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LRB093 11083 LCB 13096 a
2 AMENDMENT NO. . Amend House Bill 3229 on page 2, by
3 deleting lines 10 through 16; and
4 on page 2, line 17, by replacing "(9)" with "(8)"; and
5 on page 2, line 22, by replacing "(10)" with "(9)"; and
6 on page 2, line 27, by replacing "(11)" with "(10)"; and
7 on page 2, line 30, by replacing "(12)" with "(11)"; and
8 on page 2, line 32, by replacing "(13)" with "(12)"; and
9 on page 3, after line 14, by inserting the following:
10 ""Primary prevention" means removing lead hazards before
11 a child is poisoned rather than relying on identification of
12 a lead poisoned child as the triggering event."; and
13 on page 3, by replacing line 16 with "advise the Department
14 on lead poisoning prevention activities. The"; and
15 on page 3, line 18, after "designee", by inserting "and the
16 chair of the Illinois Lead Safe Housing Task Force"; and
17 on page 4, after line 2, by inserting the following:
18 "(5) Two representatives from community based
19 organizations in communities with a concentration of high
-2- LRB093 11083 LCB 13096 a
1 risk lead contaminated properties. High-risk communities
2 shall be identified based upon the prevalence of
3 low-income families whose children are lead poisoned and
4 the age of the housing stock."; and
5 on page 4, line 3, by replacing "(5)" with "(6)"; and
6 on page 4, by deleting lines 8 through 13; and
7 on page 4, line 14, by replacing "6" with "9"; and
8 on page 4, by replacing lines 15 through 23 with the
9 following:
10 "shall submit a written report to the Governor and the
11 General Assembly on:
12 (1) developing a primary prevention program for
13 addressing lead poisoning;
14 (2) developing a sufficient pool of lead abatement
15 workers and contractors;
16 (3) targeting blood lead screening to children
17 residing in high-risk buildings and neighborhoods;
18 (4) ensuring lead-safe work practices in all
19 remodeling, rehabilitation, and weatherization work;
20 (5) funding mechanisms to assist residential
21 property owners in costs of lead abatement and
22 mitigation;
23 (6) providing insurance subsidies to licensed lead
24 abatement contractors who target their work to high-risk
25 communities; and
26 (7) developing any necessary legislation or
27 rulemaking to improve the effectiveness of State and
28 local programs in lead abatement and other prevention and
29 control activities."; and
30 on page 4, line 24, after "handbooks", by inserting "and
31 training"; and
-3- LRB093 11083 LCB 13096 a
1 on page 4, by deleting lines 31 through 34; and
2 by deleting page 5.
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