employees
10that the employees are mandated reporters.
11    (b) Beginning with the 2024-2025 academic year, an
12institution of higher education shall provide training to its
13employees on the responsibilities of a mandated reporter.
14    Section 90. The Criminal Code of 2012 is amended by
15changing Section 12C-50 as follows:
16    (720 ILCS 5/12C-50)
17    Sec. 12C-50. Hazing.
18    (a) A person commits hazing when he or she knowingly
19requires the performance of any act by a student or other
20person in a school, college, university, or other educational
21institution of this State, for the purpose of conferring,
22gaining, or maintaining acceptance, membership, office, or
23other status in induction or admission into any group,



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1organization, or society associated or connected with that
2institution, regardless of the student or other person's
3willingness to perform the act, if:
4        (1) the act is neither not sanctioned or authorized by
5    that educational institution nor is a customary athletic
6    event; and
7        (2) the act either (i) subjects any person to a
8    substantial risk of physical harm, mental harm, or
9    degradation or (ii) causes any person to suffer physical
10    harm, mental harm, or degradation results in bodily harm
11    to any person.
12    (b) Sentence. Hazing is a Class A misdemeanor, except that
13hazing that results in death or great bodily harm is a Class 4
15(Source: P.A. 97-1109, eff. 1-1-13.)
16    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect July 1,