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LRB093 10614 NHT 12314 a
2 AMENDMENT NO. . Amend Senate Bill 890 on page 1,
3 line 4, after "by," by inserting "changing Section 21-2 and";
4 and
5 on page 1, immediately below line 5, by inserting the
6 following:
7 "(105 ILCS 5/21-2) (from Ch. 122, par. 21-2)
8 Sec. 21-2. Grades of certificates.
9 (a) All certificates issued under this Article shall be
10 State certificates valid, except as limited in Section 21-1,
11 in every school district coming under the provisions of this
12 Act and shall be limited in time and designated as follows:
13 Provisional vocational certificate, temporary provisional
14 vocational certificate, early childhood certificate,
15 elementary school certificate, special certificate, secondary
16 certificate, school service personnel certificate,
17 administrative certificate, provisional certificate, and
18 substitute certificate. The requirement of student teaching
19 under close and competent supervision for obtaining a
20 teaching certificate may be waived by the State Teacher
21 Certification Board upon presentation to the Board by the
22 teacher of evidence of 5 years successful teaching experience
-2- LRB093 10614 NHT 12314 a
1 on a valid certificate and graduation from a recognized
2 institution of higher learning with a bachelor's degree.
3 (b) Initial Teaching Certificate. Persons who (1) have
4 completed an approved teacher preparation program, (2) are
5 recommended by an approved teacher preparation program, (3)
6 have successfully completed the Initial Teaching
7 Certification examinations required by the State Board of
8 Education, and (4) have met all other criteria established by
9 the State Board of Education in consultation with the State
10 Teacher Certification Board, shall be issued an Initial
11 Teaching Certificate valid for 4 years of teaching, as
12 defined in Section 21-14 of this Code. Initial Teaching
13 Certificates shall be issued for categories corresponding to
14 Early Childhood, Elementary, Secondary, and Special K-12,
15 with special certification designations for Special
16 Education, Bilingual Education, fundamental learning areas
17 (including Language Arts, Reading, Mathematics, Science,
18 Social Science, Physical Development and Health, Fine Arts,
19 and Foreign Language, including Asian languages), and other
20 areas designated by the State Board of Education, in
21 consultation with the State Teacher Certification Board.
22 (c) Standard Certificate.
23 (1) Persons who (i) have completed 4 years of teaching,
24 as defined in Section 21-14 of this Code, with an Initial
25 Certificate or an Initial Alternative Teaching Certificate
26 and have met all other criteria established by the State
27 Board of Education in consultation with the State Teacher
28 Certification Board, (ii) have completed 4 years of teaching
29 on a valid equivalent certificate in another State or
30 territory of the United States, or have completed 4 years of
31 teaching in a nonpublic Illinois elementary or secondary
32 school with an Initial Certificate or an Initial Alternative
33 Teaching Certificate, and have met all other criteria
34 established by the State Board of Education, in consultation
-3- LRB093 10614 NHT 12314 a
1 with the State Teacher Certification Board, or (iii) were
2 issued teaching certificates prior to February 15, 2000 and
3 are renewing those certificates after February 15, 2000,
4 shall be issued a Standard Certificate valid for 5 years,
5 which may be renewed thereafter every 5 years by the State
6 Teacher Certification Board based on proof of continuing
7 education or professional development. Beginning July 1,
8 2003, persons who have completed 4 years of teaching, as
9 described in clauses (i) and (ii) of this paragraph (1), have
10 successfully completed the requirements of paragraphs (2)
11 through (4) of this subsection (c), and have met all other
12 criteria established by the State Board of Education, in
13 consultation with the State Teacher Certification Board,
14 shall be issued Standard Certificates. Standard Certificates
15 shall be issued for categories corresponding to Early
16 Childhood, Elementary, Secondary, and Special K-12, with
17 special certification designations for Special Education,
18 Bilingual Education, fundamental learning areas (including
19 Language Arts, Reading, Mathematics, Science, Social Science,
20 Physical Development and Health, Fine Arts, and Foreign
21 Language, including Asian languages), and other areas
22 designated by the State Board of Education, in consultation
23 with the State Teacher Certification Board.
