Full Text of SB0079 95th General Assembly
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| 1 |
| AN ACT concerning education.
| 2 |
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| 3 |
| represented in the General Assembly:
| 4 |
| Section 5. The School Code is amended by changing Section | 5 |
| 14-8.02 as follows:
| 6 |
| (105 ILCS 5/14-8.02) (from Ch. 122, par. 14-8.02)
| 7 |
| Sec. 14-8.02. Identification, Evaluation and Placement of | 8 |
| Children.
| 9 |
| (a) The State Board of Education shall make rules under | 10 |
| which local school
boards shall determine the eligibility of | 11 |
| children to receive special
education. Such rules shall ensure | 12 |
| that a free appropriate public
education be available to all | 13 |
| children with disabilities as
defined in
Section 14-1.02. The | 14 |
| State Board of Education shall require local school
districts | 15 |
| to administer non-discriminatory procedures or tests to
| 16 |
| limited English proficiency students coming from homes in which | 17 |
| a language
other than English is used to determine their | 18 |
| eligibility to receive special
education. The placement of low | 19 |
| English proficiency students in special
education programs and | 20 |
| facilities shall be made in accordance with the test
results | 21 |
| reflecting the student's linguistic, cultural and special | 22 |
| education
needs. For purposes of determining the eligibility of | 23 |
| children the State
Board of Education shall include in the |
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| rules definitions of "case study",
"staff conference", | 2 |
| "individualized educational program", and "qualified
| 3 |
| specialist" appropriate to each category of children with
| 4 |
| disabilities as defined in
this Article. For purposes of | 5 |
| determining the eligibility of children from
homes in which a | 6 |
| language other than English is used, the State Board of
| 7 |
| Education, no later than September 1, 1993, shall include in | 8 |
| the rules
definitions for "qualified bilingual specialists" | 9 |
| and "linguistically and
culturally appropriate individualized | 10 |
| educational programs". In this
Section, "parent" includes a | 11 |
| foster parent.
| 12 |
| (b) No child shall be eligible for special education | 13 |
| facilities except
with a carefully completed case study fully | 14 |
| reviewed by professional
personnel in a multidisciplinary | 15 |
| staff conference and only upon the
recommendation of qualified | 16 |
| specialists or a qualified bilingual specialist, if
available. | 17 |
| At the conclusion of the multidisciplinary staff conference, | 18 |
| the
parent or guardian of the child shall be given a copy of | 19 |
| the multidisciplinary
conference summary report and | 20 |
| recommendations, which includes options
considered, and be | 21 |
| informed of their right to obtain an independent educational
| 22 |
| evaluation if they disagree with the evaluation findings | 23 |
| conducted or obtained
by the school district. If the school | 24 |
| district's evaluation is shown to be
inappropriate, the school | 25 |
| district shall reimburse the parent for the cost of
the | 26 |
| independent evaluation. The State Board of Education shall, |
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| with advice
from the State Advisory Council on Education of | 2 |
| Children with
Disabilities on the
inclusion of specific | 3 |
| independent educational evaluators, prepare a list of
| 4 |
| suggested independent educational evaluators. The State Board | 5 |
| of Education
shall include on the list clinical psychologists | 6 |
| licensed pursuant to the
Clinical Psychologist Licensing Act. | 7 |
| Such psychologists shall not be paid fees
in excess of the | 8 |
| amount that would be received by a school psychologist for
| 9 |
| performing the same services. The State Board of Education | 10 |
| shall supply school
districts with such list and make the list | 11 |
| available to parents at their
request. School districts shall | 12 |
| make the list available to parents at the time
they are | 13 |
| informed of their right to obtain an independent educational
| 14 |
| evaluation. However, the school district may initiate an | 15 |
| impartial
due process hearing under this Section within 5 days | 16 |
| of any written parent
or guardian request for an independent | 17 |
| educational evaluation to show that
its evaluation is | 18 |
| appropriate. If the final decision is that the evaluation
is | 19 |
| appropriate, the parent still has a right to an independent | 20 |
| educational
evaluation, but not at public expense. An | 21 |
| independent educational
evaluation at public expense must be | 22 |
| completed within 30 days of a parent
or guardian written | 23 |
| request unless the school district initiates an
impartial due | 24 |
| process hearing or the parent or guardian or school district
| 25 |
| offers reasonable grounds to show that such 30 day time period | 26 |
| should be
extended. If the due process hearing decision |
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| indicates that the parent or
guardian is entitled to an | 2 |
| independent educational evaluation, it must be
completed | 3 |
| within 30 days of the decision unless the parent or guardian or
| 4 |
| the school district offers reasonable grounds to show that such | 5 |
| 30 day
period should be extended. If a parent disagrees with | 6 |
| the summary report or
recommendations of the multidisciplinary | 7 |
| conference or the findings of any
educational evaluation which | 8 |
| results therefrom, the school
district shall not proceed with a | 9 |
| placement based upon such evaluation and
the child shall remain | 10 |
| in his or her regular classroom setting.
