SR0093LRB100 08915 MST 19058 r


2    WHEREAS, Our national and State security should not be
3undermined by the concerted efforts of foreign actors with the
4goal of compromising our democratic ideals; and
5    WHEREAS, In July of 2016, the Illinois Board of Elections
6was the target of a cyber-attack of unknown foreign origin
7which targeted the Illinois Voter Registration System
8Database; and
9    WHEREAS, On July 12, 2016, the IT staff at Illinois Board
10of Elections was made aware of performance issues with the
11Illinois Voter Registration System (IVRS) database server, and
12processor usage had spiked to 100% with no explanation; and
13    WHEREAS, Analysis of server logs revealed that the spike in
14usage was a result of rapidly repeated database queries on the
15application status page of the Paperless Online Voter
16Application (POVA) web site; and
17    WHEREAS, Additionally, Illinois State Board of Elections
18server logs showed the database queries were a malicious form
19of cyber-attack known as SQL Injection, which are unauthorized,
20malicious database queries entered in a data field in a web
21application; and



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1    WHEREAS, Further analysis of the web server logs showed
2that malicious SQL queries began on June 23, 2016, and that
3malicious traffic from the IP addresses continued, though it
4was blocked at the firewall level; and
5    WHEREAS, Firewall monitoring indicated that the attackers
6were hitting the Illinois State Board of Elections IP addresses
7five times per second, 24 hours per day; and
8    WHEREAS, Investigations of the attack concluded Illinois
9Voter Registration System passwords were compromised, and
10passwords included those of election authorities, their
11staffs, internal Illinois State Board of Election users,
12vendors, and web services; and
13    WHEREAS, The intelligence community has described these
14individuals or actors as part of foreign entities, namely
15Russia, intent on boosting one candidate over the other; and
16    WHEREAS, Aggressive actions contrary to American interests
17that foster political chaos and institutional mistrust in our
18democratic values must be thoroughly repudiated; and
19    WHEREAS, The American public also needs assurance that law
20enforcement is actively investigating these matters, and if



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1further investigation finds evidence that foreign actors
2perpetrated or directed such acts, appropriate criminal
3charges and sanctions will be announced and enforced;
4therefore, be it
6ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we denounce any threats
7by Russia or any other foreign actors who seek to interfere
8with the sanctity of our democratic process; and be it further
9    RESOLVED, That such an attack on the United States of
10America and the State of Illinois must not go undisclosed, and
11that we urge that the Illinois State Board of Elections produce
12a final comprehensive report outlining the nature of breach, an
13audit of their IT systems, and that they enact preventative
14measures to ensure that such cyber interference never occurs
15again; and be it further
16    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
17delivered to Steve Sandvoss, Executive Director of the Illinois
18State Board of Elections.