24 (2) This paragraph (2) applies only to those persons
25 required to successfully complete the requirements of this
26 paragraph under paragraph (1) of this subsection (c). In
27 order to receive a Standard Teaching Certificate, a person
28 must satisfy one of the following requirements, which the
29 person must identify, in writing, as the requirement that the
30 person has chosen to satisfy to the responsible local
31 professional development committee established pursuant to
32 subsection (f) of Section 21-14 of this Code:
33 (A) Completion of a program of induction and
34 mentoring for new teachers that is based upon a specific
-4- LRB093 10614 NHT 12314 a
1 plan approved by the State Board of Education, in
2 consultation with the State Teacher Certification Board.
3 The plan must describe the role of mentor teachers, the
4 criteria and process for their selection, and how all the
5 following components are to be provided:
6 (i) Assignment of a formally trained mentor
7 teacher to each new teacher for a specified period
8 of time, which shall be established by the employing
9 school or school district but shall be at least 2
10 school years in duration, provided that a mentor
11 teacher may not directly or indirectly participate
12 in the evaluation of a new teacher pursuant to
13 Article 24A of this Code or the evaluation procedure
14 of the school.
15 (ii) Formal mentoring for each new teacher.
16 (iii) Support for each new teacher in relation
17 to the Illinois Professional Teaching Standards, the
18 content-area standards applicable to the new
19 teacher's area of certification, and any applicable
20 local school improvement and professional
21 development plans.
22 (iv) Professional development specifically
23 designed to foster the growth of each new teacher's
24 knowledge and skills.
25 (v) Formative assessment that is based on the
26 Illinois Professional Teaching Standards and
27 designed to provide feedback to the new teacher and
28 opportunities for reflection on his or her
29 performance, which must not be used directly or
30 indirectly in any evaluation of a new teacher
31 pursuant to Article 24A of this Code or the
32 evaluation procedure of the school and which must
33 include the activities specified in clauses (B)(i),
34 (B)(ii), and (B)(iii) of this paragraph (2).
-5- LRB093 10614 NHT 12314 a
1 (vi) Assignment of responsibility for
2 coordination of the induction and mentoring program
3 within each school district participating in the
4 program.
5 (B) Successful completion of 4 semester hours of
6 graduate-level coursework on the assessment of one's own
7 performance in relation to the Illinois Professional
8 Teaching Standards. The coursework must be approved by
9 the State Board of Education, in consultation with the
10 State Teacher Certification Board; must be offered either
11 by an institution of higher education, by such an
12 institution in partnership with a teachers' association
13 or union or with a regional office of education, or by
14 another entity authorized to issue college credit; and
15 must include demonstration of performance through all of
16 the following activities for each of the Illinois
17 Professional Teaching Standards:
18 (i) Observation, by the course instructor or
19 another experienced teacher, of the new teacher's
20 classroom practice (the observation may be recorded
21 for later viewing) for the purpose of identifying
22 and describing how the new teacher made content
23 meaningful for students; how the teacher motivated
24 individuals and the group and created an environment
25 conducive to positive social interactions, active
26 learning, and self-motivation; what instructional
27 strategies the teacher used to encourage students'
28 development of critical thinking, problem solving,
29 and performance; how the teacher communicated using
30 written, verbal, nonverbal, and visual communication
31 techniques; and how the teacher maintained standards
32 of professional conduct and provided leadership to
33 improve students' learning.