No child shall be | 11 |
| eligible for admission to a
special class for the educable | 12 |
| mentally disabled or for the
mentally disabled except | 13 |
| with a psychological evaluation
recommendation by a school | 14 |
| psychologist. Consent shall be obtained from
the parent or | 15 |
| guardian of a child before any evaluation is conducted.
If | 16 |
| consent is not given by the parent or guardian or if the parent | 17 |
| or
guardian disagrees with the findings of the evaluation, then | 18 |
| the school
district may initiate an impartial due process | 19 |
| hearing under this Section.
The school district may evaluate | 20 |
| the child if that is the decision
resulting from the impartial | 21 |
| due process hearing and the decision is not
appealed or if the | 22 |
| decision is affirmed on appeal.
The determination of | 23 |
| eligibility shall be made within 60 school days
from the date | 24 |
| of referral by school authorities for evaluation by the
| 25 |
| district or date of application for admittance by the parent or | 26 |
| guardian
of the child. In those instances when students are |
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| referred for
evaluation with fewer than 60 pupil attendance | 2 |
| days left in the school year,
the eligibility determination | 3 |
| shall be made prior to the first day of the
following school | 4 |
| year. After a child has been determined to be eligible for a
| 5 |
| special education class, such child must be placed in the | 6 |
| appropriate
program pursuant to the individualized educational | 7 |
| program by or no
later than the beginning of the next school | 8 |
| semester. The appropriate
program pursuant to the | 9 |
| individualized educational program of students
whose native | 10 |
| tongue is a language other than English shall reflect the
| 11 |
| special education, cultural and linguistic needs. No later than | 12 |
| September
1, 1993, the State Board of Education shall establish | 13 |
| standards for the
development, implementation and monitoring | 14 |
| of appropriate bilingual special
individualized educational | 15 |
| programs. The State Board of Education shall
further | 16 |
| incorporate appropriate monitoring procedures to verify | 17 |
| implementation
of these standards. The district shall indicate | 18 |
| to the parent or guardian and
the State Board of Education the | 19 |
| nature of the services the child will receive
for the regular | 20 |
| school term while waiting placement in the appropriate special
| 21 |
| education class.
| 22 |
| If the child is deaf, hard of hearing, blind, or visually | 23 |
| impaired and
he or she might be eligible to receive services | 24 |
| from the Illinois School for
the Deaf or the Illinois School | 25 |
| for the Visually Impaired, the school
district shall notify the | 26 |
| parents or guardian, in writing, of the existence of
these |
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| schools
and the services
they provide and shall make a | 2 |
| reasonable effort to inform the parents or guardian of the | 3 |
| existence of other, local schools that provide similar services | 4 |
| and the services that these other schools provide. This | 5 |
| notification
include without limitation information on | 6 |
| school services, school
admissions criteria, and school | 7 |
| contact information.
