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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives wish to congratulate State Rep. Mike Fortner on
4his retirement and recognize his years of service to the State
5of Illinois; and
6    WHEREAS, Rep. Fortner and his wife, Becky, have two adult
7children, Liz and Charles; and
8    WHEREAS, Rep. Fortner received a Bachelor of Arts in Math
9and Physics from Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota and
10a Master of Science and Ph.D. in Physics from Brandeis
11University in Massachusetts; and
12    WHEREAS, Rep. Fortner is an accomplished professor and
13researcher; he served as an associate professor of physics at
14Northern Illinois University in DeKalb for over 25 years and
15dedicated over 30 years as a researcher at Fermilab National
16Laboratory; he continues to share his knowledge and technical
17expertise in science through teaching and mentoring students;
19    WHEREAS, Prior to joining the House of Representatives,
20Rep. Fortner served as Mayor of the City of West Chicago for
21six years, after serving as an alderman and a member of the



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1West Chicago Elementary District 33 School Board; and
2    WHEREAS, Rep. Fortner brought his experience in local
3government, teaching, and research to the General Assembly in
42007 to help further serve the people of Illinois; and
5    WHEREAS, Rep. Fortner served 12 years in the Illinois House
6of Representatives for the 95th District and then the 49th
7Legislative District, where he contributed to dozens of bills
8to help our State; and
9    WHEREAS, Working at the forefront of the effort to improve
10the State's electric power, Rep. Fortner sponsored legislation
11to allow municipalities to buy power on behalf of their
12residents; and
13    WHEREAS, Rep. Fortner protected the privacy rights of
14citizens against unauthorized video recording and unauthorized
15use of passwords on social media; and
16    WHEREAS, An environmental advocate, Rep. Fortner
17negotiated improvements to the way electronics are recycled; he
18was honored with the Environmental Leadership Award from the
19Illinois Environmental Council in 2013, 2016, and 2018 for his
20legislative work; and



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1    WHEREAS, Rep. Fortner supported clean energy initiatives
2and held discussions with constituents, interest groups, and
3fellow lawmakers to gain further support for the legislation;
5    WHEREAS, Rep. Fortner was instrumental in negotiating the
6Small Wireless Facilities Act in 2017, which brought high tech
7wireless technology to Illinois; and
8    WHEREAS, In 2018, Rep. Fortner worked to improve access to
9voting through automatic registration and to make the process
10more efficient and effective through his legislation, HB 6582;
12    WHEREAS, Rep. Fortner was an integral force in pension
13reform negotiations; he brought the unfunded pension system to
14the forefront of discussions in the General Assembly and worked
15alongside fellow lawmakers to find viable solutions to help the
16State's fiscal future; and
17    WHEREAS, Rep. Fortner had an honest voice in debates in the
18House and provided technical reason to the dialogue on a
19balanced budget for Illinois; and
20    WHEREAS, Rep. Fortner was dedicated to improving Illinois;
21term limits and fair map redistricting were two top concerns



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1for him throughout his tenure in the House of Representatives,
2and he filed legislation to help make them a reality for our
3State; in 2009, he drew the winning legislative map for Ohio's
4redistricting, a competition that allows private citizens an
5opportunity to draw district lines for the Ohio House and
6Senate; and
7    WHEREAS, Rep. Fortner served as the voice of his
8constituents in Springfield and provided many resources in
9district to his community including his annual senior fair,
10summer reading programs, and informational forums on State
11issues; and
12    WHEREAS, Throughout his career, Rep. Fortner has been
13recognized for the countless pieces of legislation he sponsored
14and supported and for the leader he was in the General Assembly
15and at home in his district; he received many awards throughout
16his tenure and was most recently named the 2018 Legislator of
17the Year by the Metro West Council of Governments; and
18    WHEREAS, With his diverse background of public service,
19professional work, and community service, Rep. Fortner helped
20make a positive difference in the lives of Illinois residents
21both in the 49th District community and beyond; therefore, be



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3congratulate State Rep. Mike Fortner on his retirement and
4recognize his years of service to the State of Illinois; and be
5it further
6    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
7presented to Rep. Fortner as a symbol of our respect and