34 (ii) Review and analysis, by the course
-6- LRB093 10614 NHT 12314 a
1 instructor or another experienced teacher, of
2 written documentation (i.e., lesson plans,
3 assignments, assessment instruments, and samples of
4 students' work) prepared by the new teacher for at
5 least 2 lessons. The documentation must provide
6 evidence of classroom performance related to
7 Illinois Professional Teaching Standards 1 through
8 9, with an emphasis on how the teacher used his or
9 her understanding of students, assessment data, and
10 subject matter to decide on learning goals; how the
11 teacher designed or selected activities and
12 instructional materials and aligned instruction to
13 the relevant Illinois Learning Standards; how the
14 teacher adapted or modified curriculum to meet
15 individual students' needs; and how the teacher
16 sequenced instruction and designed or selected
17 student assessment strategies.
18 (iii) Demonstration of professional expertise
19 on the part of the new teacher in reflecting on his
20 or her practice, which was observed under clause
21 (B)(i) of this paragraph (2) and documented under
22 clause (B)(ii) of this paragraph (2), in terms of
23 teaching strengths, weaknesses, and implications for
24 improvement according to the Illinois Professional
25 Teaching Standards.
26 (C) Successful completion of a minimum of 4
27 semester hours of graduate-level coursework addressing
28 preparation to meet the requirements for certification by
29 the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
30 (NBPTS). The coursework must be approved by the State
31 Board of Education, in consultation with the State
32 Teacher Certification Board, and must be offered either
33 by an institution of higher education, by such an
34 institution in partnership with a teachers' association
-7- LRB093 10614 NHT 12314 a
1 or union or with a regional office of education, or by
2 another entity authorized to issue college credit. The
3 course must address the 5 NBPTS Core Propositions and
4 relevant standards through such means as the following:
5 (i) Observation, by the course instructor or
6 another experienced teacher, of the new teacher's
7 classroom practice (the observation may be recorded
8 for later viewing) for the purpose of identifying
9 and describing how the new teacher made content
10 meaningful for students; how the teacher motivated
11 individuals and the group and created an environment
12 conducive to positive social interactions, active
13 learning, and self-motivation; what instructional
14 strategies the teacher used to encourage students'
15 development of critical thinking, problem solving,
16 and performance; how the teacher communicated using
17 written, verbal, nonverbal, and visual communication
18 techniques; and how the teacher maintained standards
19 of professional conduct and provided leadership to
20 improve students' learning.
21 (ii) Review and analysis, by the course
22 instructor or another experienced teacher, of
23 written documentation (i.e., lesson plans,
24 assignments, assessment instruments, and samples of
25 students' work) prepared by the new teacher for at
26 least 2 lessons. The documentation must provide
27 evidence of classroom performance, including how the
28 teacher used his or her understanding of students,
29 assessment data, and subject matter to decide on
30 learning goals; how the teacher designed or selected
31 activities and instructional materials and aligned
32 instruction to the relevant Illinois Learning
33 Standards; how the teacher adapted or modified
34 curriculum to meet individual students' needs; and
-8- LRB093 10614 NHT 12314 a
1 how the teacher sequenced instruction and designed
2 or selected student assessment strategies.
3 (iii) Demonstration of professional expertise
4 on the part of the new teacher in reflecting on his
5 or her practice, which was observed under clause
6 (C)(i) of this paragraph (2) and documented under
7 clause (C)(ii) of this paragraph (2), in terms of
8 teaching strengths, weaknesses, and implications for
9 improvement.
10 (D) Receipt of an advanced degree from an
11 accredited institution of higher education in an
12 education-related field, provided that at least 8
13 semester hours of the coursework completed count toward a
14 degree, certificate, or endorsement in a teaching field.
15 (E) Accumulation of 60 continuing professional
16 development units (CPDUs), earned by completing selected
17 activities that comply with paragraphs (3) and (4) of
18 this subsection (c). However, for an individual who
19 holds an Initial Teaching Certificate on the effective
20 date of this amendatory Act of the 92nd General Assembly,
21 the number of CPDUs shall be reduced to reflect the
22 teaching time remaining on the Initial Teaching
23 Certificate.
24 (F) Completion of a nationally normed,
25 performance-based assessment, if made available by the
26 State Board of Education in consultation with the State
27 Teacher Certification Board, provided that the cost to
28 the person shall not exceed the cost of the coursework
29 described in clause (B) of this paragraph (2).