| 8 |
| In the development of the individualized education program | 9 |
| for a student who has a disability on the autism spectrum | 10 |
| (which includes autistic disorder, Asperger's disorder, | 11 |
| pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified, | 12 |
| childhood disintegrative disorder, and Rett Syndrome, as | 13 |
| defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental | 14 |
| Disorders, fourth edition (DSM-IV, 2000)), the IEP team shall | 15 |
| consider all of the following factors: | 16 |
| (1) The verbal and nonverbal communication needs of the | 17 |
| child. | 18 |
| (2) The need to develop social interaction skills and | 19 |
| proficiencies. | 20 |
| (3) The needs resulting from the child's unusual | 21 |
| responses to sensory experiences. | 22 |
| (4) The needs resulting from resistance to | 23 |
| environmental change or change in daily routines. | 24 |
| (5) The needs resulting from engagement in repetitive | 25 |
| activities and stereotyped movements. | 26 |
| (6) The need for any positive behavioral |
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| interventions, strategies, and supports to address any | 2 |
| behavioral difficulties resulting from autism spectrum | 3 |
| disorder. | 4 |
| (7) Other needs resulting from the child's disability | 5 |
| that impact progress in the general curriculum, including | 6 |
| social and emotional development. | 7 |
| This amendatory Act of the 95th General Assembly does not | 8 |
| create any new entitlement to a service, program, or benefit, | 9 |
| but must not affect any entitlement to a service, program, or | 10 |
| benefit created by any other law.
| 11 |
| If the student may be eligible to participate in the | 12 |
| Home-Based Support
Services Program for Mentally Disabled | 13 |
| Adults authorized under the
Developmental Disability and | 14 |
| Mental Disability Services Act upon becoming an
adult, the | 15 |
| student's individualized education program shall include plans | 16 |
| for
(i) determining the student's eligibility for those | 17 |
| home-based services, (ii)
enrolling the student in the program | 18 |
| of home-based services, and (iii)
developing a plan for the | 19 |
| student's most effective use of the home-based
services after | 20 |
| the student becomes an adult and no longer receives special
| 21 |
| educational services under this Article. The plans developed | 22 |
| under this
paragraph shall include specific actions to be taken | 23 |
| by specified individuals,
agencies, or officials.
| 24 |
| (c) In the development of the individualized education | 25 |
| program for a
student who is functionally blind, it shall be | 26 |
| presumed that proficiency in
Braille reading and writing is |
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| essential for the student's satisfactory
educational progress. | 2 |
| For purposes of this subsection, the State Board of
Education | 3 |
| shall determine the criteria for a student to be classified as
| 4 |
| functionally blind. Students who are not currently identified | 5 |
| as
functionally blind who are also entitled to Braille | 6 |
| instruction include:
(i) those whose vision loss is so severe | 7 |
| that they are unable to read and
write at a level comparable to | 8 |
| their peers solely through the use of
vision, and (ii) those | 9 |
| who show evidence of progressive vision loss that
may result in | 10 |
| functional blindness. Each student who is functionally blind
| 11 |
| shall be entitled to Braille reading and writing instruction | 12 |
| that is
sufficient to enable the student to communicate with | 13 |
| the same level of
proficiency as other students of comparable | 14 |
| ability. Instruction should be
provided to the extent that the | 15 |
| student is physically and cognitively able
to use Braille. | 16 |
| Braille instruction may be used in combination with other
| 17 |
| special education services appropriate to the student's | 18 |
| educational needs.
The assessment of each student who is | 19 |
| functionally blind for the purpose of
developing the student's | 20 |
| individualized education program shall include
documentation | 21 |
| of the student's strengths and weaknesses in Braille skills.
| 22 |
| Each person assisting in the development of the individualized | 23 |
| education
program for a student who is functionally blind shall | 24 |
| receive information
describing the benefits of Braille | 25 |
| instruction. The individualized
education program for each | 26 |
| student who is functionally blind shall
specify the appropriate |
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| learning medium or media based on the assessment
| 2 |
| (d) To the maximum extent appropriate, the placement shall | 3 |
| provide the
child with the opportunity to be educated with | 4 |
| children who are not
disabled; provided that children with
| 5 |
| disabilities who are recommended to be
placed into regular | 6 |
| education classrooms are provided with supplementary
services | 7 |
| to assist the children with disabilities to benefit
from the | 8 |
| regular
classroom instruction and are included on the teacher's | 9 |
| regular education class
register. Subject to the limitation of | 10 |
| the preceding sentence, placement in
special classes, separate | 11 |
| schools or other removal of the disabled child
from the regular | 12 |
| educational environment shall occur only when the nature of
the | 13 |
| severity of the disability is such that education in the
| 14 |
| regular classes with
the use of supplementary aids and services | 15 |
| cannot be achieved satisfactorily.
