Full Text of HB3903 96th General Assembly
State of Illinois
2009 and 2010 HB3903
Introduced 2/26/2009, by Rep. Linda Chapa LaVia SYNOPSIS AS INTRODUCED: |
725 ILCS 5/104-17 |
from Ch. 38, par. 104-17 |
725 ILCS 5/104-18 |
from Ch. 38, par. 104-18 |
725 ILCS 5/104-20 |
from Ch. 38, par. 104-20 |
725 ILCS 5/104-23 |
from Ch. 38, par. 104-23 |
Amends the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963. Provides that the treatment period for a defendant found unfit to stand trial to attain fitness shall be one year from the date of the finding of unfitness for a defendant charged with a felony and 6 months from that date for a defendant charged with a misdemeanor. Effective immediately.
| |
HB3903 |
LRB096 04205 RLC 14250 b |
| 1 |
| AN ACT concerning criminal law.
| 2 |
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| 3 |
| represented in the General Assembly:
| 4 |
| Section 5. The Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963 is | 5 |
| amended by changing Sections 104-17, 104-18, 104-20, and 104-23 | 6 |
| as follows:
| 7 |
| (725 ILCS 5/104-17) (from Ch. 38, par. 104-17)
| 8 |
| Sec. 104-17. Commitment for Treatment; Treatment Plan.
| 9 |
| (a) If the defendant
is eligible to be or has been released | 10 |
| on bail or on his own recognizance,
the court shall select the | 11 |
| least physically restrictive form of treatment
therapeutically | 12 |
| appropriate and consistent with the treatment plan.
| 13 |
| (b) If the defendant's disability is mental, the court may | 14 |
| order him placed
for treatment in the custody of the Department | 15 |
| of Human Services, or the court may order him placed in
the | 16 |
| custody of any other
appropriate public or private mental | 17 |
| health facility or treatment program
which has agreed to | 18 |
| provide treatment to the defendant. If the defendant
is placed | 19 |
| in the custody of the Department of Human Services, the | 20 |
| defendant shall be placed in a
secure setting unless the
court | 21 |
| determines that
there are compelling reasons why such placement | 22 |
| is not necessary. During
the period of time required to | 23 |
| determine the appropriate placement the
defendant shall remain |
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| 1 |
| in jail. Upon completion of the placement process, the
sheriff | 2 |
| shall be notified and shall transport the defendant to the | 3 |
| designated
facility. The placement may be ordered either on an | 4 |
| inpatient or an outpatient
| 5 |
| (c) If the defendant's disability is physical, the court | 6 |
| may order him
placed under the supervision of the Department of | 7 |
| Human
which shall place and maintain the defendant in | 8 |
| a suitable treatment facility
or program, or the court may | 9 |
| order him placed in an appropriate public or
private facility | 10 |
| or treatment program which has agreed to provide treatment
to | 11 |
| the defendant. The placement may be ordered either on an | 12 |
| inpatient or
an outpatient basis.
| 13 |
| (d) The clerk of the circuit court shall transmit to the | 14 |
| Department, agency
or institution, if any, to which the | 15 |
| defendant is remanded for treatment, the
| 16 |
| (1) a certified copy of the order to undergo treatment;
| 17 |
| (2) the county and municipality in which the offense | 18 |
| was committed;
| 19 |
| (3) the county and municipality in which the arrest | 20 |
| took place; | 21 |
| (4) a copy of the arrest report, criminal charges, | 22 |
| arrest record, jail record, and the report prepared under | 23 |
| Section 104-15; and
| 24 |
| (5) all additional matters which the Court directs the | 25 |
| clerk to transmit.
| 26 |
| (e) Within 30 days of entry of an order to undergo |
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| 1 |
| treatment, the person
supervising the defendant's treatment | 2 |
| shall file with the court, the State,
and the defense a report | 3 |
| assessing the facility's or program's capacity
to provide | 4 |
| appropriate treatment for the defendant and indicating his | 5 |
| opinion
as to the probability of the defendant's attaining | 6 |
| fitness within a period
of time one year from the date of the | 7 |
| finding of unfitness. For a defendant charged with a felony the | 8 |
| period of time shall be one year. For a defendant charged with | 9 |
| a misdemeanor the time period shall be 6 months. If the report | 10 |
| indicates
that there is a substantial probability that the | 11 |
| defendant will attain fitness
within the time period, the | 12 |
| treatment supervisor shall also file a treatment
plan which | 13 |
| shall include:
| 14 |
| (1) A diagnosis of the defendant's disability;
| 15 |
| (2) A description of treatment goals with respect to | 16 |
| rendering the
fit, a specification of the | 17 |
| proposed treatment modalities, and an estimated
timetable | 18 |
| for attainment of the goals;
| 19 |
| (3) An identification of the person in charge of | 20 |
| supervising the
| 21 |
| (Source: P.A. 95-296, eff. 8-20-07.)