30 (3) This paragraph (3) applies only to those persons
31 required to successfully complete the requirements of this
32 paragraph under paragraph (1) of this subsection (c). At
33 least one-half the CPDUs a person must accrue in order to
34 qualify for a Standard Teaching Certificate must be earned
-9- LRB093 10614 NHT 12314 a
1 through completion of coursework, workshops, seminars,
2 conferences, and other similar training events that are
3 pre-approved by the State Board of Education, in consultation
4 with the State Teacher Certification Board, for the purpose
5 of reflection on teaching practices in order to address all
6 of the Illinois Professional Teaching Standards necessary to
7 obtain a Standard Teaching Certificate. These activities
8 must meet all of the following requirements:
9 (A) Each activity must be designed to advance a
10 person's knowledge and skills in relation to one or more
11 of the Illinois Professional Teaching Standards or in
12 relation to the content-area standards applicable to the
13 teacher's field of certification.
14 (B) Taken together, the activities completed must
15 address each of the Illinois Professional Teaching
16 Standards as provided in clauses (B)(i), (B)(ii), and
17 (B)(iii) of paragraph (2) of this subsection (c).
18 (C) Each activity must be provided by an entity
19 approved by the State Board of Education, in consultation
20 with the State Teacher Certification Board, for this
21 purpose.
22 (D) Each activity, integral to its successful
23 completion, must require participants to demonstrate the
24 degree to which they have acquired new knowledge or
25 skills, such as through performance, through preparation
26 of a written product, through assembling samples of
27 students' or teachers' work, or by some other means that
28 is appropriate to the subject matter of the activity.
29 (E) One CPDU shall be available for each hour of
30 direct participation by a holder of an Initial Teaching
31 Certificate in a qualifying activity. An activity may be
32 attributed to more than one of the Illinois Professional
33 Teaching Standards, but credit for any activity shall be
34 counted only once.
-10- LRB093 10614 NHT 12314 a
1 (4) This paragraph (4) applies only to those persons
2 required to successfully complete the requirements of this
3 paragraph under paragraph (1) of this subsection (c). The
4 balance of the CPDUs a person must accrue in order to qualify
5 for a Standard Teaching Certificate, in combination with
6 those earned pursuant to paragraph (3) of this subsection
7 (c), may be chosen from among the following, provided that an
8 activity listed in clause (C) of this paragraph (4) shall be
9 creditable only if its provider is approved for this purpose
10 by the State Board of Education, in consultation with the
11 State Teacher Certification Board:
12 (A) Collaboration and partnership activities
13 related to improving a person's knowledge and skills as a
14 teacher, including all of the following:
15 (i) Peer review and coaching.
16 (ii) Mentoring in a formal mentoring program,
17 including service as a consulting teacher
18 participating in a remediation process formulated
19 under Section 24A-5 of this Code.
20 (iii) Facilitating parent education programs
21 directly related to student achievement for a
22 school, school district, or regional office of
23 education.
24 (iv) Participating in business, school, or
25 community partnerships directly related to student
26 achievement.
27 (B) Teaching college or university courses in areas
28 relevant to a teacher's field of certification, provided
29 that the teaching may only be counted once during the
30 course of 4 years.
31 (C) Conferences, workshops, institutes, seminars,
32 and symposiums related to improving a person's knowledge
33 and skills as a teacher, including all of the following:
34 (i) Completing non-university credit directly
-11- LRB093 10614 NHT 12314 a
1 related to student achievement, the Illinois
2 Professional Teaching Standards, or content-area
3 standards.
4 (ii) Participating in or presenting at
5 workshops, seminars, conferences, institutes, and
6 symposiums.
7 (iii) Training as external reviewers for the
8 State Board of Education.
9 (iv) Training as reviewers of university
10 teacher preparation programs.