The placement of limited | 16 |
| English proficiency students with disabilities shall
be in | 17 |
| non-restrictive environments which provide for integration | 18 |
| with
non-disabled peers in bilingual classrooms. By January | 19 |
| 1993 and annually
thereafter, school districts shall report | 20 |
| data on students from non-English
speaking backgrounds | 21 |
| receiving special education and related services in
public and | 22 |
| private facilities as prescribed in Section 2-3.30. If there
is | 23 |
| a disagreement between parties involved regarding the special | 24 |
| education
placement of any child, either in-state or | 25 |
| out-of-state, the placement is
subject to impartial due process | 26 |
| procedures described in Article 10 of the
Rules and Regulations |
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| to Govern the Administration and Operation of Special
| 2 |
| Education.
| 3 |
| (e) No child who comes from a home in which a language | 4 |
| other than English
is the principal language used may be | 5 |
| assigned to any class or program
under this Article until he | 6 |
| has been given, in the principal language
used by the child and | 7 |
| used in his home, tests reasonably related to his
cultural | 8 |
| environment. All testing and evaluation materials and | 9 |
| procedures
utilized for evaluation and placement shall not be | 10 |
| linguistically, racially or
culturally discriminatory.
| 11 |
| (f) Nothing in this Article shall be construed to require | 12 |
| any child to
undergo any physical examination or medical | 13 |
| treatment whose parents or
guardian object thereto on the | 14 |
| grounds that such examination or
treatment conflicts with his | 15 |
| religious beliefs.
| 16 |
| (g) School boards or their designee shall provide to the | 17 |
| parents or
guardian of a child prior written notice of any | 18 |
| decision (a) proposing
to initiate or change, or (b) refusing | 19 |
| to initiate or change, the
identification, evaluation, or | 20 |
| educational placement of the child or the
provision of a free | 21 |
| appropriate public education to their child, and the
reasons | 22 |
| therefor. Such written notification shall also inform the
| 23 |
| parent or guardian of the opportunity to present complaints | 24 |
| with respect
to any matter relating to the educational | 25 |
| placement of the student, or
the provision of a free | 26 |
| appropriate public education and to have an
impartial due |
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| process hearing on the complaint. The notice shall inform
the | 2 |
| parents or guardian in the parents' or guardian's native | 3 |
| language,
unless it is clearly not feasible to do so, of their | 4 |
| rights and all
procedures available pursuant to this Act and | 5 |
| federal law 94-142; it
shall be the responsibility of the State | 6 |
| Superintendent to develop
uniform notices setting forth the | 7 |
| procedures available under this Act
and federal law 94-142 to | 8 |
| be used by all school boards. The notice
shall also inform the | 9 |
| parents or guardian of the availability upon
request of a list | 10 |
| of free or low-cost legal and other relevant services
available | 11 |
| locally to assist parents or guardians in initiating an
| 12 |
| impartial due process hearing. Any parent or guardian who is | 13 |
| deaf, or
does not normally communicate using spoken English, | 14 |
| who participates in
a meeting with a representative of a local | 15 |
| educational agency for the
purposes of developing an | 16 |
| individualized educational program shall be
entitled to the | 17 |
| services of an interpreter.