| 22 |
| (725 ILCS 5/104-18) (from Ch. 38, par. 104-18)
| 23 |
| Sec. 104-18.
Progress Reports.) (a) The treatment | 24 |
| supervisor shall submit
a written progress report to the court, | 25 |
| the State, and the defense:
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| 1 |
| (1) At least 7 days prior to the date for any hearing on | 2 |
| the issue of
the defendant's fitness;
| 3 |
| (2) Whenever he believes that the defendant has attained | 4 |
| fitness;
| 5 |
| (3) Whenever he believes that there is not a substantial | 6 |
| probability that
the defendant will attain fitness, with | 7 |
| treatment, within the time period set forth in subsection (e) | 8 |
| of Section 104-17 one year from
the date of the original | 9 |
| finding of unfitness.
| 10 |
| (b) The progress report shall contain:
| 11 |
| (1) The clinical findings of the treatment supervisor and | 12 |
| the facts upon
which the findings are based;
| 13 |
| (2) The opinion of the treatment supervisor as to whether | 14 |
| the defendant
has attained fitness or as to whether the | 15 |
| defendant is making progress,
under treatment, toward | 16 |
| attaining fitness within the time period set forth in | 17 |
| subsection (e) of Section 104-17 one year from the date
of the | 18 |
| original finding of unfitness;
| 19 |
| (3) If the defendant is receiving medication, information | 20 |
| from the prescribing
physician indicating the type, the dosage | 21 |
| and the effect of the medication
on the defendant's appearance, | 22 |
| actions and demeanor.
| 23 |
| (Source: P.A. 81-1217.)
| 24 |
| (725 ILCS 5/104-20) (from Ch. 38, par. 104-20)
| 25 |
| Sec. 104-20. Ninety-Day Hearings; Continuing Treatment.) |
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| 1 |
| (a) Upon entry
or continuation of any order to undergo | 2 |
| treatment, the court shall set a
date for hearing to reexamine | 3 |
| the issue of the defendant's fitness not more
than 90 days | 4 |
| thereafter. In addition, whenever the court receives a report
| 5 |
| from the supervisor of the defendant's treatment pursuant to | 6 |
| subparagraph
(2) or (3) of paragraph (a) of Section 104-18, the | 7 |
| court shall forthwith
set the matter for a first hearing within | 8 |
| 21 days unless good cause is demonstrated why the hearing | 9 |
| cannot be held. On the date set or upon conclusion of the | 10 |
| matter
then pending before it, the court, sitting without a | 11 |
| jury, shall conduct
a hearing, unless waived by the defense, | 12 |
| and shall determine:
| 13 |
| (1) Whether the defendant is fit to stand trial or to | 14 |
| plead; and if not,
| 15 |
| (2) Whether the defendant is making progress under | 16 |
| treatment toward attainment
of fitness within the time | 17 |
| period set forth in subsection (e) of Section 104-17 one | 18 |
| year from the date of the original finding
of unfitness.
| 19 |
| (b) If the court finds the defendant to be fit pursuant to | 20 |
| this Section,
the court shall set the matter for trial; | 21 |
| provided that if the defendant
is in need of continued care or | 22 |
| treatment and the supervisor of the defendant's
treatment | 23 |
| agrees to continue to provide it, the court may enter any order
| 24 |
| it deems appropriate for the continued care or treatment of the | 25 |
| defendant
by the facility or program pending the conclusion of | 26 |
| the criminal proceedings.