11 (D) Other educational experiences related to
12 improving a person's knowledge and skills as a teacher,
13 including all of the following:
14 (i) Participating in action research and
15 inquiry projects.
16 (ii) Observing programs or teaching in
17 schools, related businesses, or industry that is
18 systematic, purposeful, and relevant to a teacher's
19 field of certification.
20 (iii) Participating in study groups related to
21 student achievement, the Illinois Professional
22 Teaching Standards, or content-area standards.
23 (iv) Participating in work/learn programs or
24 internships.
25 (v) Developing a portfolio of students' and
26 teacher's work.
27 (E) Professional leadership experiences related to
28 improving a person's knowledge and skills as a teacher,
29 including all of the following:
30 (i) Participating in curriculum development or
31 assessment activities at the school, school district,
32 regional office of education, State, or national level.
33 (ii) Participating in team or department
34 leadership in a school or school district.
-12- LRB093 10614 NHT 12314 a
1 (iii) Participating on external or internal
2 school or school district review teams.
3 (iv) Publishing educational articles, columns,
4 or books relevant to a teacher's field of
5 certification.
6 (v) Participating in non-strike related
7 activities of a professional association or labor
8 organization that are related to professional
9 development.
10 (5) A person must complete his or her chosen requirement
11 under paragraph (2) of this subsection (c) before the
12 expiration of his or her Initial Teaching Certificate and
13 must submit evidence of having done so to the local
14 professional development committee. Within 30 days after
15 receipt of a person's evidence of completion, the local
16 professional development committee shall forward the evidence
17 of completion to the responsible regional superintendent of
18 schools along with the local professional development
19 committee's recommendation, based on that evidence, as to
20 whether the person is eligible to receive a Standard Teaching
21 Certificate. The local professional development committee
22 shall provide a copy of this recommendation to the affected
23 person.
24 The regional superintendent of schools shall review the
25 evidence of completion submitted by a person and, based upon
26 compliance with all of the requirements for receipt of a
27 Standard Teaching Certificate, shall forward to the State
28 Board of Education a recommendation for issuance or
29 non-issuance. The regional superintendent of schools shall
30 notify the affected person of the recommendation forwarded.
31 Upon review of a regional superintendent of school's
32 recommendations, the State Board of Education shall issue
33 Standard Teaching Certificates to those who qualify and shall
34 notify a person, in writing, of a decision denying a Standard
-13- LRB093 10614 NHT 12314 a
1 Teaching Certificate. Any decision denying issuance of a
2 Standard Teaching Certificate to a person may be appealed to
3 the State Teacher Certification Board.
4 (6) The State Board of Education, in consultation with
5 the State Teacher Certification Board, may adopt rules to
6 implement this subsection (c) and may periodically evaluate
7 any of the methods of qualifying for a Standard Teaching
8 Certificate described in this subsection (c).
9 (d) Master Certificate. Persons who have successfully
10 achieved National Board certification through the National
11 Board for Professional Teaching Standards shall be issued a
12 Master Certificate, valid for 10 years and renewable
13 thereafter every 10 years through compliance with
14 requirements set forth by the State Board of Education, in
15 consultation with the State Teacher Certification Board.
16 However, each teacher who holds a Master Certificate shall be
17 eligible for a teaching position in this State in the areas
18 for which he or she holds a Master Certificate without
19 satisfying any other requirements of this Code, except for
20 those requirements pertaining to criminal background checks.
21 A teacher who holds a Master Certificate shall be deemed to
22 meet State certification renewal requirements in the area or
23 areas for which he or she holds a Master Certificate for the
24 10-year term of the teacher's Master Certificate.
25 (Source: P.A. 91-102, eff. 7-12-99; 91-606, eff. 8-16-99;
26 91-609, eff. 1-1-00; 92-16, eff. 6-28-01; 92-796, eff.
27 8-10-02.)".
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