| 18 |
| (h) A Level I due process hearing, hereinafter
referred as | 19 |
| the hearing, shall be conducted upon the request
of the parents | 20 |
| or guardian or local school board by an impartial
hearing | 21 |
| officer appointed as follows: If the request is made through
| 22 |
| the local school district, within 5 school days of receipt of | 23 |
| the
request, the local school district shall forward the | 24 |
| request to the
State Superintendent. Within 5 days after | 25 |
| receiving this request of
hearing, the State Board of Education | 26 |
| shall provide a list of 5
prospective, impartial hearing |
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| officers. The State Board of Education,
by rule or regulation, | 2 |
| shall establish criteria for determining which persons
can be | 3 |
| included on such a list of prospective hearing officers. No one
| 4 |
| on the list may be a resident of the school district. No more | 5 |
| than 2 of the 5
prospective hearing officers shall be gainfully | 6 |
| employed by or administratively
connected with any school | 7 |
| district, or any joint agreement or cooperative
program in | 8 |
| which school districts participate. In addition, no more than 2 | 9 |
| of
the 5 prospective hearing officers shall be gainfully | 10 |
| employed by or
administratively connected with private | 11 |
| providers of special education
services. The State Board of | 12 |
| Education shall actively recruit applicants for
hearing | 13 |
| officer positions. The board and the parents or guardian or | 14 |
| their legal
representatives within 5 days shall alternately | 15 |
| strike one name from the list
until only one name remains. The | 16 |
| parents or guardian shall have the right to
proceed first with | 17 |
| the striking. The per diem allowance for the hearing officer
| 18 |
| shall be established and paid by the State Board of Education. | 19 |
| The hearing
shall be closed to the public except that the | 20 |
| parents or guardian may require
that the hearing be public. The | 21 |
| hearing officer shall not be an employee of the
school | 22 |
| district, an employee in any joint agreement or cooperative | 23 |
| program in
which the district participates, or any other agency | 24 |
| or organization that is
directly involved in the diagnosis, | 25 |
| education or care of the student or the
State Board of | 26 |
| Education. All impartial hearing officers shall be adequately
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| trained in federal and state law, rules and regulations and | 2 |
| case law regarding
special education. The State Board of | 3 |
| Education shall use resources from within
and outside the | 4 |
| agency for the purposes of conducting this training. The
| 5 |
| impartial hearing officer shall have the authority to require | 6 |
| additional
information or evidence where he or she deems it | 7 |
| necessary to make a complete
record and may order an | 8 |
| independent evaluation of the child, the cost of said
| 9 |
| evaluation to be paid by the local school district. Such | 10 |
| hearing shall not be
considered adversary in nature, but shall | 11 |
| be directed toward bringing out all
facts necessary for the | 12 |
| impartial hearing officer to render an informed
decision. The | 13 |
| State Board of Education shall, with the advice and approval of
| 14 |
| the Advisory Council on Education of Children with
| 15 |
| Disabilities, promulgate rules and
regulations to establish | 16 |
| the qualifications of the hearing officers and the
rules and | 17 |
| procedure for such hearings. The school district shall present
| 18 |
| evidence that the special education needs of the child have | 19 |
| been appropriately
identified and that the special education | 20 |
| program and related services proposed
to meet the needs of the | 21 |
| child are adequate, appropriate and available. Any
party to the | 22 |
| hearing shall have the right to: (a) be represented by counsel | 23 |
| and
be accompanied and advised by individuals with special | 24 |
| knowledge or training
with respect to the problems of
children | 25 |
| with disabilities at the party's own expense; (b) present | 26 |
| evidence
and confront
and cross-examine witnesses; (c) |
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| prohibit the introduction of any
evidence at the hearing that | 2 |
| has not been disclosed to that party at
least 5 days before the | 3 |
| hearing; (d) obtain a written or electronic
verbatim record of | 4 |
| the hearing; (e) obtain written findings of fact and
a written | 5 |
| decision. The student shall be allowed to attend the hearing
| 6 |
| unless the hearing officer finds that attendance is not in the | 7 |
| child's
best interest or detrimental to the child. The hearing | 8 |
| officer shall
specify in the findings the reasons for denying | 9 |
| attendance by the student.
The hearing officer, or the State | 10 |
| Superintendent in connection with State
level hearings, may | 11 |
| subpoena and compel the attendance of witnesses and
the | 12 |
| production of evidence reasonably necessary to the resolution | 13 |
| of the
hearing. The subpoena may be issued upon request of any | 14 |
| party. The State
Board of Education and the school board shall | 15 |
| share equally the costs of
providing a written or electronic | 16 |
| record of the proceedings. Such record
shall be transcribed and | 17 |
| transmitted to the State Superintendent no later
than 10 days | 18 |
| after receipt of notice of appeal. The hearing
officer shall | 19 |
| render a decision and shall submit a copy of the findings
of | 20 |
| fact and decision to the parent or guardian and to the local | 21 |
| school
board within 10 school days after the conclusion of the | 22 |
| hearing. The hearing
officer may continue the hearing in order | 23 |
| to obtain additional information,
and, at the conclusion of the | 24 |
| hearing, shall issue a decision based on the
record which | 25 |
| specifies the special education and related services which
| 26 |
| shall be provided to the child in accordance with the child's |
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| needs.