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| 1 |
| (c) If the court finds that the defendant is still unfit | 2 |
| but that he is
making progress toward attaining fitness, the | 3 |
| court may continue or modify
its original treatment order | 4 |
| entered pursuant to Section 104-17.
| 5 |
| (d) If the court finds that the defendant is still unfit | 6 |
| and that he is
not making progress toward attaining fitness | 7 |
| such that there is not a
substantial probability that he will | 8 |
| attain fitness within the time period set forth in subsection | 9 |
| (e) of Section 104-17 one year from
the date of the original | 10 |
| finding of unfitness, the court shall proceed pursuant
to | 11 |
| Section 104-23. However, if the defendant is in need of | 12 |
| continued care
and treatment and the supervisor of the | 13 |
| defendant's treatment agrees to
continue to provide it, the | 14 |
| court may enter any order it deems appropriate
for the | 15 |
| continued care or treatment by the facility or program pending | 16 |
| the
conclusion of the criminal proceedings.
| 17 |
| (Source: P.A. 94-191, eff. 7-12-05.)
| 18 |
| (725 ILCS 5/104-23) (from Ch. 38, par. 104-23)
| 19 |
| Sec. 104-23. Unfit defendants. Cases involving an unfit | 20 |
| defendant who
demands a discharge hearing or a defendant who | 21 |
| cannot become fit to stand
trial and for whom no special | 22 |
| provisions or assistance can compensate for
his disability and | 23 |
| render him fit shall proceed in the following manner:
| 24 |
| (a) Upon a determination that there is not a substantial | 25 |
| probability
that the defendant will attain fitness within the |
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| time period set forth in subsection (e) of Section 104-17 one | 2 |
| year from the original
finding of unfitness, a defendant or the | 3 |
| attorney for the defendant
may move for a discharge hearing | 4 |
| pursuant to the provisions of Section 104-25.
The discharge | 5 |
| hearing shall be held within 120 days of the filing of a
motion | 6 |
| for a discharge hearing, unless the delay is occasioned by the | 7 |
| defendant.
| 8 |
| (b) If at any time the court determines that there is not a | 9 |
| substantial
probability that the defendant will become fit to | 10 |
| stand trial or to plead
within the time period set forth in | 11 |
| subsection (e) of Section 104-17 one year from the date of the | 12 |
| original finding of unfitness,
or if at the end of the time | 13 |
| period set forth in subsection (e) of Section 104-17 one year | 14 |
| from that date the court finds the defendant
still unfit and | 15 |
| for whom no special provisions or assistance can compensate
for | 16 |
| his disabilities and render him fit, the State shall request | 17 |
| the court:
| 18 |
| (1) To set the matter for hearing pursuant to Section | 19 |
| 104-25 unless
a hearing has already been held pursuant to | 20 |
| paragraph (a) of this Section; or
| 21 |
| (2) To release the defendant from custody and to | 22 |
| dismiss with prejudice
the charges against him; or
| 23 |
| (3) To remand the defendant to the custody of the | 24 |
| Department of
Human Services and order a
hearing to be | 25 |
| conducted
pursuant to the provisions of the Mental Health | 26 |
| and Developmental Disabilities
Code, as now or hereafter |
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| 1 |
| amended. The Department of Human Services shall have 7 days | 2 |
| from the
date it receives the
defendant to prepare and file | 3 |
| the necessary petition and certificates that are
required | 4 |
| for commitment under the Mental Health and Developmental | 5 |
| Disabilities
Code. If the defendant is committed to the
| 6 |
| Department of Human Services pursuant to such
hearing, the | 7 |
| court
having jurisdiction over the criminal matter shall | 8 |
| dismiss the charges against
the defendant, with the leave | 9 |
| to reinstate. In such cases the Department of Human | 10 |
| Services shall notify the court,
the State's attorney and | 11 |
| the defense attorney upon the discharge of the
defendant. A | 12 |
| former defendant so committed
shall be treated in the same | 13 |
| manner as any other civilly committed patient
for all | 14 |
| purposes including admission, selection of the place of | 15 |
| treatment
and the treatment modalities, entitlement to | 16 |
| rights and privileges, transfer,
and discharge. A | 17 |
| defendant who is not committed shall be remanded to the
| 18 |
| court having jurisdiction of the criminal matter for | 19 |
| disposition pursuant
to subparagraph (1) or (2) of | 20 |
| paragraph (b) of this Section.
| 21 |
| (c) If the defendant is restored to fitness and the | 22 |
| original charges
against him are reinstated, the speedy trial | 23 |
| provisions of Section 103-5
shall commence to run.
| 24 |
| (Source: P.A. 89-439, eff. 6-1-96; 89-507, eff. 7-1-97.)
| 25 |
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | 26 |
| becoming law.