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LRB093 06483 LRD 12193 a
2 AMENDMENT NO. . Amend House Bill 2587 by replacing
3 the title with the following:
4 "AN ACT concerning the Department of Transportation.";
5 and
6 by replacing everything after the enacting clause with the
7 following:
8 "Section 5. The Department of Transportation Law of the
9 Civil Administrative Code of Illinois is amended by adding
10 Section 2705-321 as follows:
11 (20 ILCS 2705/2705-321 new)
12 Sec. 2705-321. Illinois Transit Ridership and Economic
13 Development (TRED) Pilot Project Program; new facilities and
14 service.
15 (a) The Department of Transportation shall establish the
16 Illinois Transit Ridership and Economic Development (TRED)
17 Pilot Project Program to build transit systems that more
18 effectively address the needs of Illinois workers, families,
19 and businesses. The Illinois TRED Pilot Project Program shall
20 provide for new or expanded mass transportation service and
-2- LRB093 06483 LRD 12193 a
1 facilities, including rapid transit, rail, bus, and other
2 equipment used in connection with mass transit, by the State,
3 a public entity, or 2 or more of these entities authorized to
4 provide and promote public transportation in order to
5 increase the level of service available in local communities,
6 as well as improve the quality of life and economic viability
7 of the State of Illinois.
8 The Illinois TRED Pilot Project Program expenditures for
9 mass transportation service and facilities within the State
10 must:
11 (1) Improve the economic viability of Illinois by
12 facilitating the transportation of Illinois residents to
13 places of employment, to educational facilities, and to
14 commercial, medical, and shopping districts.
15 (2) Increase the frequency and reliability of
16 public transit service.
17 (3) Facilitate the movement of all persons,
18 including those persons who, because of age, economic
19 circumstance, or physical infirmity, are unable to drive.
20 (4) Contribute to an improved environment through
21 the reduction of air, water, and noise pollution.
22 (b) Under the Illinois TRED Pilot Project Program, the
23 Department shall fund in fiscal year 2004, in coordination
24 and consultation with other government agencies that provide
25 or fund transportation services, the Illinois Public
26 Transportation Association, and transit advocates, projects
27 as specified in subsection (c). Total funding for each
28 project shall not exceed $500,000 and the funding for all
29 projects shall not exceed $3,000,000. The Department shall
30 submit annual reports to the General Assembly by March 1 of
31 each fiscal year regarding the status of these projects,
32 including service to constituents including local businesses,
33 seniors, and people with disabilities, costs, and other
34 appropriate measures of impact.
-3- LRB093 06483 LRD 12193 a
1 (c) The Department shall make grants to create:
2 (1) The Altgeld Gardens - Ford Supplier Park
3 Rush-hour service, which shall provide rush-hour-only
4 service (6:00 AM to 10:00 AM and 3:00 PM to 7:30 PM) that
5 shall start at 130th Street and State Street and go
6 directly to Altgeld Gardens (stopping at the store in the
7 center of Altgeld Gardens), then leave Altgeld Gardens
8 and go directly to the Ford supplier park on 130th
9 Street, then to 130th and Torrence Avenue (the Ford
10 production plant), then north on Torrence Avenue with at
11 least one stop close to Washington High School, then to
12 the shopping plaza at 95th Street and Stony Island. After
13 completing its route, the bus shall turn around and go
14 back on the same route. Service shall be every 20
15 minutes.
16 (2) The Pilsen/Lawndale Demonstration Project,
17 which consists of the following:
18 (A) Pilsen Commercial route, which shall
19 create weekday bus service to support the 16th and
20 18th street commercial district. Service shall begin
21 at Cicero and Cermak and proceed along 16th Street
22 and then 18th Street to Michigan Ave. This service
23 shall run on weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
24 and then from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.
25 (B) Lawndale-to-the-Loop Rush hour express
26 route, which shall create an extended rush-hour-only
27 express service (4:00 a.m to 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
28 to 10:00 p.m.), starting at Pulaski and Cermak and
29 traveling along Ogden and Polk with limited stops
30 between Pulaski, the Medical District, and the
31 Chicago Loop.
32 (3) The Intertownship Transportation Program for
33 Northwest Suburban Cook County, which shall complement
34 existing Pace service and involve cooperation of several
-4- LRB093 06483 LRD 12193 a
1 townships to provide transportation services for senior
2 and disabled residents across village and township
3 boundaries that is currently not provided by Pace and by
4 individual townships and municipalities.
5 (4) RIDES transit services to Richland and Lawrence
6 Counties to extend transit services into Richland and
7 Lawrence Counties and enhance service in Wayne, Edwards,
8 and Wabash Counties that share common travel patterns and
9 needs with Lawrence and Richland counties. Funding shall
10 be used to develop a route structure that shall
11 coordinate social service and general public requirements
12 and obtain vehicles to support the additional service.
13 (5) Peoria Regional Transportation Initiative,
14 which shall fund the development of a plan to create a
15 regional transportation service in the Peoria-Pekin MSA
16 that integrates and expands the existing services and
17 that would allow local leaders to develop a funding plan
18 and a timetable to secure final political approval. The
19 plan is intended to facilitate regional economic
20 development and provide greater mobility to workers,
21 senior citizens, and people with disabilities.
22 (6) Rock Island MetroLINK/Black Hawk College
23 Coordination Project, which shall provide a deeply
24 discounted, semester-based bus pass for unlimited travel
25 on any MetroLINK bus route to students and faculty at
26 local community colleges to increase ridership on the
27 metropolitan bus system and better link community college
28 students with transportation alternatives.
29 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
30 becoming law.".
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