The hearing officer's decision shall be binding upon the | 2 |
| local school board
and the parent unless such decision is | 3 |
| appealed pursuant to the
provisions of this Section.
| 4 |
| (i) Any party aggrieved by the decision may appeal the | 5 |
| hearing officer's
decision to the State Board of Education and | 6 |
| shall serve copies
of the notice of such appeal on the State | 7 |
| Superintendent and on all other
parties. The review referred to | 8 |
| in this Section shall be known as the
Level II review. The | 9 |
| State Board
of Education shall provide a list of 5 prospective, | 10 |
| impartial reviewing
officers. No reviewing officer shall be an | 11 |
| employee of the State Board of
Education or gainfully employed | 12 |
| by or administratively connected with the
school district, | 13 |
| joint agreement or cooperative program which is a party
to this | 14 |
| review. Each person on the list shall be accredited by a | 15 |
| national
arbitration organization. The per diem allowance for | 16 |
| the review officers
shall be paid by the State Board of | 17 |
| Education and may not exceed $250. All
reviewing officers on | 18 |
| the list provided by the State Board of Education
shall be | 19 |
| trained in federal and state law, rules and regulations and | 20 |
| case
law regarding special education. The State Board of | 21 |
| Education shall use
resources from within and outside the | 22 |
| agency for the purposes of conducting
this training. No one on | 23 |
| the list may be a resident of the
school district. The board | 24 |
| and the parents or guardian or other legal
representatives | 25 |
| within 5 days shall alternately strike one name from the
list | 26 |
| until only one name remains. The parents or guardian shall have |
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| the
right to proceed first with the striking. The reviewing | 2 |
| officer so
selected shall conduct an impartial review of the | 3 |
| Level I
hearing and may issue subpoenas requiring the | 4 |
| attendance of witnesses at
such review. The parties to the | 5 |
| appeal shall be afforded the opportunity to
present oral | 6 |
| argument and additional evidence at the review. Upon completion | 7 |
| of
the review the reviewing officer shall render a decision and | 8 |
| shall provide a
copy of the decision to all parties.
| 9 |
| (j) No later than 30 days after receipt of notice of | 10 |
| appeal,
a final decision shall be reached and a copy mailed to | 11 |
| each of the parties.
A reviewing officer may grant specific | 12 |
| extensions of time beyond the 30-day
deadline at the request of | 13 |
| either party. If a Level II hearing is
convened the final | 14 |
| decision of a Level II hearing officer shall occur no
more than | 15 |
| 30 days following receipt of a notice of appeal, unless an
| 16 |
| extension of time is granted by the hearing officer at the | 17 |
| request of
either party. The State Board of Education shall | 18 |
| establish rules and
regulations delineating the standards to be | 19 |
| used in determining whether the
reviewing officer shall grant | 20 |
| such extensions. Each hearing and each review
involving oral | 21 |
| argument must be conducted at a time and place which are
| 22 |
| reasonably convenient to the parents and the child involved.
| 23 |
| (k) Any party aggrieved by the decision of the reviewing | 24 |
| officer, including
the parent or guardian, shall have the right | 25 |
| to bring a civil action with
respect to the complaint presented | 26 |
| pursuant to this Section, which action may
be brought in any |
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| circuit court of competent jurisdiction within 120 days after
a | 2 |
| copy of the decision is mailed to the party as provided in | 3 |
| subsection (j).
The civil action provided above shall not be | 4 |
| exclusive of any rights or causes
of action otherwise | 5 |
| available. The commencement of a civil action under
subsection | 6 |
| (k) of this Section shall operate as a supersedeas. In any | 7 |
| action
brought under this Section the court shall receive the | 8 |
| records of the
administrative proceedings, shall hear | 9 |
| additional evidence at the request of a
party, and basing its | 10 |
| decision on the preponderance of the
evidence shall grant such | 11 |
| relief as the court determines is appropriate.
In any instance | 12 |
| where a school district willfully disregards applicable
| 13 |
| regulations or statutes regarding a child covered by this | 14 |
| Article, and which
disregard has been detrimental to the child, | 15 |
| the school district shall be
liable for any reasonable | 16 |
| attorney's fees incurred by the parent or guardian
in | 17 |
| connection with proceedings under this Section.
| 18 |
| (l) During the pendency of any proceedings conducted | 19 |
| pursuant to this
Section, unless the State Superintendent of | 20 |
| Education, or the school
district and the parents or guardian | 21 |
| otherwise agree, the student shall
remain in the then current | 22 |
| educational placement of such student, or if
applying for | 23 |
| initial admission to the school district, shall, with the
| 24 |
| consent of the parents or guardian, be placed in the school | 25 |
| district
program until all such proceedings have been | 26 |
| completed. The costs for any
special education and related |
SB0079 Engrossed |
- 18 - |
LRB095 04474 NHT 24521 b |
| 1 |
| services or placement incurred following 60
school days after | 2 |
| the initial request for evaluation shall be borne by
the school | 3 |
| district if such services or placement are in accordance with
| 4 |
| the final determination as to the special education and related | 5 |
| services
or placement which must be provided to the child, | 6 |
| provided however that
in said 60 day period there have been no | 7 |
| delays caused by the child's parent
or guardian.
| 8 |
| (m) Whenever (i) the parents or guardian of a child of the | 9 |
| type
described in
Section 14-1.02 are not known or are | 10 |
| unavailable
or (ii) the child is a ward of
the State
residing | 11 |
| in a residential facility, a person
shall be assigned to serve | 12 |
| as surrogate parent for the child in matters
relating to the | 13 |
| identification, evaluation, and educational placement of
the | 14 |
| child and the provision of a free appropriate public education | 15 |
| to
the child. Surrogate parents shall be assigned by the State
| 16 |
| Superintendent of Education. The State Board of Education shall
| 17 |
| promulgate rules and regulations establishing qualifications | 18 |
| of such
persons and their responsibilities and the procedures | 19 |
| to be followed in
making such assignments. Such surrogate | 20 |
| parents shall not be employees of the
school district, an | 21 |
| agency created by joint agreement under Section
10-22.31, an | 22 |
| agency involved in the education or care of the student, or
the | 23 |
| State Board of Education.
For a child who is a ward of the | 24 |
| State residing in a residential facility,
parent | 25 |
| may be an employee of a nonpublic agency that provides only
| 26 |
| non-educational
Services of any person assigned as |
SB0079 Engrossed |
- 19 - |
LRB095 04474 NHT 24521 b |
| 1 |
| surrogate
parent shall terminate if the parent or guardian | 2 |
| becomes available
unless otherwise requested by the parents or | 3 |
| guardian. The assignment
of a person as surrogate parent at no | 4 |
| time supersedes, terminates, or
suspends the parents' or | 5 |
| guardian's legal authority relative to the
child. Any person | 6 |
| participating in good faith as surrogate parent on behalf
of | 7 |
| the child before school officials or a hearing officer shall | 8 |
| have
immunity from civil or criminal liability that otherwise | 9 |
| might result by
reason of such participation, except in cases | 10 |
| of willful and wanton
| 11 |
| (n) At all stages of the hearing the hearing officer shall | 12 |
| require that
interpreters be made available by the local school | 13 |
| district for persons who
are deaf or for persons whose normally | 14 |
| spoken language is other than English.
| 15 |
| (o) Whenever a person refuses to comply with any subpoena | 16 |
| issued under
this Section, the circuit court of the county in | 17 |
| which such hearing is
pending, on application of the State | 18 |
| Superintendent of Education or the
party who requested issuance | 19 |
| of the subpoena may compel obedience by
attachment proceedings | 20 |
| as for contempt, as in a case of disobedience of the
| 21 |
| requirements of a subpoena from such court for refusal to | 22 |
| testify therein.
| 23 |
| (Source: P.A. 93-282, eff. 7-22-03; 94-376, eff. 7-29-05.)
| 24 |
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect January | 25 |
| 1, 2008.